Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Planet Earth: Version 2

The owners of the US Corporation and stage managers of the fake Biden presidency appear doomed after their $150 trillion plan to stave off bankruptcy was rejected by the Chinese. The West now faces a period of extreme turbulence as the cabal fights to survive before their bankruptcy becomes official in early December, MI6 and Asian secret society sources say.

However, Asian and Western secret societies have already agreed in principle to a plan for what happens after the cabal is removed. The plan presented to the Pentagon, the British Commonwealth, the Asian Elders and the Russians is as follows:

The United States Corporation is bankrupt. The Federal Reserve Board of St. Louis and others say it has over $200 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities. The debt has risen exponentially over the past several years. Attempts to kick the can down the road are mathematically doomed. The only choice is a formal declaration of bankruptcy. When a corporation goes bankrupt, even a big corporation, new management is brought in to take over the still viable parts of the bankrupt entity.

However, in this case, we are dealing not only with the bankruptcy of the USA. We are dealing with the bankruptcy of mostly European aristocratic families who own the UN, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank etc. This means a viable alternative needs to be put in place to take over the top management of all of these entities.

Let us consider the UN. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council are the USA, Russia, The UK, France and China. Only one of these nations is not Western. Therefore, we propose creating a new security council comprised of representatives from each of the following seven regions: Africa, the Americas (North and South), Asia and Australasia excluding China, China, Europe including Russia, India and the Islamic world.

Decisions would be made by majority vote and vetoes would only apply to the regions vetoing. A special veto-holding role for first nations and elders is also envisaged.

This body would only take on issues affecting the planet as a whole. Existing nation-states would continue more or less as at present.

The seven-member world council would also preside over a world future planning organization (with seven regional offices) that would take on world-improving projects too large for individual nation-states to carry out. These would include such things as ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction, replenishing the oceans, increasing total world biomass and colonizing the universe.

The functioning and viable parts of existing global and regional organizations would be incorporated into this new structure.

As far as the United States is concerned, a new entity, based outside of Washington DC (perhaps Idaho, the geographic center of North America) would take on a caretaker role to keep the vital parts of the current US regime (police, air traffic control, the military. hospitals etc.) running.

In this scenario, the US and Canadian militaries would use the emergency broadcasting system and existing media networks to inform the population about the bankruptcy of the USA corporation. They would explain that both the bankruptcy and the fact civilian governments in Canada and the USA had been taken over by gangsters were the reasons for the emergency declaration. An interim regime would be run by the military and selected personnel from existing government and corporate entities to preside over the re-establishment of viable democracy, free press and meritocracy. Everything would be done in a completely transparent manner with constant feedback from the people.

The interim regime would not be liable for the debts of the bankrupt corporation.

At a later date, a union with Latin America would also be negotiated.

As for Europe, the 47 nation Council of Europe would be used as the basis for a new sort of regional union to be negotiated by the nations involved. Russia and NATO would provide military guarantees.

The other regions mentioned above would make their own decisions about how to proceed.

This proposal has been accepted as the basis for detailed negotiations to be worked out by leaders in the coming months, according to MI6, the P3 Freemasons, and Asian secret societies.

Adapted from Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political Report, October 18, 2021

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