Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The 12/21/2021 Portal


All of the major energetic waves from the center of the galaxy culminate today. The light striking the Earth will be felt at the core of all beings. During the year-end gateway between December 12 and today's Solstice, we are blessed with an extraordinary plasma light infusion of solar power emanating from the spinning galactic vortex. The energy is greatly magnified during this window of time... a most powerful time to set new visions and intentions for 2022.

The cosmic gateways guide our journey into the New Earth Timeline. Today, the Solstice occurs when the sun ‘stands still’ between light and dark. It is a day of zero point energy, the stillness between our past and our future. The galactic Solstice spotlight reveals our path home.

The light continues to intensify, the Earth and humanity reaching a new energetic peak. This gateway amplifies an upswing of incoming Ascension energies that are transforming the human field, the electrical system, the light body, conscious mind, emotional intelligence and heart magnetism.

Today, 12 and 21 are mirror opposites bringing all into union, into balance, into Oneness! It is the balance point of all creation. It only happens once a year, when the Solstice gateway opens a direct path to the Great Central Sun, located at 26° Sagittarius.…it opens a Cosmic Portal to zero point energy at the galactic center. It is also the day the Sun enters Capricorn, an earth sign, initiating a change in seasons.

It is a time to rejoice, for this may be a wake up call. Even those most asleep, won’t be able to help but notice the shift wherever they look. Now, they can choose to make of this whatever they wish. If just for one second they allow their mind to wonder about this process and what has been unfolding, that will be enough to trigger a new process in their beingness, towards a higher awakening.

These higher waves of light will amplify people’s curiosity. This will be the start of a new journey for many.

One cannot emphasize enough how important it is to go within. Spend time alone, in nature, get in touch with the Divine in You. You hold the keys to the Universe’s secrets. It is time to remember who you truly are. This may sound bitter, but the truth is it does not matter how any one else sees you. It does not matter how angels view you, and other higher dimensional beings, or even Creator for that matter... because no one outside of you can change you. So if you see yourself as a weak, miserable, unworthy being, that is what you will remain. However, you can begin to awaken, give yourself another chance, believe in yourself. Turn to the light within, realize your true divinity, your godliness through self love; you will have forged a new path for yourself and a brighter future.

The light of the Divine rests within you. The purity, the wisdom, the love, all rests within you in this now moment. Claim your power, and go forward in leaps and bounds into 2022. Use this energy of the 12/21/2021 portal, and uplift yourself into a new reality. You are bound by nothing. Allow this portal to be the New Year for you... a new beginning where you begin to walk as the master that you are. You have done this many times before. You only need to REMEMBER.

Adapted from features by Kejraj and Meg Benedicte at EraofLight.com on December 18, 2021

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