Monday, June 5, 2023

Fats and Oils

When you sit in the sun and get a tan, you are being bombarded by photons of pure light energy. It turns out that some 70 percent of the photons that strike your torso stay with you and actually give you more energy. We actually absorb solar energy directly... if we haven't been consuming an abundance of seed oils – corn, soy, avocado, olive, but most especially canola oil (which is hydrogenated rape seed, otherwise poisonous).

These oils when consumed with foods cooked in them slow or hinder our ability to tan by suppressing melatonin in the skin... thus, we get sunburns. Cold-pressed olive oil and avocado oil or grape seed oil are just fine as long as they haven't been super-heated through cooking. Heating a seed oil significantly changes its impact on the body, leading to overweight and reducing prostaglandins among other things. Cooked seed oils may be the greatest culprit in the nationwide 50 percent reduction in sperm production over the most recent two generations as compared to baby boomers.

There is nationwide problem of people gaining weight and not being able to shed it, even with exercise, again, because of the consumption of heated seed oils. If you eat a lot of seed oils, you will gain weight, especially if you are female.

When seed oils are heated beyond a certain temperature they turn into trans fatty acids... which are not chemically much different than amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. The body reacts as if it were getting something usable – amino acids.

Heating changes the bonds of an oil molecule, making it look like a fat. But oils are not fats. Fats have an entirely different chemical structure than oils. Oils are digestible and usable, but when heated and turned into trans fatty acids, they become much more readily absorbed than the oil itself. The longer chain molecules of the oil are broken down into shorter chained fatty acids that the body thinks are amino acids, so they are readily absorbed.

The problem is that once it is absorbed and stored as a fat in your tissues, it is stored in a form that is not readily broken down and usable for energy. Fat is a good thing. It is how we store energy that can be accessed at a later time when we don't have food to keep the body going. The trans fatty acid molecules are treated as fat for storage, but they are not fats. They are a fatty quasi proteins.

In a healthy person, what happens is that when your body needs to dig deep for energy from its fat reserves it converts real stored fats into glycogen in the liver to keep you going. But it can't convert stored fatty acids.

Each of us is born with a given number of fat clusters where fats are stored in clumps. You're never going to have more and never going to lose what you were born with. Fats and fatty acids are stored there. The body, in its wisdom, will grab a fat molecule when it needs extra energy and avoid the stored fatty acids because it is just too difficult to convert them to usable glycogen. So the stored fatty acids clumps in the fat clusters are passed over again and again as they accumulate over time... leading to the problem of obesity.

If you keep eating heated seed oils the body will keep packing your limited number of fat clusters with fatty acids, ultimately leading the body to malfunction in a serious way. The body gets plumped up with fat clusters that are doing you no good, ultimately reaching a point where it takes more energy than you can consume just to lug around all these extra fatty acids stored in the body. Once in the body the fatty acids suck up a certain amount of energy that you will never recover. No amount of exercise will remove them. So the body degenerates over time as it gets grossly obese, increasingly tracking toward bad outcomes like heart disease and diabetes... because your body is not releasing toxins.

There is a spindle within each of our muscle cells that responds to stretching and contracting. When a person's fat cells get jammed up with fatty acids, the muscule spindles won't release. Movement of the spindles starts a process of sweeping the body and releasing toxins. When a person tans they absorb photons which, in turn, reset and recharge all the spindles in the muscles to enhance the detox process at the cellular level. Tanning is not only good for health, it is essential for good health. The spindles are not able to release the toxins in obese people who store gross amounts of fatty acids. It is a double whammy.

The solution seems contrary to conventional wisdom. If you are obese, you need to eat more fats. Of course, you must stop eating heated seed oils completely. Diet change is difficult for some, but easy for others. If you are going to fry anything, use clarified butter... or bacon fat... or lard - REAL FAT, and not oil. Surprisingly, the body of an obese person can go through a reasonably fast transformation with a complete dietary change.

Eating fatty acids is an addiction. A body that gets used to storing fatty acids in its fat clusters thinks that it is starving. Your body screams at you to eat, eat, eat because it thinks it is in crisis. An obese person actually ends up craving those foods and the oils that they are cooked in that have led to their obesity.

When the body gets real fats from the diet, it deals with them entirely differently. Too many fatty acids degrades the liver, spleen, and pancreas, but eating real fats do not. A person who lives on chicken deep fried in soy oil is not going to live long. After changing diets, a person may think eating large amount of fats is going to work against their health, but the opposite will immediately begin to occur. Health “authorities” that have told us to follow a low fat diet are wrong – dead wrong. The healthiest diet should be 45% fat, 45% protein, and 10% carbohydrates to avoid unnecessary weight gain with an abundance of energy.

After replacing seed oils with fats in cooking, the body will detox itself to rid itself of stored fatty acids. This can be an unpleasant experience as the body flushes itself through the bowels, kidneys and lungs. The key to success is to not go back to old habits – not even once. Treat the situation as an addiction, read ALL ingredients, go cold turkey, and give it a good year to come full circle on a return to good health.

by Clif High in his April 26, 2023 Substack Newsletter

and from on April 30, 2023 by Ethan Huff:

Did you know that vegetable oils are one of the worst foods you can consume, especially when they are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? The latest research shows that vegetable oils bear “remarkable estrogenic properties,” meaning they feminize the bodies of people who consume them, including men.

Soybean oil, the most commonly consumed vegetable oil in the United States, is particularly noxious, triggering gene dysregulation and neurological problems. Past research has determined that soybean oil consumption impairs one’s ability to bond with others while also triggering unhealthy weight gain – not good.

In this newer research, scientists looked both at GMO and non-GMO vegetable oils such as soy and canola that are prolific throughout the conventional food supply. They discovered that in every single test subject, consumption of these oils resulted in demonstrated ovarian toxicity.

Experts from the Tehran Medical Sciences University in Iran looked specifically at the reproductive toxicity of both GMO and non-GMO vegetable oils in female Wistar rats. The impetus behind this research was to build upon earlier research proving the endocrine-disrupting effects of vegetable oils.

For their research, the team fed the rats non-GMO sunflower oil, GMO maize or corn oil, and GMO canola oil, all of which was purchased from a local market. The rats were fed these oils for 28 days followed by a battery of tests that were performed at the end of the study.

Researchers measured the animals’ serum lipid levels and sex hormones as well as performed necropsies on those that died. In the end, the team determined that regardless of which oils the animals were fed, all of them showed serious reproductive abnormalities including atrophy, or shrinking, of the ovaries, congestion, and multiple follicular cysts.

They further determined that all of the oils showed “remarkable estrogenic properties” in the animals, raising their serum estradiol (estrogen) levels substantially.

The findings add further insight into earlier ones published in 2020 showing the social dissociative properties of vegetable oil consumption, meaning they directly interfere with the normal bonding that occurs between members of the same species.

In mice, soybean oil especially was found to destroy oxytocin, also known as the bonding chemical. Since 60 percent of all oil consumed in the U.S. is soybean, could this explain the country’s bloodlust for war, conflict, and division?

In that earlier study, some of the mice were given coconut oil, which is high in saturated fat, rather than soybean oil. Those mice were just fine while the soy consumers showed signs of genetic damage in the hypothalamus.

Among the genes that were dysregulated by the soybean-oil diets were genes associated with inflammation, neuroendocrine, neurochemical, and insulin signaling, as well as the production of oxytocin, an important hormone,” wrote Conrad Scott in a piece for Herculean Strength that was republished by Infowars.

Oxytocin is involved in empathy and social bonding, as well as other important biological processes including weight gain. Many of the genes that were dysregulated by the soybean oils are also linked to neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and autism.”

Another negative impact of soybean oil consumption is the insulin resistance it creates. This explains why people who consume lots of soybean and other vegetable oils tend to be fat and muscle deficient because vegetable oils are not a nutritional food and have no business being in the food supply.

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