Sunday, June 18, 2023

Love and Fear

In order to advance to our full expression as human beings, we must learn to eliminate fear from our lives and break the paradigm of limiting belief systems. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, and we can only be part of this energy if we stay focused on it and allow it into our lives.

Love is the vibration energy of all creativity, and seeking knowledge - true knowledge - is a key element of growth. Truth and the search for it have always been the quest of humanity since the awakening of intellect, which is an amazing gift. One of the failings of intellect, however, is the difficulty in discerning what the truth is and what the ego determines or desires to be true. For if the ego has dominion over the interests of an individual, or group for that matter, then truth will always be suppressed if it does not serve the interests of the ego.

A fully aware individual who follows the interests of a heart- or love-centered intellect would never allow ego to control the intellect. Love will always be attracted to truth, and the ego will use fear to do its bidding, which is to be the dominant controller of the mind. We are not our egos, and they should never become the master, but if we allow them to assume control, we will never advance to our full potential as spiritual beings having a human experience, but instead will have a human experience with only brief glimpses of our spiritual beings.

Although the ego is important to the formation of our character in the early formative years of our development, many people never advance beyond ego. The ego controls and is controlled through fear. To break away from fear, we must become aware of the ego’s need to embrace and use fear for control of the intellect and suppression of the heart, where truth and love are recognized.

Everything in creation is vibrational energy. Love is an energy that attracts; when you receive love, you want more, and you move to an energy vibration where you can attract more of it.

Fear is a vibration that repels; when you see or feel fear, you want to get away from it as fast as possible. You do not want to attract more of that which revolts you or inhibits your development as a spiritual, seeking being of the light. Fear is none of these things, and to live in fear is to not have the beauty of the light that is available for our use.

Fear is darkness, horror, dread, panic, anxiety, anger, hate, and the opposite of all that is positive and good in the world. To focus on fear or one of its forms is to invite them into your existence, and until the moment comes when you direct your intention toward that which is love, you will continue to live in fear.

Love is light, beauty, truth, order, purpose, and all that is the opposite of fear and its many manifestations. To attract love, you must think, feel, and do love. Every spiritual master that has come forward to teach us greater truths has taught that love is the greatest key to self-mastery. Love of self, love of others, and love me in contact with.

When most people think of love, they think of the emotionof all things you coal aspect or the feelings that you get when focused on something or someone outside of yourself. But to project love, you must first feel love within yourself. We are told in nearly every religion that we are all God’s children. So for

us to focus on loving ourselves, we are experiencing that part of ourselves that is like divinity.

Love is an energy that transcends everything in existence in our world. To feel or project love is to be a part of this God energy called love, which, when felt or projected, is doing or being a part of God’s will.

Buddha said, “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

Yeshua ben Joseph said, “Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence. Love others as well as you love yourself.”

The Prophet Muhammad said, “Allah is compassionate and loves compassion in all things.”

I do not believe that God ever wanted man to have fear. Why would an omnipotent and omniscient Being possibly want to instill fear? Fear is a manmade idea used for manipulation, control, and power. These are not the qualities of a loving energy that pervades the entire universe.

I believe that if more people realized that they are part of the infinite source of all creation and that they have direct access to this power at any moment in time, we could inspire change as a collective much more rapidly. In most cultures, we are taught throughout virtually all areas of society, be it religion, education, judiciary, politics, family, etc., that we need to focus on allowing outside forces to take care of us. We are repeatedly told that we must give all our power to an outside force if we are to be successful and be taken care of. While I believe that all the above systems are necessary and beneficial, surrendering all of our power to them unquestioningly can lead to an eventual misuse of the power we have given them.

What is our power? Our power is in our word, in our connection to the Creator, in our desire, in our ability to think and imagine. We can use any of these individually to create, or we use them all at the same time. To lose one of them is a tragedy; to lose them all is to surrender spiritual growth and become a slave.

Why is it that so many great people end up being killed, tortured, imprisoned, maligned, or marginalized? It is because we have given up our power and then allowed others to control us through fear to the point that we become imprisoned in someone else’s ideas of what is great. We have the power to think, speak our word and question, imagine something better, desire something greater, and, through our connection with the divine, we can attract and manifest it into our lives. As a group with the same ideals, we can manifest a new world. We can collectively create a world of peace, joy, and love for all, but we must use our power because we have free will, and if we just sit by and watch, then someone else will use it to create the world they want to create, and it may not be the one we want.

It can be done with love and a desire to help others. If most of the people want peace, joy, and love, then I can work with that and magnify it and create a bubble of energy that vibrates that desired intention. It only takes a little imagination to begin to create a better world, and anyone can have an influence.

from Chapter 12 of The Intuitive Warrior by Michael Jaco

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