Monday, February 5, 2024

Breaking Free From the Matrix

Just for a moment, believe that this is a simulated game that we live in – a hologram, a high-tech simulation. The question then becomes, how do we break free and unlock the tools within to manifest whatever it is we want to come into our lives? If you are reacting to the 3D world as if it is real, then it will continue to be real. The more you realize it is all a simulation, however, the less you will react.

The world is all being projected from inside of you outward, based on your own imagination and inner dialogue and what is going on and everything you believe to be true about your world. Knowing this, why would you react negatively to anything in your world? Why are you getting upset about anything happening to you? If you learn to be indifferent to results or outcomes, your 3D world will shift in a matter of time based upon what you believe to be true of your world.

What you consent to be true about your world is what is going to accelerate your manifestation. When you come to understand that the world is just a simulation it begins to unlock the potential for things to manifest into your visible world very very quickly.

If you take this to be true, that the world is all one big simulation, then take what you believe to be true about the world and change it. Before you visualize, before you affirm, before you script, go into a meditation and focus on the fact that the world is indeed a simulation whose manifestation is wholly dependent upon whatever it is you believe.

If you have not been able to manifest the things you want in your life, it is because you have blocked your desires by believing and consenting in a solid world that requires things to happen before you get what you desire. You may be blocking your own potential by things that happened long in the past. When you come to understand that those past happenings are not really real and that they do not have power over you, you begin to detach from the matrix. Why are you allowing these things from the past to affect you today if they never really happened? The past is not really real.

The ONLY thing to focus on is the feeling of the desire that you wish to be fulfilled, not on something from the past, which not real. Reacting to anything else only leads to the re-creation of those same things happening again and again in your exterior visible world. When you become emotionally charged about something in your simulation, then it will be created again from within you into the present moment.

If you can re-create things in your world just by reacting to them, that alone should tell you that it is not real. There is no good reason to want to experince those things again.

If you are living in a simulation, then remember that everything can be much better. It can be the way that you want it to be once you begin to redirect your focused attention upon the wish fulfilled rather than reacting to dramatic events of the past.

DO NOT REACT TO NEGATIVE THINGS IN YOUR WORLD. FOCUS ON YOUR WISH FULFILLED. If you continue to react to negative things witnessed in the present, remember that you are recreating those same events on and on. Instead, project that EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING FOR YOUR BENEFIT. When you do that, the simulation will respond in kind. The simulation will then create the world that you want to be living in. The world that you think you are living in, the world that you are not reacting to, will be the world you leave behind.

The inception point for this simulation and how it operates is the time when you fall asleep at night. Who are you when you fall asleep at night? That is who the simulation reacts to. If you are emotionally charged about traumatic events and all the bad things that the simulation has shown you today when you go to sleep at night, then you are going to fall asleep with that concept of self and you are going to be reliving those same things in your imagination.


FALL ASLEEP EVERY SINGLE NIGHT AS IF EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT FOR YOU BEAUTIFULLY. You can say this when you go to sleep at night: “Everything is working out perfectly. My life is perfect. Isn't it wonderful. Isn't it amazing.” Capture these feelings as you fall asleep and do something that makes you feel as if your life is indeed perfect. Whatever you do in your imagination as you are falling asleep, the simulation is going to emulate. It is going to create something in your world that is going to make you feel that same way. It's going to produce that inner feeling that you have on the outside world to make you feel that same way. When it happens, you are going to know that everything in your life is indeed perfect.

Remember that your simulation is going to react to whatever you fall asleep with. Remember this every single night to live the life of your dreams and to create a world that you absolutely love... because it shall be the world that YOU created.

transcribed from the Elmer O. Locker, Jr. YouTube channel by his grandson David

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