Friday, February 16, 2024

Shifting the Collective Consciousness

You can go and find a quiet place and meditate and make a huge difference in the overall collective consciousness of humanity. You can listen to your heart and go do something that brings you joy, and you will also be up-leveling the vibration of the human collective.

Focus on vibration rather than on what’s wrong with society today. As soon as you start focusing on what’s wrong with the way things are today on planet Earth, then inevitably you have to look for the source of those problems, and that puts you in a position where you are pointing fingers. And if you are pointing fingers, you are stuck in us-versus-them mode, and when you are there you are not in a high vibration. Therefore, you must be able to see something that you know is not a part of the Earth and the society that you want to be a part of, and you must be able to send healing, love, and compassion to all who are involved, and then focus on the Earth and the version of the human collective that you do want to harmonize with vibrationally. It is possible to do this every single time you become aware of a problem, an issue, a challenge, in your life as well.

All you are living is nudging you in the direction of what you want to be living. It is up to you. You can stay where you are, look for all the villains, all the culprits, and fight them to the death, or you can forgive them, recognize that they are hurting in some way and need love and compassion. You can be the one who sends the healing to the person who needs it the most, and then you can focus on what it is you’d rather be seeing in your society, in your fellow humans, and even in yourself, as you must recognize that if you see it in someone else, then it must also exist within you. That is the blueprint, that is the map that gets you to the new Earth you have all co-created.

Everything that has ever been there on Earth has been for the purpose of experience, and not all experiences have been positive to say the least. But all of those possibilities needed to exist for every single soul to get a taste of what they wanted out of the Earth experience. What you are meant to do in your lifetimes is to gradually come to peace with the way everything is there on Earth. You are supposed to accept everything as it is and change you.

You are meant to transform, and when you do transform, you get to experience a new Earth, a different Earth, an Earth with less polarity, less trauma and tragedy, more unity, harmony, peace, love, joy, and excitement. But the path to getting to that Earth is through this one that you are currently experiencing, where there is hate, violence, war, bigotry, discrimination, and so on and so on.

You make a difference there on Earth by changing yourself, and it really is that simple. You are the changemakers, but you are the change you are making. You are the wayshowers, and you will show others the way to the new Earth is through accepting, loving, and making peace with the current Earth you inhabit.

Now, does that mean there is nothing for you to do in order to make a difference there on Earth? Absolutely not. There is plenty for you to do. You can spread this level of consciousness around. You can help others to come to that place of spiritual mastery where they understand that everything is to be accepted and nothing is to be resisted, that everything was created on purpose and serves a greater purpose.

And in the process of experiencing the Earth and the Earth experience as they are, you are at the same time co-creating the new Earth. You are deciding what would be better without resisting what is now the way it is. It is a tricky assignment for sure and difficult for most people to understand, but it is your mission to become your higher self, the self that sees all, knows all, accepts and loves all, and you are getting there gradually, experience by experience and moment of surrender by moment of surrender.

You will know you are done with this Earth and this experience because you will love it all, and you will see everyone as Source, and then you will access the doorway to the fifth dimension and the new Earth, and that will be a glorious moment indeed.

You are meant to experience the ride, the journey, and the steps forward that you take in your conscious spiritual evolution. You are meant to not only take those steps, but to experience them as incremental movements forward in your consciousness. In other words, you want to experience the slow and deliberate path to the fifth dimension, whether you realize it or not. Now, here is something else that is very true. You get to experience your gradual evolution in consciousness in every moment of every day. You are faced with choices all the time that are about you either clinging to some aspect of the third dimension, or letting go and letting yourself rise up to a fifth-dimensional level of consciousness.

Ascension is about you becoming the better version of yourself, the one that is more aligned with your true nature as unconditional love. As you become the next highest version of yourself on this path, you do so deliberately, and that is an amazing experience. You get to have one amazing experience of your spiritual evolution after another, and that is something worth celebrating. That is something worth feeling very good about right now.

Let go of your timeframes, and just be in the present moment with this version of you that’s being given yet another opportunity to evolve spiritually and consciously. That is the best experience you can have right now. Make that choice, and do not wait for something outside of you to occur so that you can feel better about your now moment. Bring Heaven to Earth. Bring your galactic energies down into the physical realm and into your bodies and feel yourselves expanding as you do, and you will be your fifth-dimensional selves right now, and you will show others the way.

You are shifting, not only to another dimension, but you are also shifting the way you see yourselves, others, Earth, Source, and every reality that you encounter. When you make those choices that feel better to you, the really great result of that is that you live a better life. And as you live a better life, others want to know what your secret is, and they want to follow in your footsteps. Others want to know what you know, and they will ask you, and you will tell them, and it might not sink in the first time. They might look at you with doubt in their eyes at first. But eventually, they will come around, and they will realize that you are telling them that they hold the keys to the kingdom, and they will want to know how to apply the knowledge that you give them.

This is the journey that you are all on as the awakened collective. And this is what you are there to teach others, and this is how you lead others to their path of greatest ease to the fifth dimension. It is just that simple, you see. It is not more complicated than that, and no matter how much your minds like a complicated story, it will always be as simple and easy as choosing love. And as love, which is what you are, the choice is a no-brainer.

You are at the very center of the evolution of consciousness within this universe, and it would be so much better for you to acknowledge yourselves than to be perpetually humble. You are taking humanity to the next level of consciousness as the leaders, as the Awakened Collective. Do not sell yourselves short. This is a beautiful time and a powerful time for you all to get focused on those massive changes you want to see in your lives and in the outside world, because as soon as you acknowledge that you have changed dramatically in this lifetime, you can start to see that reflection outside of you. It will not be all at once; you will not be bowled over by the changes, but you will start to notice them in greater detail. And you will start to experience them in your day-to-day lives.

You are not on a path to joy and joyous experiences and circumstances, but rather the path is created with joy, and when you are in joy you stay on the path. You continue to make the journey forward, a journey that you are destined to be on. You have so much that you have yet to experience on that Earth in those physical bodies. You don’t just have to wait until you are on the fifth-dimensional Earth with a light body. That is not the only time for you to be in a state of joy, to be surrounded by love. That is not the only time when you will experience ultimate freedom, wisdom and confidence. All of those vibrations are available to you right now.

This is why we encourage you to get out and enjoy Mother Earth and Mother Nature. We know that they put you at ease and that you are more likely to open up when you get away from all the thought forms and all the energies in your homes. We encourage you to let all of this sink in, and then let all of the help that is coming your way enter into your energy field, your chakras, your cells and your DNA, and you will feel transformed in the moment that you do.

channeled by Daniel Scranton in Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Vol 5, pp. 12, 17-31

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