Saturday, February 17, 2024

Making Peace With the Way Things Are

Nietzsche was the one who did the job for me. At a certain moment in his life, the idea came to him of what he called 'the love of your fate.' Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, you say, 'This is what I need.' It may look like a wreck, but go at it as though it were an opportunity, a challenge. If you bring love to that moment - not discouragement - you will find the strength is there. Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life. What a privilege! This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow.

Then, when looking back at your life, you will see that the moments which seemed to be great failures followed by wreckage were the incidents that shaped the life you have now. You’ll see that this is really true. Nothing can happen to you that is not positive. Even though it looks and feels at the moment like a negative crisis, it is not. The crisis throws you back, and when you are required to exhibit strength, it comes.

~Joseph Campbell from Reflections on the Art of Living

Those of you who are playing the role of the light-bearers in this lifetime have played the role of one in the dark, and those who are on the darker side of the spectrum have in other lifetimes been on the lighter side of the spectrum. Therefore, the only thing that is missing, the only thing that you don’t have enough of there on Earth is Love. You need to love yourselves enough to know that you are worthy of ascension. You need to access enough unconditional love to forgive those who have wronged you and wronged others, and then you can all ascend together.

We have said this before, but it bears repeating; your ascension will never be about the light defeating the dark. The ones who are playing the roles of the villains at this time are there to give you all the opportunity to know yourselves as unconditional love, to know yourselves as Source, to know what it feels like to really forgive someone. You get to be the light in the face of darkness, and you get to determine for yourselves that being the light is what you prefer. But that’s not the narrative that you see very much of in the new age community, and that’s what you need to rise above if you are going to be the leaders that you truly are.

If you are going to bring the healing energy that we know you can, then you have to rise above the whole idea of white hats and black hats, good and evil, and all of the other polarities that you see people writing about and talking about. You are there to embrace every aspect of yourself first, and anything you see outside of yourself is a part of you, just as much as it is outside of you and represented by that person, or that belief, or that heinous act. The way to be who you really are is to be heart-centered, to let go of grudges, resentment, hate, and everything else that weighs you down. The path to the fifth dimension is about taking the high road. It’s about being the best version of yourselves, and you are the best version of yourselves when you are in forgiveness, not judgment and not condemnation.

Every single person who becomes aware of darkness must acknowledge that the darkness exists within them as well and that it is coming up and triggering that person because there is some healing and some forgiveness that is still needed within that individual. You can’t just lock them all up and be done with it, because the consciousness that created those circumstances will still exist, and you are there to elevate the level of consciousness there on Earth, and all of that begins by doing it within yourself. You are the point from which everything is being created and experienced. Therefore, it must be up to you to change, and when you see something out there that you don’t like, turn the lens on yourself and ask yourself how you can do better, how you can become more of who you really are as a being of unconditional love.

Shine your light because you are light. Love because you are love. And do what you know is right because it feels right when you do it, not because you are trying to prove that you are service-to-others, rather than service-to-self oriented. You are the ones who are there to make the big difference that is needed on your world and in your human collective consciousness, and if you resonate with this transmission, then you are right on track to lead humanity with ease, with joy, and with grace into the fifth dimension.

There is a lot that you still have yet to experience as fourth-dimensional beings, which is why you are still there. As you embrace every experience as it comes your way, you make it easier for yourselves to ascend. And anything that you resist you will need to continue to experience until you make peace with it.

Can you make peace with everything in your life and all the people in your life? Can you make peace with the world and everything that’s happening in the world? Can you make peace with the fact that other people think and believe differently than you do?

That is your work. You know when you are not at peace because of your thoughts, your feelings, and your judgments; those are your clues as to what you have to work on next. As soon as you find yourself asking someone else to change for you, that’s when you know that you haven’t made peace with this person and how they are and what they are saying, thinking and feeling.

How do you get to that place? First of all, it is very good for you to acknowledge that everything serves a purpose just as it is. It is very good for you to acknowledge that everything is serving Source just as it is. If Source approves of everything as it is and everyone as they are, and your ascension is about going home to Source and becoming one with Source, which it is, then you must be seeking to understand how it all is perfect just as it is.

If everything is Source and everything is happening within Source, then how could anything be going wrong? How could you be headed for a huge cataclysm that would annihilate everyone and everything? Remember that everything is in perfect order and that your only job is to be yourself. You complete the puzzle of Source by being you, because no one else can be you except you, and all parts are needed. All pieces of the puzzle are required in order to complete the puzzle. That’s what we are all doing, no matter where we are, no matter which dimension we inhabit. When you realize that all you have to do is be at peace with everything and be yourself, ascension gets so much easier and your life gets so much simpler and potentially more enjoyable. And if you can have a smooth, easy, and enjoyable ride to the fifth dimension, then you must be doing everything right.

For those of you who are already awake, you really need to see everything that is happening on planet Earth as a co-creation whose purpose it is to get more people to come together in the acknowledgement that you are all one as a human race. It is important for you to see everything through that lens.

The first thing you must do when it comes to the world at large and when it comes to your personal lives is accept everything as it is just as it is, and acknowledge that it is your creation. Next, you have to be willing to notice when you go back into resistance to it, no matter what it is, and just let go. Practice more letting go.

Next, you have to look for how it is the current set of circumstances serves you. That doesn’t mean that you have to figure out how it all came to be. You don’t have to unravel the giant, tangled ball of yarn. You just have to look at it as it is and say, ‘This must serve me somehow, and I am open to understanding exactly how it does.’ And when you are open to receiving that piece of information that tells you how it serves you, you are more likely to receive it.

Ultimately, there’s going to be something you need to heal, forgive, release, or have compassion for in the set of circumstances you are facing. Once you get to that place, you have to keep making the choice to rise above the pettiness of the ego and be your Source Energy Self in thought, word and action. When you do so, you will feel such relief because you will have risen above the level of consciousness that many operate at for entire lifetimes. You will feel more one with all; you will feel more connected to all others in the universe and to Source. And then you will be able to live happily ever after because nothing will be able to bring you down.

Remember that love is all there is, and everything else is an illusion, and that you are Source Energy Beings pretending to be human. When you remember that, it becomes easier to be the fifth-dimensional being you always intended to be in this lifetime.

channeled by Daniel Scranton in Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Vol 5, pp. 34-41, 99

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