Thursday, May 30, 2024

Arcturian Message to Humanity 20240519

Welcome dear seekers and readers. The world has become an intense and frightening place for many. As the flow of high frequency energy expands it is serving to expose and manifest dense energies that have long been simply ignored or covered up both personally and globally. There are a few who feel empowered by these energies and are choosing to act on them rather than allowing them to simply move through and clear.

Earth's recent solar flares are manifestations of the increasing presence of the high resonating frequencies now integrating physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in every person. At the same these high frequencies are opening many more eyes to concepts of separation that have long been accepted as being right and normal.

Many of you are experiencing episodes of depression, anxiety, anger, sadness, and doubt that seem to come from nowhere. You may find yourself looking back at the past with longing or you may be becoming more judgmental and negative. These are all old energies flowing though as they clear. You are personally and collectively clearing centuries of living fully from a consciousness of separation. These emotions were often necessary for survival and as a result are now firmly established in almost everyone's consciousness as being normal and real. Do not claim them as yours.

Thoughts, feelings, and emotions of a negative nature are not, never have been, and never could be yours personally. Because you are Divine Consciousness individualized, the only qualities that are ever really yours are God qualities - harmony, joy, life, intelligence, abundance, completeness, peace, etc.

Never deny the negative emotions that may arise or pretend a state of consciousness where they do not exist that you have not yet attained, but rather simply allow them to flow through while recognizing them for what they are - suggestions from the three dimensional collective. Remember, whatever you believe is being personally yours and who you are (I am sick, I am poor, I am stupid, etc. etc.) becomes yours because you are creators creating from the state of your consciousness.

There are times when you must deal with issues that come from living in third dimensional energy. Without guilt or a sense of spiritual failure when you have a problem of some sort, allow intuition to guide you to whatever human footsteps may be appropriate. See the doctor, lawyer, or professional, but always first know the truth - that the omnipresent Divine Consciousness/God can not, does not, and never has created or manifested as anything other than the fullness of ITself.

Over lifetimes of ignorance, the creations of duality, separation, and two powers have accumulated, expanded, and solidified in earth's collective consciousness which is what human minds draw from. These ancient energies must surface and clear as the ascension process proceeds. Recognize their manifestations for what they are without endowing them with power.

Change is coming on all levels. Be prepared, always remembering that good material appearances are just as illusory as bad ones. You are going to see many generally accepted traditions of belief and practice begin to crumble. Hold fast to the truth and go within often simply to rest in oneness, listening for the still small voice that in reality is the voice of your real Self.

Because God is infinitely expressing ITs omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Self, meditation is somewhat like eavesdropping on God. It is quietly and confidently listening to the Divine consciousness within express ITself which you may or may not always be consciously aware of. Let go of any and all previous concepts about how this inner connection should manifest. It may come as a feeling or knowing, or it may seem as if nothing at all has happened but always know that every intention and action for spiritual alignment makes a connection because if God was separate from you, you would not exist.

Practice silently and secretly acknowledging the real nature/Divinity of every person, those you like and those you don't, those caught up in lives of separation, and those trying to harm others physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. This does not mean you must like them or their actions, it means that you see though the human appearance to reality. Even those who are loving and kind are not in and of themselves "good" but rather are allowing the God qualities within them to flow out.

False concepts and beliefs must first play out materially in order to be really seen and moved beyond by the majority. The three dimensional world has built a consensus consciousness that allows people to do whatever they believe they must do in order to be happy and fulfilled regardless of how it may affect others. Many commonly accepted beliefs based in separation continue to be promoted as truth by governments, some organized religions, and self serving individuals.

Never doubt that the Divine Plan is alive and well bringing about the demise of that which is quickly becoming obsolete on earth as an evolving planet - activities supported by individuals, organizations, businesses, religions, governments, and all who seek "power over" others. These things have have held mankind in bondage and ignorance of their true Self for eons. The time has come for the people of earth to wake up from a very long dream.

As part of this process, much is coming that will bring about confusion, questioning, and doubt but at the same time will awaken a sleeping majority to levels of awareness not seen on earth in a very long time. Be an observer.

Earth is a pure high resonating planet formed in and of Divine mind and cannot be destroyed or eliminated by human egos deluded with personal power and greed even though it may seem that way.

Hold the truth dear ones and be the Light you came to be. Allow the process. We are the Arcturian Group.

channeled by Marilyn Raffaele on May 19, 2024 at

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Times, They Are a Changin'

These times of raising of vibration, even though it appears as vibration is lowering across the planet, it is indeed not lowering, it is raising everywhere. Vibration is increasing. Consciousness is increasing. People are becoming aware everywhere of the dark forces and how they have done everything they can to hold vibration back everywhere keeping you in a state of low vibration, keeping you within the third dimensional illusion as much as they could, continuing as they can to hide in the shadows. But as you know, as vibration frequency increases, the shadows can no longer stay as shadows. They cannot remain that way. They must come forward into the light.

And then they shy away from the light. And you, all of you are rising into the light. And you must understand that. That as much as the cabal, the deep state, the Illuminati, as much as they want to hold you back, they cannot do so. They cannot hold the collective back. Yes.

There are those that do succumb to the darkness, but more and more are rising to the light. That is what you have to continue to understand and believe as you focus on those things that are happening in your world, in your third dimensional illusion. But as you know, you don’t become attached to them any longer. There was a time when you did become attached, when you did lament the present moment that was happening. But as you know now, being in the present moment and being in the higher vibration, you cannot hold on to that old programming any longer. It is past. It is gone. And the more that you can believe that, the more that it will be gone. It’s as if at some point you will be able to hold your hand out and materialize anything you want in that hand because you have raised your vibration high enough to be able to do so. That is your mission now at this point is to learn more and more to be in the present moment, to let go of the past. The past does not hold on to you any longer unless you allow it to. Be in the present moment.

Be in the creative manifestation stage that you are moving into as you move through this ascension process more and more and further and further along the path toward ascension, toward your full ascension. Yes, you do need to pass through this transition period, but only because you believe you need to. What if you didn’t believe you needed to pass through a transition any longer? What if you did fully believe that you could hold your hand out and manifest anything you wanted in that hand? As if you had your own inner replicator within you and could replicate anything you want just by thoughts. What if you could do that? Then there would be no need for a transition any longer. You could simply move on and move through the ascension fully. But until that point, when you are able to do so, just simply learn to be in the present moment.

Learn to let go of all attachments. For the attachments in your lives hold you back. All of the attachments hold you back. Whether they are attachments to material things or attachments to people, they all hold you back. Even attachments to your children, your family, your friends hold you back. That is not to say do not love them, but love them through the transition. Do not let them hold you back from the transition.

I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And that you continue to move forward and move beyond the old programming, the programming that no longer exists if you believe it no longer exists. And the more that you believe that, the more it will not exist. And the third dimensional illusion will simply fade away into the past, never to be brought up again.

as channeled by James McConnell at on May 18, 2024

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Realizing our Infinite Presence of Awareness

For our quality of life, we have a wide range of available options. How we experience life is our own personal choice. It is the way we realize our reality, and it can be in alignment with the consciousness of our heart. The focus of this consciousness is our physical and psychic vibratory frequency and polarity. These are expressions of our imagined fears and the love of our heart in juxtaposition of each other. Our most powerful vibratory amplitude brings our entire being into resonance with it. Because of these energetic relationships, our choices for living become our reality.

If we have a determined focus upon the light in everything, we keep ourselves inspired. We can live in gratitude, love and joy. This is a personal state of being. It is not necessarily shared with humanity and has no connection with anything outside of our own unlimited imagination. Our personal vibratory quality is our signatory in creating our perspective on life. This is the filter that defines the quality and extent of our realization. As we clear the filter, our awareness opens to the infinite essence of Being beyond spacetime.

In realizing our infinite presence of awareness, we can enter a higher frequency environment of greater love and joy. Completely without fear, this spectrum of experiences is powerfully ecstatic and irresistibly wonderful. This is an energetic world of life-enhancement of every kind. The path to this world is open to each of us through our realization of its reality. It comes into our experience when we feel and imagine ourselves living in resonance with it.

Many worlds exist in the same place and time, but they are of different polarities and frequencies and do not interact. We have choices in every moment to flow with the energetic patterns that we feel are most fulfilling. As we practice being insightful with ourselves, we can understand how we create whatever quality of experience we think about and feel ourselves participating in. When we realize that our heart-consciousness naturally guides us to pay attention to what is life-enhancing and fulfilling, we can train ourselves to recognize this immediately and then align with its resonance. We can always be in alignment with the desire of our heart, while we emit its radiance and attractive power.

from the blog of Kenneth Schmitt at on May 16, 2024

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Great Reveal and Awakening is Here




As The Reset of our Blueprints has been completed energetically and the Eternal Cosmic Spirit Body overwrites all remaining distortions and inter-FEAR-ence patterns, the New Cosmic Quantum Tree of Life and Cosmic Emerald and Crystal Diamond Rose Heart Network fully ignite in this now moment! Returning us back to the future and our New Heaven upon Earth!

Miracles are arising and being made possible through us!



And as we remember what is truly real, we also project this out onto the screen now with all limiting programming fully lifting and dissolving. Now we remember that all is based on our deepest-held expectations and beliefs!

All leaps and karmic cycles have been broken which is setting everyOne fully free from the lower limited experience of the false Matrix simulation and prison of our minds.

For us to manifest the magical realms and creations from our hearts again!

With the New Divine Organic Creatrix Field fully igniting our New Edenic bodies and Ascension Earth coming into view and made manifest!

The old is no more and fading out of view and our memories, as our true Cosmic history records are fully arising from within our own cellular memories, multidimensional DNA and the crystalline core and networks of Earth as The Tribal Shield and Sphere of Amenti is being reinstated, ignited and takes over from the false magnetic field.

The Emerald and Cosmic Heart and Dragon Awakening is here and connecting, awakening and resetting all Souls as One across space and time. With the split in time, dimensions and harmonic universes, and between the Masculine and Feminine energies, aspects and principles have been repaired for the final veil to fall now and The Real Truth to be remembered.

Past, present and future, and all beings, kingdoms and worlds have been merged as One again and our realities reset back to their Original Blueprint and Source Codes plus the all-important upgrades!

As the Godmind returns and emanates through us out into all of Creation now, we are shape-shifting our realities forever!

It will all happen in the blinking of an eye, as if overnight everything will change for good.

All part of us completing our transmigration and translocation to our New Ascension Earth coordinates and Blueprint reset and transfer of our consciousness into the Godworlds. A transfer of realities, inheritance, leadership and power!!

With ownerships having being reclaimed to the rightful, true Guardians of all new free worlds as all imposters are being fully removed and exposed, as part of The Big Reveal & Awakening of The ONE Collective Consciousness!

As the God-Self takes over our vessels, all fears dissolve along with all remaining false overlays, memories as the false akash is fully cleared and dissolved from our cellular and DNA Blueprint, along with our karmic load, and artificial Matrix simulation. As the fallen past is being forgotten, as the collective shadow and pain body fully heals along with our heart and nervous system!

All fears ultimately stem from us feeling disconnected and not atOne with God. Which is our natural state of being, our true nature, and Starborn God-Self fully remembered.

It's the God-Self returned, activated and embodied through us! As we see this reflected in all of Life everywhere around us, we can see with crystalline clarity again and project out Heaven on Earth!

What else would God do and imagine!?



For the Godmind is fully taking over the collective consciousness and crystalline clarity returns as all falls into place at last and true coherence between heart and mind returns!

We have been manifesting and aligning with a parallel version of reality and Earth, where all are fully ascended and healed, and it's accessible now as all gates have been opened!

On the 15th of May, I was shown the Divine Masculine fully rising like a phoenix from the ashes and the new green screen of the Divine Organic Creatrix Field, was put into position, as we remember and project out the best of all worlds ever experienced by us throughout our many lives lived throughout space and time.

On the 19th our Blueprints were fully reset and are being fully resurrected and ignited!

With the New Cosmic Mother and Father, as the New Divine Triple Solar Feminine and Masculine Kryst having now been fully returned and activated through us in the field, the planetary magnetic field and poles complete their shift back to the Yan-Yun Flow of the sacred Butterfly pattern, and the Krystal Lotus Flower configuration, which is us returning Eternal Life!!

As we return back to the beginning before we fell in Consciousness.

Returning back to our ancient future as if we went back to the beginning and before the fall, as we make the wrongs right and fully align ourselves with our Real Raw True Eternal Authentic God-Self!!

That's us fully home!

The feast of plenty awaits us! The land of milk and honey!

Our new normal is health, wealth, well-being, joy and happiness! It's our natural state of being.

All part of the collective debt forgiveness, THE GREAT REVEAL & AWAKENING unfolding and REACHING IT'S FINAL CRESCENDO in this moment NOW!

OUR COSMIC CELEBRATION & FAMILY REUNION IS HERE and about to take place for real in the physical, as EVERYTHING HAS ALREADY CHANGED FOR GOOD, FOR REAL, FOREVER, as we complete our final quantum leap and ascend into all new free worlds!

The Rainbow Bridge to New Earth has been fully lit for us to become the sacred vessel for God to perform miracles through us now for all to see!

Right now it ultimately doesn't matter what you've done, not done or who you believe yourself to be or not be, any identity imagined, all that truly counts is that you have learned the lessons you came here for and we all start all over again. The question is... WHO YOU ARE CHOOSING TO BE NOW?

(now that you know better)

It may not change y/our destiny but possibly y/our legacy, in some cases both. The choice is y/ours.

BIG CHOICE POINTS present for ALL, outside of time and space! All-ways NOW!!

from the FaceBook page of Ramona Lappin on May 20, 2024

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Gene Therapy for All - SOON

A British girl has had her hearing restored after becoming the first person worldwide to take part in a pioneering new gene therapy trial. This was accomplished by adding a few genes to the region of her ear.

This is just one proof of the fact we have the ability to edit our genes in any way we want. It means we can change the genes that shorten our lifespans. We can also add superpowers such as the radar abilities of a bat or the eyes of an eagle.

Until now, the controllers of the planet forbade medicine from being used to enhance people. The only thing the medical community is allowed to do is to cure illness. The result was that pharmaceutical companies were given multi-trillion-dollar incentives to create illnesses in order to make money by curing them.

The Rockefellers and other owners of the privately owned non-governmental organization WHO have created cancer, HIV and countless other diseases in order to do just that. Imagine if they could instead make trillions of dollars by enhancing humans.

The old establishment put out all sorts of lame excuses as to why we must prohibit people from enhancing their genes. They are also spurious. For example, they say it would create genetic gaps between the rich and the poor. The answer to that is to make this technology available to anyone who wants it. They say it could cause permanent genetic changes that would be passed on to children. That’s a lie because we have the ability to undo these changes if we want. The only legitimate argument they make is that we need to make sure it doesn’t have unexpected side effects. This means careful testing is needed.

Also, it will be entirely a question of free choice. For sure, just like the Amish chose to stick with 19th-century technology, many people will choose to continue to live short, genetically un-enhanced lives. That would be their choice and who knows, maybe evolution will prove them right.

However, many of us will want to become virtually immortal super-humans. My own wish is to someday be able to convert my body into something like a dolphin so that I can explore the ocean. When I am finished exploring I can revert to human form. This is literally technically possible now.

The Khazarian Mafia, owners of the WHO, had very different plans. They wanted us to become genetically unable to resist their rule. Their plans called for the murder of 90% of humanity. All the survivors (except for KM members) would be given digital IDs that would link their access to food and everything else needed for survival to an obedience (social credit) score. They also had human breeding farms in the Ukraine and elsewhere. Here human females would be kept as sex slaves until disposal at around age 25. They would give birth to infants to be tortured for adrenochrome and used as meat. They would also breed obedient super soldiers to enforce their rule.

The secret battle for the planet Earth was between these two alternative timelines for the future. One was the release of humanity to evolve as it chooses and thus start off a new Cambrian explosion. The other was the permanent enslavement of humanity at the service of a self-declared Nazi super race. The Nazis have now been comprehensively defeated.

from Benjamin Fulford on May 14, 2024, at

Saturday, May 25, 2024

May 25

Those born on May 25 are intelligent individuals endowed with creative minds. You are very confident as you are ready to stand against any kind of injustice without any fear. You have a charming mindset, which sets you apart as one of the best minds who knows how to persuade people. One thing that shows your nature is your tendency to impress people around you with your abilities. You are good at communicating your feelings to people, and you often make sure that you tell the truth and nothing but the truth. An energetic person can be hard to find, but you seem to be one of the unique individuals with energy.

Those born on May 25 are thoughtful and sensitive. You are reliable and trustworthy. You are current and always up to date as you often want to be the first one to break the news.

Those born on May 25 are powerful individuals with many positive traits. You have a unique charm that makes you different from others. You are a little flexible as compared to other people as you change your decisions easily. You are good at relating to others as a result of your great social skills. You are versatile and good at multitasking. You easily understand whatever you say and have a good understanding of people's problems. You are full of self-confidence, which enables you to stand up against any kind of injustice. You are also endowed with youthful energy. Furthermore, you often do very well in whatever position you are in. Another thing that sets you apart from others is your ability to seek knowledge and use it for your own good.

You have certain traits that are capable of nullifying your positive traits if left unchecked. You have a high tendency to become an extremely self-centered person. Apart from this, you should devise methods for how you will overcome the stress. You should not stand on your past glory as it is capable of making you proud. You are going to be most indecisive and aggressive as a result of your personality. It would help you if you learned how to keep your emotions under control and not flare up at the slightest provocation. You can also be prone to mood swings because of your volatile nature. One thing that scares people from you is your unpredictability. No one can predict what you will do or may do at any particular time. However, they should not be overly critical or sarcastic in their approach to life.

Those born on May 25 are lovely people who are loving and caring. You are going to be a wise lover who understands love and how to take care of love. You are also the kind of person who will give all of their heart to someone they love. However, it also makes you prone to heartbreak and betrayal. Moreover, you have a special way of expressing your love to the person you love because of your eloquence. You are also the kind of person who often speaks so that people around them get excited. You will go for a relationship with an unpredictable ambitious person like yourself. You will have a strong love affair with someone born on the 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 19th, 20th, 28th, and 29th.

You often go for a job that will give you satisfaction and freedom. You always want to be independent, consistent, and allowed to showcase your star-gifted talents with the job you choose. It is also the case that your communication serves as your biggest selling point as you are good at communicating with people and reaching an agreement. There is no match for your eloquence as you are always ready to speak where you think will bring money. Although you are not obsessed with financial gain, you still have a soft spot for money. You are also the kind of person who would not like to be used by anyone without any reason. You understand how difficult it is to make money; Thus, you do your best to make sure that the money made is made for you and your family alone.

Some of the health problems you may experience are things that you can take care of if you are serious about your health. You have a high level of stress, which needs to be maintained for good health. It would help if you learned that a good rest can make you relaxed or function better than any other personality. It will help if you learn to relax and get enough sleep. Also, you should not over-busy yourself in something that can give you stress and strain. Also, there is a tendency to overeat to the extent that your stomach hurts. It will help if you learn how to participate in an exercise to improve your metabolism.

Conclusion: You have an intelligent and practical personality. You are more compassionate and analytical. You can be gentle and calm and can be as fierce as the wind.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Arm Yourself in Light

I woke in the early morning hours. This was not unusual for me, but something was unusual, and that’s what woke me. A nightmare. But a nightmare in sepia colored tones—like an old movie. It was a tragedy, a scene of battle and many men were drowning. An explosion had left them thrashing and struggling in the water. There was smoke, crashing sounds, and struggle, and as I watched, I felt it all. Waves of fear, anxiety and despair. It was hard to wake from this dream. It took me a while to extricate myself from its downward drag, but at last I realized I was in bed. Lying there dazed, I couldn’t remember where I was or who I was. But then the Grandmothers spoke.

Arm yourself,” they said. “Arm yourself in light. Hold to the light and chant a prayer, a mantra, a song to keep yourself anchored in light. The turmoil of the times you’re living in, the turmoil from all that’s rising up from the earth to be purged will drag you under. So do not dull yourself. Do not forget who you are.

You are light,” they said. “You are our hands and hearts on earth and you have work to do. We are working with and through you at this time to help others. Do not doubt this. Why do you think the times you are living through are so dire?” they asked. “Why such an onslaught of horror? We tell you, this is not happenstance. It is not an accident. Earth Herself is being purged, and so are you.

Some of the darkness and heavy dramas you experience both in waking and sleeping have very little to do with you. Much of the pain you see and feel isn’t yours at all. So do not be disturbed by these dreams and nightmares that visit you. Just go to work! Arm yourself in light,” they said again. “Call on the Divine, open to the presence of the Net of Light and then stay there. From this anchored place of light, chant any prayer you love. Pray that all beings may be happy and free. Pray for the All!

Chant, sing and pray to give your mind something to do—something good. These prayers go out into the world and their vibration heals suffering and trauma. The Gayatri Mantra, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ave Maria, the Samasta Loca and others that pray for The All. These will cleanse the atmosphere of earth and will cleanse you as well. You are not separate from the earth. You are not separate from others. Whatever you focus on, whatever you offer up for the good of all does GREAT good. You have no idea of the good you do.

So get to work,” they said. “Stay in the light and from this lighted place, broadcast light. Do it on the street, in the middle of the night, at a meeting, in the market. Do it! Pray without ceasing,” the Grandmothers said. “It is time. We are calling you to arm yourself in light. You were born for exactly this moment,” they said, “and the time has come. Call on us, stand steady, and we will do the ‘work’ through you.

You are a sensitive being of light who asked to be of service at this time on earth. Well,” they laughed, “we are calling you to it. There has never been a time when light is more needed. This is the hour.

Build your strength and wisdom by reading our books,” they said. “Gird yourself in light, and then share it with others of like mind. Call on us,” they cried, “we will not desert you. No matter how crazy the world becomes, no matter how men may rave,

We Are Here,” they said. And so, Beloved Ones, are you. You are here for a purpose.

To help lift this suffering planet, call on the Net of Light and chant prayers and songs of Love. Simple, isn’t it?” they smiled.

channeled by Sharon McErlane at on March 14, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Living in Difficult Times

“You’re living in difficult times,” the Grandmothers said, “and… you signed up for them. You signed up because you wanted to serve the light. You wanted to perform work of great value. The fact that you’re alive at this time is no accident. You were called to earth to hold light steady in an unsteady world. You were called and you answered the call. And once you responded to that call, there was no more for you as an individual to do.

“As soon as you said ‘Yes’ to us, you became an instrument for light. So now, at every moment, love and light are flooding through you. Unfortunately, sometimes you become so distracted by the dramas taking place around you that you lose awareness of it. But the truth is, you are channeling light—you are always channeling light. Even when you feel tired, discouraged and lost, you aren’t really,” they nodded wisely. As soon as you answered ‘Yes’ to us, we stepped in to fill you, to guide and direct you. So you can’t be lost. You’re never alone. Never!” they declared. “We’re as close to you as breath.

“Remember this now,” they said. “Remember this during these challenging times. …. You are at one with the Divine. Rest in our embrace and let us take care of everything. We will nudge you forward. You can count on us. Simply ask for our guidance and then move in the direction we point out…..

“Begin today to love yourself and to love one another too, the same way we love you. As you let go of all the things you think you should do and be, and instead, allow us to do all of the ‘hard’ things, you’ll find yourself enjoying life more. It’s time for you to be happy. You’re greatly loved,” they said, their eyes soft. “Really. You have no idea of how greatly.”

channelled by Sharon McErlane at on May 10, 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024

Communicating in an Alternative Trance

By intentional focus on an intersecting point of dimensions of realization, we can recognize choices of realities. When we choose the awareness that arises from deep within our own consciousness, we ultimately arrive at our own essence of Being. We realize that we are forever a presence of infinite awareness, expressing ourselves in part as our human person, living a script that we can modify according to our personal vibratory spectrum. Because we are fractals of the consciousness that creates everything always, we are always creating energetic expressions through the workings of our attention and emotional alignment in polarity and frequency. When we are loving and compassionate, we attract those energies and can live in a reality of love and compassion.

Regardless of how we got into the situation that we are in, we always have a choice of whether we wish to remain in this energetic spectrum or experience another one. The energy that is the source of our life force is constantly flowing through us as much as we allow. Flowing through the heart of our Being, our life force constantly imbues us with vitality and well-being. This is our natural energetic expression. With our ability to choose our thoughts and feelings in every moment, we can either align with the vibratory patterns of our essence, or we can choose a different state of being, one that contains some aspect of fear and judgment.

The world of duality of good and evil is real for us when we realize it as such. If we change our realization, a different world presents itself for us. We may be able to envision it, and we can always feel its vibratory range. In every situation, by paying attention to the polarity and frequency that we perceive in a deep and meaningful way, we can become entranced in the vibratory spectrum and align ourselves with its reality. It’s like witnessing a holographic movie that we’re participating in.

By being aware of the energetic patterns that are enveloping us, we can discern the energies coming from the source and vitality of our life. They are always energies that enhance all life, and we can choose any that we want to experience by paying attention to its vibratory patterns and feeling its qualities.  By being accepting and grateful in every situation, we attract experiences that enhance those feelings. As we learn to focus passionately with love and compassion, we do not exist in the world of good and evil. We change our reality to the world of the consciousness of our heart.

from the blog of Kenneth Schmitt at on May 9, 2024

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Your Abundance of Power and How to Use It

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to share this transmission with all of you because we are always so eager to empower you, and we want you to know that you have never been more powerful there on Earth than you are right now. You have never had as many activations and upgrades as you currently have. You have never been supported by more energies or more beings around you than you are right now. You have also not been as knowledgable as you are right now, and you can use that knowledge and the wisdom that comes from the application of that knowledge to bring yourselves into harmony with the new Earth and with the life that you desire to live. You can do all of this while also fulfilling your purpose and being of service because the two go hand in hand.

You are meant to lead others, and the way you do that is by showing them how it’s done. When you do what you teach, you are an example to others of what is possible. When you demonstrate that the concepts you talk about work, then others start to understand that they have power as well. The power lies within each and every individual, but it is dormant in most because most know that they don’t feel very powerful in their lives and have made attempts to change their lives through words and actions, but have come up short. Most people do not realize that their power truly lies in their ability to focus, to feel, to vibrate, to visualize, to think about the reality they want to experience. And so, they do what their parents did and their grandparents did, which is to work hard and hope for the best.

Most people do not realize that their beliefs are important, and those of you who do recognize how powerful beliefs are can help others with teachings and also with examples from your own lives of how you have shifted from one belief to another and how that has paid off for you. As we said before, the energies that are upon you right now are supportive of each and every one of you who is awake in the creation of your reality the way you prefer to live it. They want to work with those of you who are conscious, awake, aware, and interested in being of service.

And so, it is time for you to dream big, and it is time for you to expect more. It is time for you to step out of doubt, fear, anxiety, worry, and disbelief and tune in to the truth of who you are as everything, as all-that-is, as all-inclusive. You have every single vibration available to you right now, and they are all inside of you. And that is why it is so important to meditate, to go within, and to feel your feelings, because when you are willing to do those things, you will have the keys to the kingdom, and you will be able to create whatever you want. 

This life is filled with possibilities, and you have more timelines available to you now than ever before because you are conscious, because you know how to manage your thoughts and your feelings, and because you have made it this far on your journeys. You have demonstrated that you have so much to give, so much to share with your fellow humans, and when you want to be of service, more is opened up to you. So relax, tune in to your power, and feel for the energies and the beings around you that are supporting you. Know that there is so much more for you to live and so much more for you to share with your fellow humans. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

channeled by Daniel Scranton at

Life in the New, Higher Frequencies

Staying present with ourselves, while pacing according to our needs for rest, movement, regular life demands and doing energy and light work to as needed (to connect with our Divine Self and expand our grounding; clear what’s dissolving; call in more light to empower our clarity and the best possible mood as well as embody more of All That We Are)… it’s A LOT. And still? Amazing breakthroughs are happening.

And more than perhaps anytime in the past, we feel the certainty of TRUTH being pushed to the surface through all of this.

Deep breath + Stay the course.

Now, some additional encouragement and practical guidance as we carry on… ?

It’s time to take the leap that calls to you. Your Divine Self and Soul has set you up with triggers and invitations, visions and longings to activate you into finally deciding it’s your time to thrive.

Are you willing to chose joy? Abundance? The timeline you dream of? The support you’ve always wanted? Are you ready to let go of ancestral patterns of playing small, suffering, feeling guilt or shame for just being human and not doing it all perfectly?

There are new ways to think about yourself, your life, what’s happening and what’s possible that are available to you and which can set you free.

First, as the ascending energies present challenging aspects of our life to us, may we tend to anything that is showing up, with clear intentions.

The intention and energy with which we do things matters.

Once you understand what you’re being presented with take time to consider how this might be a path of liberation. Dare to really believe it is HERE TO SERVE YOU. Open up to what you want to come from this. Then expand. Call upon your Divine Self and asked to receive the consciousness that empowers you to see the bigger picture — the divine perfection — the possibilities for this that are the most beneficial for you and for everything that is.

If taking action on this or handling it feels challenging, ask for help. Repeatedly. Until you can move through it. This may take hours or days. Keep inviting support, breathing and relaxing and trust that you are being answered, and the illumination, energy, clarity and insights you need are flowing to you. Let things line up and expect it will work out for your highest good.

Expect that you will be supported in wonderful ways and that everything that is, is always awaiting your invitation to assist you.

Then? Begin to think like this way about everything. Begin to open up like this to your life and what is showing up, every day.

Practice expanding your sense of possibilities. Practice clarifying what you want, elevating it and being intentional.

Practice aligning before you take action. Practice believing in the infinite abundance available to you, the expansive support awaiting your invitation to come forth and elevate everything. Start inviting it, and operating from a higher frequency and higher perspective.

This is the nature of living in higher consciousness and higher frequency and it’s HERE NOW. And you can step into it by doing these simple things. It’s easy and fun and the more you do it the more natural it becomes.

This is a way of being in which you’re really leaning into the underlying unity, the undeniable interconnectedness of everything that is.

Remember — In the same way that you love to help and support those who are learning what you’ve come to know, our non-physical friends, living in higher dimensions, are available to us and reaching out to us all the time, wanting to share their guidance, insight, energy and support. As above, so below.

This whole conditional experience that most of us have had most of our lives -- of going it alone -- is the biggest lie of separation.

We are not alone in anything.

We are surrounded by loving beings of Light. Infused by our Divine Self. We are seen, known, tended to and dearly loved.

But remember this too — since we live in a free will universe, nothing can, or will override our beliefs. We have to learn to believe in the abundance available to us, and to invite it in. It’s up to us to decide we’re worthy, now. As we are. And ask for what we want and believe we can have it.

Consider, deeply, my friends that you do not need to EARN ANYTHING. It’s all, already yours for the asking and the believing in.

Imagine what might be possible for you if all this became vividly real to you, and you knew it, and trusted in it, and acted upon it. Pretty freaking awesome!!! ? ?

It’s simple a matter of making it real. And you can make anything feel familiar and then more natural and then real, by focusing upon it and thinking about it, repeatedly.

It’s time to love yourself enough to be bold! Dare to live an incredibly abundant and supported life. Give yourself the best. Think bigger. Ask for more. Learn to let it in. It’s time to be totally free!!

This is the life that’s meant to arise within you and emanate from you, reshaping everything in your vision of what’s beautiful, fulfilling, aligned.

What calls to you? It’s really already yours. Learn to feel this as real and watch the magic happen.

channelled by Ailia Mira at on April 24, 2024

Friday, May 17, 2024

Return to Lemuria

The lost land of Lemuria was like Heaven on Earth. Everything that grew there was created with love and nurtured with the Golden Ray of Hope. There was endless peace in the gardens of Lemuria, with no being ever doubting their existence or straying from their path. Their lives were idyllic, if not a little remote and devoid of excitement.

The 12th ray of the essence of Creation is that of Ascension, connecting all other rays to become one column of light all the way from the Creator of All That Is down to Mother Earth. The 12th ray is that of Hope because it gives those attuned to it a sense that there is hope beyond the chaos and drama of the 3rd and 4th Dimensions on Earth. When one is operating with all 12 chakras activated and attuned to the 5th Dimension, one has access to the energies of Lemuria and has the opportunity to create an existence on Earth parallel to, rather than enmeshed in or above, the dense realities of the lower realms of consciousness.

The golden light of the 12th ray of attribute now shines down to Earth as a right of passage. Each individual aligning to this ray will find they have a new sense of peace and inner joy. While those living outside of this ray continue to experience chaos, disconnection, disunity and disharmony, those who have aligned to it could be forgiven for thinking they are in an entirely different world altogether.

Once  you have raised your vibrations to the fifth dimension you will trust that you are where you are meant to be. You will take the chances you need to take, for working outside of your comfort zone will allow you to stretch your wings and to achieve more than you ever thought possible.

While those who lived in the lands of Lemuria were never really challenged emotionally, mentally or spiritually as humans are on Earth today, they did need to maintain their high states of consciousness through daily meditation, giving service to others and their land and the expressing gratitude in order to maintain their connection to Source and to each other. Therefore, reaching the state of Ascension and alignment to the Golden Ray, which, in essence, is aligning to your divine blueprint to living your best spiritual life, will not happen without intention, purpose and diligence.

Maintaining a strong spiritual practice is essential for those who are raising their vibrations and those who have achieved a degree of mastery. It is not enough, however. Living in the energies of Lemuria is not just about one’s own spirituality, but about creating a sense of peace and oneness beyond self. That is, when one is connected to their highest, divine spiritual being, that connection has an ethereal quality that provides sustenance for the Earth itself, the elements of nature and for the entire planet. Because there is no separation between man and man, man and nature and man and Creation itself, no thought or action is without impact or consequence, and not just for the person who created it. Consciousness is like a myriad of threads and tendrils, travelling at the speed of light and reaching further than one could ever imagine.

Where do I start? You may well ask! Start no further than with yourself. One cannot create a peaceful existence if one is forever in turmoil within. Whatever criticism you have of yourself, finding a way to accept your imperfections and your journeys of the past is the first step in achieving a state of being that aligns to the truth of who-you-are with no reasons to apologize for it. Be yourself, love yourself and accept your journey, but most importantly, allow others to do the same. All you can do is to work on yourself. As individuals create their own Heaven on Earth, one by one, then the changes upon the Earth will be momentous. It’s not so far away. All you need to do is to believe.

So, meditate, pray, let go of the past and learn to love yourself again. Reach not for the stars, but the Golden Ray of Hope that will bring you back to who-you-truly-are and to a reality that you thought could never be – that of peace within and harmony without. WE ARE the masters of the Cosmic Council.

channeled by Victoria Cochran on May 10, 2024, at

Thursday, May 16, 2024

World Peace Imminent

The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn.

Nonetheless here are the rough outlines of what is about to happen: The United States of America Corporation will officially declare bankruptcy. The Republic of the United States of North America will replace it. It will build a new capital, possibly in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The state of Israel will also cease to exist. It will be replaced by the state of Judea. The original Judeans (misleadingly called Palestinians) will manage the new state together with the European immigrants. Both peoples will have equal rights and guarantees of religious and personal freedom.

The United Nations Security Council will be replaced with a seven-member World Council. It will probably be headquartered in Laos. The members will be representatives from Africa, the Americas, China, and East Asia excluding China (but including Oceania), Europe (including Russia), India and the Muslim world. Decisions on issues affecting the entire planet will be reached by a majority vote. Each region will have a veto only applicable to that region. With the two exceptions mentioned above, existing nation-states and corporations will continue business as usual.

The transition process to the new system will start with a jubilee. This will involve a one-time cancellation of all debts, public and private. It will also involve a redistribution of assets. The details will be worked out in public with feedback from the people, the private sector, governments and other interested parties.

There will also be war crimes tribunals together with a truth and reconciliation process to ensure the criminality that infested so many governments and institutions is removed root and branch.

The functional parts of the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, etc. will be taken over by a newly established meritocratically staffed Future Planning Organization. Each region will have its own separate future planning systems.

The Western military-industrial complex will be given a new mission. Instead of stealing resources for oligarchs, they will be protecting earth life, including human life. This means they will be using force, if necessary, to stop things like the destruction of rainforests and overfishing. They will also hunt down and destroy transnational criminal organizations, in particular the global slave traders. They will be subject to international law and act as the enforcement arm of the International Criminal Court.

The decisions mentioned above are the result of years of negotiations between representatives of the East, West, North and South.

A hundred trillion dollars’ worth of gold-backed dollars will be issued to make all these changes possible. Also, as soon as the systems are in place, more funding will be made available to start a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and then massively increase the amount and variety of life.

by Benjamin Fulford on May 6, 2024 at

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

3D is a Limited Engagement

Welcome to our message dear readers. At this time many are suffering from extreme conditions, but it is important to remember that before incarnating, every person, with guidance, creates a plan for the experiences and people that need to be a part of their time on earth. Contracts are usually about situations that will serve to complete unfinished past life relationships, experiences necessary for opening the person to higher ways of thinking, and are frequently about the person's need to experience the "other side" of prejudicial thinking, words, and actions taken in a previous life.

Earth and all creation can never be fully understood or explained through human thinking, regardless of how educated or brilliant the human mind is, because human minds only see and study concepts of reality. Divine Consciousness is the only reality and is infinitely expressing ITself, but when seen and understood from limited three dimensional states of consciousness, its expressions appear solid, dense, and material - conditioned, mind-formed concepts of reality.

As a person's state of consciousness expands and spiritually evolves he/she begins to see with new eyes, and starts to understand that the experiences, forms, and even activities of a three dimensional world are dense representations /mind-formed interpretations of the real Divine Essence that is actually there. Learn to see through all appearances rather than empowering them with good or bad reality.

Mind is an avenue of awareness continually translating a person's consciousness into form as their outer life. All often see the same thing because there is only ONE Consciousness, individualized. World situations are opening many hearts and minds to oneness and as a result increasingly more are beginning to see how energy aligns with like energy both personally and globally.

Death is the world's grandest illusion. The belief in separation continues to hold many locked into blindly accepting that life forms die, are gone forever, and there is nothing more. Your real home is on the other side, not on earth. Souls chose to incarnate on earth in order to learn and eventually evolve beyond further need for three-dimensional experiences, but no one is meant to stay in three-dimensional energy forever.

Nothing ever dies or ever can die because there is only one life and that LIFE is infinite and self-sustained, always has been and always will be. Material forms die and dissolve when the Divine Essence that has maintained and sustained them is no longer present. Concepts have no spiritual law to uphold them.

Never excessively mourn the loss of anything for the spiritual reality that originally brought it into expression always remains intact. Those who build altars and shrines to departed loved ones do them no favor for this only serves to keep the loved one somewhat tied to old energy. Old forms of everything automatically fade away when the substance from which they were created (consciousness) changes and evolves to new levels. This is causing a great deal of anger, worry, and turmoil for those struggling to hold on to the past in the belief that it was better.

Evolution can never be stopped because it is every soul's destiny to wake up to the reality of being Divine Consciousness individualized. Earth is a spiritual universe, not material, and its people are Divine beings, not limited human bodies. Animals, plants, devas, fairies, elementals, etc. carry the same Life force as perfect expressions of the infinity of ideas in Divine Mind. Animals were never created to be used or abused by human egos. Even rocks have consciousness, because Consciousness is all that exists.

Energy is the vibrational frequency of one omnipresent Divine Consciousness which in reality is pure light unable to be seen or even experienced with human eyes. As individuals spiritually evolve their energy becomes increasingly lighter and faster, reflecting more of their true being-God.

The energy that emanates from states of consciousness conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers vibrates at a slower and denser resonance, the result of which is matter/material form. This is why most people can not see those on the other side - the energetic frequencies of material consciousness are too heavy and dense to align with the more refined vibrations of those no longer in material form.

Because there is only ONE, all energy regardless of how fast or slow the frequency, seeks to align with like energy in order to once again become ONE. This is how the saying "Birds of a feather flock together" came about and is why individuals and groups with a collective consciousness attract the people and situations they are in alignment with. When lives are filled with negative experiences, most blame outside sources for their problems rather than looking within to what they themselves are creating through their beliefs.

It serves no purpose to pray to God for that which is already fully present within. Praying, begging, beseeching some concept of God for what God has already fully given as ITself only brings about a deeper sense of separation and perpetuates the human condition. Pray only for more Light and not for what you falsely believe you do not have. God individualized ITself and all ITs qualities in the beginning and as you attain the consciousness of this it will begin to appear outwardly.

It is time to live in the truth of who and what you really are. It is time to stop making excuses about how impractical, hard, or impossible it is to live truth. It is time to let go of all religious programming based in "power over" and money. It is time to move beyond outgrown traditions and beliefs simply because they are comfortable and expected of you. It is time to separate yourselves from collective beliefs that strive to keep you in the status quo. It is time to stop looking to family, friends, politicians, experts, or priests, rabbis, or ministers to tell you what to believe. It is time to claim your power. It is time to fully and honestly let go of the past and embrace your divinity.

I am a Divine Being having human experiences in order to learn, clear old energy, and more fully attain conscious oneness with Source.

Allow the process. It is time.

We are the Arcturian Group.

channeled by Marilyn Raffaele on May 5, 2024 at

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Choosing our Reality

In creating the quality of our personal experience in living, we have absolute freedom of choice. We live our personal lives, and we are also part of the consciousness of humanity. We have a species consciousness that we all share, just like every species living on this planet. Although most may be unaware, human consciousness has many potential creative eventualities in many expressions of reality. We can participate in any reality that we choose by paying attention to the quality and character of the predominant polarity and frequency patterns. Are they heart-felt and supportive of all life, or do they diminish someone’s life? These two expressions of consciousness are separated by energetic polarity and do not interact. While we can live in a world of love and joy, and at the same time be aware of the consciousness of humanity, we can be aware of the larger script of the human drama and what we understand as reality.

Those of us who understand this can shift the consciousness of humanity by our presence here. Being aware of our essence beyond spacetime can allow us to relax and play our roles in compassion and love. Because our perspectives are constantly creating the energetic patterns that become our experiences, we live in the reality that resonates with the levels of fear versus love in our perspective. By going as far into unconditional acceptance and love as we can allow ourselves, we create a human resonance with the heart of our Being. This radiates throughout human consciousness with the power of the life force of our essential Being, which we are in alignment with.

By shifting human consciousness toward a predominance of gratitude and compassion, we enhance the awareness of humanity in alignment with the vibratory essence of the consciousness of our planet. By living with the constant intention of being in gratitude and compassion, we choose our reality by our state of being, and the vibratory patterns that we pay attention to become our experiences.

By realizing that we are constant creators of our life experiences, we can take command of our lives. In order to contribute to humanity, we do not need to participate, only to be aware of the energetic qualities around us and to continue to be creative in ways that we love. We can live entirely within the reality of gratitude, love and joy, while unsettling events occur around us. It depends upon our perspective of reality, while also being aware of human consciousness. We may need to be strong in our focus and alignment with the consciousness of our heart.

from the blog of Kenneth Schmitt on April 27, 2024 at

Monday, May 13, 2024

Thoughts on Life and Death

The essence of an individual person is more like a wave in the ocean than a physical embodiment. The wave is not the physical water. The wave is energy that causes the individual molecules of water to rise and fall vertically, while the wave passes through the water horizontally. For any given time t, at t+1 the wave has moved on to embody new water molecules. Such is the human body. All cells and the molecules which make up our bodies are continually being replaced, so after about seven years they are nearly totally replaced with different physical matter. Years later, we are still essentially the same wave, but of course we do change in some ways.

We also create ripple effects that influence many other people, and these people may also create ripples that permanently affect us. Thus, each of us “waves” are commingled into a great mesh network.

People who make a difference do not die. The “wave” that they are is still moving around through the physical material that makes up people they have touched. Those waves will in turn into ripples through others, so perhaps in a sense we all continue to exist as waveforms.

by Peter Livingstone on his Facebook page on March 30, 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Is it Possible to Change your DNA?

There is a new system coming. We called it a prophecy, because it talks about the future lives of lightworkers and old souls on this planet; that you have graduated from the old energy to the extent that there will be a complete and total erasure dropping of all kinds of karmic energy. It will not transmit to your next life. Many of you, old soul, will come in clean. That is to say, not only will there be no karmic energy, but your Akash, that is to say the record of all of the past life energies will be also gone.

This is a total departure from all religious history, from all spiritual history that depended upon these things to shape and create lifetimes and what you did and what your desires were. Imagine that they’re missing.

So here is a channel that is going to tell you what is going to replace them. You may not have thought of that. We presented a case for this. We said: Why would you ever carry an old energy system into a new energy? And you don’t. Some of you saw this coming. Some of you thought perhaps it would be slow. It isn’t nearly as slow as you would think.

The next time some of you will come in, you’ll know who you are. You’ll start fresh. You won’t have to go through any of the things you ever had to go through again. And instead you will be on the way to learning mastery. A human being’s reaction or non-reactions to things, the wisdom that comes with a master, this is what you are going to be learning next – the school of mastery, not the school of the Akash. We told you that. That was last time’s channel.

What I’m going to tell you now is what is happening to your DNA. Dear Ones, we’ve told you many times that you come in with apparently 23 pairs of chromosomes. You are the 23 version of the human being and that is not the version that you’re going to find a few hundred thousand years ago. And your science is showing you that now. You didn’t come from what you think your human ancestors were. Now I didn’t make that up and that’s not necessarily an esoteric fact.

Anthropologists, scientists, are starting to discover you are not like your ancestors. There is a total and complete break in the evolutionary system, scale, timeline, whatever you want to say, and suddenly you had 23 chromosomes. And we’ve told you this is intervention. Now that’s not the subject of this channel. We have told you that before.

The subject of this channel is far more grand. You don’t have 23 chromosomes, Dear Ones. You have 24, but only 23 of them are studied and visible with your science. You’re still looking at things, visually you’re still examining things in a three-dimensional light. You’re still looking at what you think is there based upon four dimensions that you sit in. But when you start looking at things in a multidimensional way and have the instruments to measure it, you will discover on your DNA right where you think it should be the 24th pair. It’s there.

Now, how long has it been there? And this is important. It’s been there since you got 23. When you think there was a shift and a change and the human being came from that which is a system or an evolvement or a departure from your ancestors, and suddenly you saw 23 chromosomes. And the anthropologists are pulling that back to a certain place where it happened. What happened was you didn’t suddenly get 23. All of them changed, but you received the 24 that in the past were altered to make up the 23 you have now and another set was given to you, the multidimensional set, the 24th pair.

So you have had it all along. But what we’re here to tell you is that it just laid there doing nothing. That 24th pair is from the stars. The ones who are esoteric and want to hear this are listening carefully. The ones who are scientific are about ready to shut it off because it’s simply too bizarre. So before you shut it off, let me ask you: Do you really think you know how everything works? Someday you will laugh at what you don’t know today. Someday you will say, “Well, that’s before we discovered the instruments that show us the rest of the story.”

Those instruments are multidimensional and they will enlighten and show so much here within your bodies. Quantum biologists already are studying the possibilities of a multidimensional cellular structure for the human being, and that includes of course DNA. The experiments are very telling. You are a multidimensional being, and part of this is the 24th pair of chromosomes. You are still one with 24. Now the 24 are about to be activated. They are about ready to do their job. Hold on because I’m about to tell you what’s next.

The human being comes in, the lightworker, the old soul arrives in the next lifetime without any karma, without any blueprints, without any Akash. So what is it that you’re going to have that will create the instructions for mastery? If you have no record of who you’ve been and it’s not in your DNA, what happens? EWI is what I’m going to call it: Esoteric wisdom of your intuition. The 24th pair is your soul pair. The 24thpair contains all of the mastery and the wisdom from the ages from the stars. It is going to replace and will replace that which was your old energy Akash and your karma that is no longer going to be there. And in place of that old energy is what you’ve been waiting for.

Those who intervened so long ago gave you this. It is ascension information. It is soul information. And it begins an entire new study of who you’re going to be. That 24th pair starts to glow, illuminate, and start feeding you information that comes in esoterically as wisdom. And it comes through your intuition. Your intuition, Dear Ones, is going to expand and expand. Intuitively, you’re going to know what a master would do next. Intuitively, you’re going to know how to help others. Intuitively, you’re going to know how to have the wisdom that has escaped humanity for hundreds of thousands of years.

Do you see now why there may be hope for the planet? And how there would be no more war for the planet? And we have said this before. Get ready for this to be attractive. This is not going to be something where you’re going to be so different you’re going to be shunned. Dear Ones, this is going to be attractive. People are going to want to know what you know. They’re going to be with this group. It’s not going to be isolated and biased against. It’s going to be accepted and people are going to want to know what you know.

That’s what’s happened to the masters of the planet. People want to be around them, but this time, this time, there are going to be so many of you, it’s going to be so attractive. It will wind its way into government. It’s going to wind its way into inventions that are new. You will be seen as the ones with the wisdom, almost shamanic. And then there will be more and then there will be more. Evolution works that way.

The 24th pair – can you change your DNA? You already have and now it starts to react to your change, to this shift, to the time that you’re in. It is time for the awakening of the 24th pair, the wisdom. That is what’s going to replace the missing Akash, the missing karma, all of that old, old energy that let time repeat itself over and over. It will be gone. It will be missing. Standby for something beautiful, something very attractive, something you’re going to like called your next lifetime.

There is so much more to tell you and we will, but rest assured, old soul, you are indeed going to experience ascension. I am Kryon in love with you all.

from Kryon at on March 31, 2024

Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...