Saturday, May 4, 2024

Are You A Weary Traveler?

As you sit reading this message, how are you feeling? Are you excited, joyous and energized, or tired, worn-out and fed up? Many people on Earth are feeling the latter at the moment, because nothing in the world seems to be changing; actually, they seem to be only worsening/ As people struggle to put food on the table and remain civil to each other, the rich get only richer and, in some cases, more corrupt.

The opposite side of this story is that, for some people, the worries of the world seem not to concern them as they manage to live happy lives without fear or loss of any major kind. While they are not particularly wealthy, these people enjoy abundance of love, friendship and good fortune, despite the goings on in the world that are creating sickness, death and violence. How do they do it?

Life is a journey, and the roads that you travel will very much depend on how you view your place in the world and whether you are able to see the bigger picture or not. In other words, your level of consciousness determines whether you live life in drama or in perspective, with both choices then having major influences on your life experience. Once in drama, it is very difficult to extract oneself from the myriad of low-level stories that create multiple layers of illusion and mistruths that enmesh the person in trivialities that become mountains to overcome. Drama is created by the ego which wants to be heard, to be important and better than others, to gossip, to belittle and to fantasize. Drama perpetuates itself until the lines of reality become blurred, resulting in friendships becoming toxic and families falling out, businesses being lost and the lives of innocent people being ruined. We are talking about third dimensional energy here that has a vibration akin to treacle and can be a trap one may never get out of.

The only way to avoid being enmeshed in Third Dimensional realities (which is mostly illusion) is to be aware, but not invested, in the propaganda of the media and the problems of other people which are not your responsibility. One can be compassionate and empathetic while allowing others, including close family, to learn their lessons and to find their own way. It is not your job to rescue or save people who may have very hard lessons to learn, as difficult as it is to stand by and watch. In terms of global problems, such as wars being waged on the innocent and harm being deliberately inflicted for personal or corporate gain, we can only advise that spiritual law is always in play and the wheel turns for all souls, not just a select few. It is far better to keep your consciousness above the drama while concentrating on your own behavior and integrity. As small an action as it may seem, consider the result if every soul on Earth did that one thing – loved, accepted and worked on themselves being the very best they could be. That is what ‘shining your light’ means, and the world needs every single soul on Earth to begin to see that they can make a difference, if they only believe it.

So, the road you are travelling in life very much depends on the vibration you are in. As like attracts like, it is logical to assume that what you are attracting exactly matches the vibration of your beliefs, thoughts and actions. If you are a weary traveler, change will only come when you change your perspective and start a new story. No matter what is happening around you that is disempowering and defeating, you can take charge of your circumstances and begin to make positive changes just by changing your perspective through your thoughts. When you believe, you will begin to create based on the vibration of your thoughts.

We must add here that your path could also well be set within your soul family as you traverse the decisions made to enable you to reach mastery through the myriad of lifetimes already lived. If you are repaying karma or completing lessons abandoned in previous lifetimes, your life may seem harsh and unfair. We urge you to seek spiritual counsel, in whatever form resonates with you, and to turn your attention to service. Finding joy in helping others will expedite your learning and help your soul to reconcile its past misdeeds. It is not God whom you need to appease, but rather your soul as it navigates its way back from fragmentation to self mastery once again.

So, if you are a weary traveler, not a happy camper, please do some self-reflection, but also connect to the Source of Creation and reach out to us, the Masters of Light for assistance and guidance to help you to find your highest path. All you need to do is ask. If you feel your answers are not being heard, your belief systems may need examining. Do you believe in a higher source, whether it be religiously or not? Do you believe you are deserving? Do you believe that things can change for the better? Believe it and create it, it is that simple.

We are ever with you. The Masters of the Cosmic Council.

by Victoria Cochrane at on February 5, 2024

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