Monday, May 6, 2024

Rewriting History


The leftist worldwide assault on cultural values and norms that we are witnessing today is not something that we haven't seen before. The same Elohim worship cult that we are dealing with today that has been trying to kill off most of the world's population used somewhat the same strategy in Germany beginning in 1909 with the ultra-queering and gender-bending of their cabaret society. By 1928 the situation had gotten so egregious that in order to get out from underneath it the Germans were forced to try and protect their culture by choosing the national socialists, which brought into power Adolf Hitler.

But a third of Hitler's upper staff were Jewish Elohim worshippers. They were the ones that set up the camps; they were the ones that identified all the Jews that were to go to the camps. And no, six million Jews did not get killed and incinerated in the camps. This is a part of the mythical holo-hoax that prevails to this day.

Even in the early 1920's these same people were claiming the same thing - that six million Jews had been killed in the early stages of the Russian Revolution. The Bolsheviks, who were Jewish, took over the Russian Revolution and so it became the Bolshevik Revolution. They took over the Russian military and oversaw the Holodomor, the famine that starved over 25 million Russians and Ukranians – a planned genocide by the Bolshevik Soviet Union. Then the same people that claimed the six million deaths of the holocaust killed another ten million Russians with their continued genocide across all of the -stan republics.

It is this same faction that the world is battling today; the same people that are stirring up all the problems in Gaza. Bear in mind that Israel is the largest seller of body parts (organs, etc.) on the planet. In that Israel sells more body parts than they have population to provide them (Israel is not that densely populated), a very diverse array of phenotypes and genotypes not found in Israel, most of these parts are probably being taken from people in Gaza.

from the substack of Cliff High on February 26, 2024

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