As has been made extremely obvious, during the final conflict dramas of the planetary liberation, any steward or leader that chooses a personal value system that aligns with the philosophical principles of the Cosmic Christ’s Law of One, as well as any individual that has genuinely chosen to dedicate their lives to serve Christic ethics, is under hostile spiritual attack. As small as our community reach is with online censorship, shadow banning and without a social media presence, even still ES material is considered to be a threat to the anti-christ forces and my persona is continually being assaulted with ongoing black magic spun character defamation, and the purposeful spreading of pernicious lies and false accusations that are meticulously crafted from either the darkly ignorant or those purely evil serving their satanic masters. Otherwise said, all genuine Christians that have cultivated a direct relationship with God and Christ, are under direct targeted attack from a variety of entities that share one common link and collective goal, those hell bent on spreading malicious gossip, fueling imaginary scenarios and elaborate lies are under the mind control spell or possession of anti-christ forces, and these anti-christ forces are either embodied within humans or non-humans (alien and demonic spiritual forces).
It is no secret that one of the greatest spiritual fears that is circulated on the planet is to suppress genuine spiritual knowledge of the esoteric Christ teachings that empower the individual onto a path of self-ownership, in which the cultivation of self-awareness and the expansion of one's consciousness is paramount. These spiritual studies and meditative explorations have a long history of being viciously attacked and threatened by the intentional use of negative labeling by the uninformed public to incite fear or through the branding of esoteric learning environments and spiritually based organizations as harmful "cults".
In the terrain of a trained mind in which to discipline oneself from the negative ego's impulsive reactions and in doing the shadow work necessary to release mental bondage and self-harming addictions, acquiring spiritual knowledge is generally considered to be valuable, as well as a privilege that teaches moral character development and ethical virtue. Yet those that identify with victimhood are not generally interested in moral character development, especially if they have experienced mental dysregulation through personal trauma, thus, they tend to be emotionally stunted and immature, as well as untrained and undisciplined with their thoughts. Sadly, we have this same profile of disgruntled persons spreading lies across the internet that Energetic Synthesis (ES) is a harmful cult. This is an online community where the individual chooses to become a monthly member to learn about esoteric Christ lightbody teachings, and all are free to come and go at will. These troubled individuals tend to despise others that have had success in exerting some self-control and in taking self-responsibility for their own life choices in ways that ignites their inner spiritual light. Victims do not want to take responsibility for their own inner darkness and tend to shift blame onto others, and ES community and myself are used as a convenient scapegoat. These higher qualities of being truthful are rare in the current landscape, people that are liars tend to despise truth resonance when they are filled with the shadows of unhealed emotional pain and personal suffering. ES material is suited for only spiritually initiated experiencers interested in truth seeking and spiritual exploration, and not for the non-experiencers or victimizers who do not value truth, when its being spoken, written or otherwise.
For all of us in ES community, as an online learning environment for the Ascension process, learning about the energetic context of planetary dynamics that influence us personally, we have chosen to be here either, directly engaged or indirectly engaged, to share and access parts of Ascension knowledge through the content offered on this website. We are constantly reminded of our personal responsibility and that our collaboration with this information is to only take what is resonant for one's personal spiritual growth and to discard the rest. Each of us must personally choose what we participate with, have accountability to be clear in our intent, consent and authority, as directed by our highest personal expression, the inner God Spirit. Thus, as we learn to expand consciousness we learn how to be of service to the whole, which is a Service to Others principle. We must shed our individualistic egoism, personal selfishness and learn how to acknowledge our interconnectedness as divine human beings. This information is not given to the public, and we have been brainwashed to believe the academic version the NAA's artificial reality and artificial timelines, so we can be controlled, enslaved and not personally educated to learn how we claim our personal sovereignty. It is very difficult to find the essence of truth, when the inhabitants of this earth have been Mind Controlled to believe that delusions, deceptions, False Gods, Violent Religions and the Archontic Deception Strategy are the basis of our true origin.
As a result of the many lies and deceptions being propagated to the human race for many millennia, we have inherited incredible amounts of Shadow, Pain, Fallen Angelics on this planet, along with a false identity that uses the same Predator Mind of the Negative Alien Artificial intelligence, in order to influence us to think and believe the same anti-human belief systems of the NAA. If we use the mind they have downloaded to us, we self enforce the enslavement of our brothers and sisters on this earth. We must learn how to stop this infection from infiltrating and corrupting our bodies, mind and spirit.
As most of us know, there is an agenda to suppress public access to an esoteric knowledge truth base, and as such there is a tremendous effort to obfuscate, manipulate and create fear and chaos in groups of people studying esoteric subjects, such as Ascension. This is perpetrated as a psychological operation to not only confuse all parties involved, but to promote schism of separation through fear and ego based judgment through varying techniques of Emotional Manipulation and fear mongering. This divide and conquer Victim-Victimizer agenda is designed to disrupt the process of unifying groups with a common spiritual-energetic focus, such as unifying for humanitarian purposes and promoting ideas such as World Humanism, based on Law of One principles. We may notice the same kind of hostile behavior that is generated to create division in groups; fear, intimidation, bullying, accusations and thug or mob mentality. Clearly we need to be aware that cults and dangerous cult leaders do exist and they are generally expressing within the controller tyrant archetypes.
We should be aware of their profile and learn to discern the difference between Leadership and Tyrants.
Thus, I would like to establish this information for our ascending community to both educate and increase our skills with:
1. learning the characteristic and profile of what a dangerous cult and/or cult leader actually is.
2. developing improved discernment and confident language to express the difference between a community organization and an actual harmful "cult".
3. not letting outside people intimidate you with attacking, bullying or aggressive words because you are accessing information and spiritual knowledge that they are not yet comprehending.
4. discerning the difference between compassionate and non-controlling Leadership vs. Tyranny. Leadership should never be confused with tyranny or Guru-Disciple archetypes in a group setting. Leadership is the act of Service to Others, and it is a skill set and quality that must be earned by building trustworthiness through clearing Negative Ego and the consistent demonstration of compassion based humanitarian ethics.
When people do not understand something or they feel that the information threatens their perception of reality, they will relentlessly attack that source of new information or discovery. We have seen this happen many times before in recent human history. Many people that were and are humanists, innovators, visionaries and responsible for new scientific discoveries were at the time of their discovery, ridiculed, persecuted and ostracized. We should research more of those visionary people from our past, how they are crucified publically, as history will dictate what we are attempting to move past in the current time. One can always ask, who is benefiting from preventing new discoveries and spiritual knowledge from being made available to the public? Additionally, we can see there is an agenda to prevent certain groups access to free energy devices and many types of educational information sources connected to our past. Why is access to ancient spiritual knowledge and many of these technologies being blocked in the public square?
The dark resistance and ego fear of change, stunts spiritual evolution and consciousness growth from the NAA's tyrant-controller mechanism of Mind Control. As many of us realize, there are people that do not believe in evolution or that the Soul exists. This Ascension material discusses an array of topics dedicated to biological spiritual evolution of the human species through DNA Activation and Expanding Consciousness, which will be met with great hostility from people educated to be either Darwinian evolutionists, or Jehovah-Yahweh God creationists.
Here in ES we encourage everyone to think for themselves, feel for themselves and to act in accordance to the highest expression of their divinity.
So what are the characteristics of a cult? How can you improve your neutrality when someone accuses you of being in a cult, because they are afraid of the ES Ascension material? May we continue to empower ourselves to comprehend with deeper clarity the ambiguous nature and complexity of accusatory language and weaponized narratives used by others in fear or for their greater convenience, in so that we each are very clear about what we are engaging with?
This is an exercise in the development of one's own clarity of thought, reflecting upon personal accountability, improved communication skills and learning how to be compassionate and loving with conflict resolution, especially with those who are aggressive and combative to ascension material.
Most of the disgruntled people that are spreading malicious gossip and lies across the internet are pawns in the anti-Christ Victim-Victimizer game of character assassination. They have made little to no effort to actually study or factually verify their accusations which appear to be based in imaginary realities. People that are benefiting from spreading character defamation stories online are extremely unethical people promoting sensationalistic trash for entertainment. Others want to use me as their whipping post, usually because they are being possessed by dark forces that despise what I stand for.
This is common negative behavior exhibited when "jumping on the bandwagon" of a group consensus to neatly compartmentalize information that one does not actually comprehend, nor want to know about, because knowing the spiritual information that leads to truth seeking is incredibly disruptive to the mind set that is behind the 3D way of life.
by Lisa Renee at
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