Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The Great Solar Flash


If you ever wondered why it is that you were born into this world of chaos at this particular time, then this is the reason that you came into embodiment this time around. It is to be a part of the Great Shift of the Ages... which is the grand penultimate Solar Flash that we are all here to be a part of. Also known as a micronova, the Solar Flash will be a singular display of a full coronal mass ejection from the sun.

Our sun emits solar flares on a regular basis. These are miniscule events in comparison to the Big One. So are we talking an extinction level event? Will anything survive?

Actually, NO, it is not an extinction event. It is not so much physical as it is a spiritual event. The sun is not what physicists and astronomers depict. The sun is a portal... not so much a physical object as it is a gateway for light, a stargate... but not like in the movies. It is a gateway for higher consciousness to pass through. When the mass coronal ejection of the Solar Flare occurs, the earth and our solar system will receive a literal spiritual cleansing inundation of divine light that will sweep away the remaining veil of whatever spiritual darkness of the matrix that has held us back for so long.

As it stands right now, from a vibrational standpoint, our physical bodies are not prepared to navigate the emerging divine matrix. The divine purpose of the Solar Flash is to prepare us by melting away everything that has kept us entrapped and enslaved in the darkness of the disappearing false matrix. It will reveal who we are as light beings.

Each time earth experiences solar flares, as a collective, we become incrementally more sensitive to the world around us. Many sense this evolution. These smaller incidents, marked by variations in the Schumann Resonance, serve to gradually melt away the old programming in our bodies, the template that maintained disharmony within the false matrix all of our lives. All is preparatory for the grand micronova – the Great Solar Flash, which is the ascension point – the event – the harvest.

There will be beings that don't survive. Some of us, as soul beings, are prepared and waiting to move into a 5D timeline and leave the physical plane of earth behind, to move off into another higher vibrational reality and a new ascension cycle. For those saying yes to being reborn into a higher version of ourselves as light beings, it also means agreeing to a death of the lower version of ourself on a 3D timeline. It is therefore a goodbye to the small self, to the victim self. Those who are not ready to leave 3D will continue on a 3D timeline by their own choice. At the soul level, each of us is ware that this is why we are here right now. Which timeline we choose is completely up to each of us, dependent upon the level of our individual spiritual development.

extract from interview with Kerry K at Next Level Soul podcast on YouTube on November 2, 2024

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