Monday, February 17, 2020

Challenging the Illusion of Reality

Everything that we perceive by our senses to be real is illusion. The thoughts that we think reflect a constant stream of interpretation that all of the world we sense appears to be solid. Yet, there is no solidity at the core of matter whatsoever. Any physicist will confirm that the real world is just substance that carries the semblance of solidity due to the repulsive forces that exists between its charged particles.

We have known for more than a century that matter is comprised of oscillating fields and waves of rhythm. If we could look at the heart of any atom – its nucleus – there is nothing solid there at all. What we would find there would be a dynamic pattern of tightly condensed vibrating energy. So, our bodies, like everything else in our world, are nothing more than densely compacted energy particles that are constantly in motion. There is only coherence because of the billions of electrical signals continually running through us varying by how we define and interpret the world of sensual stimuli around us.

Everything vibrates at different speeds. If a thing vibrates fast enough, it will disappear because our sensory instruments – our eyes – can no longer perceive it. Without getting too extreme by way of example, just look at a hummingbird's wings or the propeller of an airplane.

The human vibration is different from other objects around us. It may appear that we are separate from what we see around us – other people, animals, nature – but we are not separated from any of it. Everything exists in one connected unified field of energy. It is only our sensory perception and culturally-reinforced interpretation that makes things appear as dense matter and apart.

What if we remove the convincing perceptual lens that locks us into the loops of conditioned belief? Would limitations suddenly vanish? Most of our limitations are derived from all the materialized appearances that we sense and interpret as real. Physical reality is only what you make of it and does not exist independent of our interpretation.

Outer reality always reflects inner reality and the perceptions that are held within our consciousness. We each project this experience we call reality. No two projections are exactly alike, despite the consensual conditioning we all receive. Life is not happening to you from all around you, it is happening through you from within.

When each of us came to this world, one of the purposes was to learn in this school called life that we each create our own reality. When we arrived, the majority of us were taught and have had ingrained within our thought structure the idea that our perception of reality is solid, and that is what we have all agreed to believe. But just because we believe it and agree that we believe it does not make it so. The idea of solidity has served us up to a point, but a growing number of individuals are remembering why we came here and are growing in awareness that we truly are the creators of everything we experience. When how we define the world around us evolves, so too does the reality mirror of each of our life experiences.

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