Thursday, October 17, 2024

Untangling Quantum Entanglement


The traditional gulf between science and metaphysics is undergoing a dramatic metamorphosis as the discovery of a ‘quantum entanglement’ between particles previously recognized as being miles apart, is further revealed.

In an experiment observed by scientists, when one of these particles spins around, its sister particle – although a long way off – also spins around, responding as though never separated.

Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon that occurs when a duet of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in such a way that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance.” (Wikipedia)

The existence of such entanglement is both compelling and comprehensible, and I want to have a go at explaining why. Let’s start by recognizing that the Universe is ‘One’, all elements interconnecting with each other via invisible, energetic pulsating wavelengths. The separation of particles that have previously been part of one mass, is only ‘separation’ on the classic physical plane, but not on the quantum plane.

Just because they no longer physically connect with each other, does not mean they are separated on the quantum level. They aren’t. They remain unified.

This is what in spiritual terminology is meant by ‘oneness’. This ‘oneness’ is vibrational. Such a state is experienced when one is attuned to essence: that which resonates ‘is-ness’ when undisturbed by external or internal mental intrusion. In this state there is no time, distance or resistance (gravity). No separation.

Although the speed of passage of a thought or energetic psychic exertion is often discussed within this context, it is not strictly relevant; because there is a simultaneity of connection occurring at well over the speed of light. At this level, the essence of the Universe is microscopically repeated in a dew drop and a sub atomic particle; all elements of existence remaining connected, therefore at one with the original manifestation. Mirrors of one originator, one source.

Viewed under a powerful microscope, the minutest of sub atomic particles are at one moment ‘specs’ and at another ‘waves’ according to Niels Bohr’s early quantum experiments. Even transforming again, into what Bohr described as a ‘dance’.

How these minute particles react depends equally upon the perspective and influence of the person engaged with them (the viewer) as with their independent existence as cosmic matter. They are simultaneously both mundane 3D and Universal God sparks.

It seems that once ‘together’ means always together in universal reality. The physical separation factor plays no part in altering this oneness.

At the most elemental levels, energy and matter are inseparable. Matter is congealed energy and takes on increasing levels of density according to its vibratory speed of resonance. The lower the speed the denser matter becomes and the more constricted becomes the movement of pure energy.

The Universe is both matter and ether. Particles or energetic expressions travelling outside of the constrictions of gravitational fields are not subject to resistance – being slowed down. Thus ‘God Speed’ is a powerful blessing for anyone wishing it!

Classical science can only describe but not ‘experience’ intuitional higher consciousness which equates with ‘God Speed’. Intuitional consciousness places the experiencer within, not outside the quantum of existence.

Science looks in from ‘the outside’ but can, by intellectual effort and focussed concentration, recognize some of the component parts that make up the workings of cosmic consciousness, of Godliness; but falls short of ‘being’ (experiencing) what it describes.

Thus ‘quantum entanglement’ is not so mysterious. However, exploring it requires dynamic equilibrium between the two hemispheres of the brain, which accordingly reveals this entanglement to be a manifestation of the supreme interconnectivity of God consciousness.

It is the unseen glue, that along with stars, planets and other celestial objects, holds the Universe together. God consciousness resides in the heart and is openly available to all human beings. However, it sleeps within until awakened.

Huge efforts are being made to prevent humanity waking up and realizing its power. Such is the paradoxical nature of existence that the struggle to overcome the dark suppressors of human evolution – both internal and external – creates the friction necessary to bring about the self-realization of our deep spiritual powers that might otherwise remain dormant.

It also equips us with the power to defeat the dark imposters and set a new agenda for the future of life on earth.

Effort is required – nothing positive comes without effort. But the pleasure arising from a growing realization of our quantum entanglement with our Creator far exceeds the limited and transient pleasures available to us in an unrealized, largely third density (3D) state, divorced from conscious contact with the source of our existence.

Embracing such ‘an entanglement’ will bring about a metamorphosis in human consciousness and an extraordinary new era of life on earth and beyond, an era in which no distinction can be made between God and Man.

by Julian Rose at on January 22, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Choosing Soul Intelligence over Lower Egoic Information


As we navigate through these unprecedented times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of information bombarding us from every direction. From social media to news outlets, it can be challenging to distinguish between what is helpful and what is harmful. It’s time to make a choice – are we going to be guided by our lower egoic information or tap into our SOUL intelligence?

We are constantly bombarded with information from a variety of sources, including news, social media, and personal opinions. It’s easy to get caught up in this flurry and feel overwhelmed. However, it’s important to recognize that not all information is created equal. Some of it comes from our lower egoic selves – the part of us that is driven by fear, lack, competition, insecurity, and self-centeredness. This type of information often leads us astray and causes unnecessary stress or conflict. It focuses on the negative aspects of situations and reinforces limiting beliefs. This type of information can be found in news articles that sensationalize tragedy or social media feeds that perpetuate comparison and judgment.

When we consume this kind of information regularly, it can have a detrimental effect on our mental health and overall well-being. Our thoughts become clouded with negativity and we may start to feel anxious or hopeless about the state of the world.

It’s important to recognize when we’re being fed lower egoic information so we can choose to seek out sources that align with our soul intelligence instead. By doing so, we open ourselves up to guidance from a higher perspective based on love, abundance, and cooperation.

On the other hand, there is SOUL intelligence – a deeper wisdom that arises from our innermost being. When we tap into this source of guidance, we are able to make choices that align with our true values and purpose in life.

But how do we discern between these two types of information? The key lies in cultivating awareness and mindfulness. By tuning into our thoughts and emotions, we can begin to distinguish between those that come from ego versus those that come from SOUL.

Choosing SOUL over lower egoic information requires courage and trust in ourselves. It means letting go of old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve us and embracing a more authentic way of living.

The benefits are many – increased clarity, peace of mind, deeper relationships with others, greater creativity – just to name a few! So next time you’re faced with a decision or situation where you’re unsure which path to take, pause for a moment and listen deeply within yourself for the guidance offered by your SOUL intelligence.

In order to make this shift towards soul intelligence over lower egoic tendencies, it requires conscious effort on our part. We must be willing to step back from certain sources of information and actively seek out those that uplift us rather than bring us down.

By making this choice for ourselves, we are not only benefitting our own well-being but also contributing positively to the collective consciousness as a whole.

Making the choice of SOUL intelligence is not always an easy task, especially when we are bombarded with so much noise and distractions in our daily lives. However, there are a few steps that you can take to make this important decision:

Firstly, it’s essential to recognize that your Lower Egoic Information does not serve you well. It creates fear and anxiety, leading to negative outcomes. Acknowledge this information as false and let go of any attachment towards it.

Secondly, focus on cultivating awareness by practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These practices help us become more present in the moment and less reactive to external stimuli.

Thirdly, seek guidance from trusted sources like mentors or spiritual leaders who have experience navigating these chaotic times. They can offer valuable insights into how they’ve managed their own journey toward SOUL intelligence.

Practice self-love by taking care of your body through exercise or healthy eating habits. Also remember to nourish your mind through positive affirmations or spending time doing things that bring you joy.

Making the choice of SOUL intelligence requires effort and dedication but ultimately leads to greater fulfillment and happiness in life!

Choosing SOUL intelligence over lower egoic information can bring numerous benefits to our lives. First and foremost, it allows us to access a higher level of consciousness that helps us navigate these chaotic times with more ease and clarity.

When we tap into our SOUL intelligence, we become more attuned to our intuition and inner guidance, which can help us make better decisions in all aspects of life. We gain a deeper sense of purpose and meaning as we align ourselves with our true essence.

Furthermore, choosing SOUL intelligence fosters greater compassion, love and empathy towards others. We begin to see beyond superficial differences such as race or religion, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings on a fundamental level.

Ultimately, choosing SOUL intelligence empowers us to live more authentically aligned lives filled with joy, peace and fulfillment. By listening to the wisdom within ourselves rather than external sources that may not have our best interests at heart, we cultivate an unshakeable sense of self-worth and confidence in who we are.

from the blog of Kenton David Bell at

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Keep Centered on Oneness

Welcome dear readers. We are the Arcturian Group. Always know that these messages flow to you on energies of Light, hope, encouragement, and truth through which you then become silent Light workers wordlessly bringing these same truths to those receptive simply through the presence of your state of consciousness.

Personally and globally the world is experiencing the effects of the resurfacing of energies that have lain hidden, dormant, and largely unknown for centuries. High resonating frequencies of Light energy automatically act to expose dormant old energies allowing them to re-activate, be experienced, and recognized for what they represent individually and globally, which will begin the process of clearing them from earth's collective consciousness.

Regardless how rich, powerful, famous, important or unimportant, religious, ordinary, good or bad, individuals who choose to continue aligning with the low resonating energies of duality, separation, and two powers will not be able to live in the higher 5D energies of an ascended earth. This is not a punishment, for God does not punish (or even have concepts of punishing ITself) but rather is due to the fact that energy always seeks to align with like energy and those choosing to remain in low resonating energy will not be able to align with the higher.

Life experiences reflect what one's state of consciousness is in alignment with. It is not always personal such as when a person has certain fears because of past life experiences, but rather is simply their alignment with collective consciousness. Because there is only ONE, every individualization of that ONE seeks to align as ONE. This is why three dimensional concepts of good - money, material goods, success, status, power, etc. will and can never satisfy the deep inner longing and continual search for completeness and wholeness that every human has.

Alignment examples: Hypochondriacs draw to themselves health issues. Every declared “war on” this disease or that situation simply adds energy to and further empowers it. Victims attract victim situations and violence attracts violence. Fear often attracts the very thing that is feared, be it disease, loss, etc. The key of spiritual understanding and the goal of evolution is that there is only ONE.

Material concepts will always be temporary regardless of how wonderful and fulfilling or horrible and bad they may be. This is because material concepts have no Divine Law (reality) to permanently support, maintain, and sustain them. Concepts of both good and bad are simply mind formed interpretations of a spiritual reality or Divine Idea. Mind is an avenue of awareness, interpreting and manifesting a person's state of consciousness, which makes every person a creator.

It is time to put rites and rituals, special prayers, symbols, etc. aside. These things were important facets of your evolutionary process, but no longer serve and, in fact, can hold you in separation once you know that you already are what you have been seeking through these tools. Keep yourself centered in oneness at all times regardless of outer appearances. It is through the continual living and practice of truth that a person eventually evolves beyond hundreds of lifetimes of three dimensional programming and graduates to a consciousness of truth.

Old habits and ways of thinking often follow a person from lifetime to lifetime, making it difficult for some to move beyond certain people, places, things, traditions, and beliefs, even after they realize that these things no longer serve them as they once did. Never attempt to keep something you have spiritually outgrown alive and well in order to please another or to "fit in". This can be fine up to a point as you may occasionally have to "play the game", but never surrender personal power, which is a spiritual quality to some person or group simply because they demand it.

Moving beyond the past is like cleaning out a cluttered attic. As each box is opened, the emotions and experiences that accompany its contents begin to manifest. Do not resist the emotions of love, hate, regret, sadness, joy, depression, or even revulsion that may surface, but rather allow them expression in the realization the experiences associated with these memories helped you evolve to where you are today. Without judgement, acknowledge and release them in the realization that every bit of debris (false concepts and beliefs) you clear from your consciousness (attic) makes more room for truth.

We have often explained that love is the energy flowing between and connecting all expressions of the One Divine Consciousness/God and is never limited to three dimensional concepts of it. This same energy can and does manifest as hate, violence, and negativity when flowing from states of consciousness conditioned by and filled with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.

God is, always has, and will continue to infinitely express Itself in, as, and through ITs expressions because IT cannot do otherwise. God is always simply being God. Every individual (not the human ego concept of person but the real SELF) embodies the fullness and not just a portion of God... for how could an infinite omnipresent God divide ITself into portions?

Life on earth is not just about getting and achieving concepts of good, but rather every lifetime for every individual with all its experiences both good and bad is for the sole purpose of spiritual evolution and eventually realizing that there is only ONE - that every life is that ONE life, every mind is Divine Mind, and every consciousness is Divine Consciousness even if it means a few lifetimes of falling flat on one's face.

SELF embodies every quality of God - freedom, comfort, abundance, harmony, completeness, intelligence, and is self-sustained and maintained - wholeness, completeness lacking nothing. Am I allowing others to experience their Divine qualities, or do I just want them for myself? Allow others the freedom to be who they are in the knowledge that the negative experiences so many are experiencing at this time may very well be experiences that they themselves chose pre-birth as being necessary for spiritual growth. There really are no accidents.

Let truth be your sword and shield in every situation, trusting that all is proceeding according to plan because earth's ascension into her real self is a Divine Plan never subject to three dimensional beliefs, concepts, or desires.

channeled by Marilyn Raffaele on September 29, 2024 at

Monday, October 14, 2024

War? Huh? What is it Good For?


War is a racket.

~ General Smedley D. Butler, USMC

War, is an overlay, a constraint, laid on a primary aspect of this Matterium, that is, “contention”. Contention is the nature of Life itself, at least in this Matterium.

All of this Matterium is the duality of opposites. At its core, all duality is merely expressing ‘contention’.

War is a racket, a constraint, organized, and owned by banks. The banksters know this. Professional military know this. Some politicians know this. A few scholars know this. Most of the people in the Woo know this. The normies don’t have a fucking clue.

The normies fall for the jingoistic nationalism-parade of slogans and psyops to bring out ‘group rage’ at a deep level. This will ALWAYS involve assaults on the collective understanding of the ‘reproductive system/cycle’. Bear in mind the organism that is the ‘social body’, while composed of individual humans, is nonetheless an organism; one that behaves as a singular, albeit collective, mind. So rape, mutilation, and destruction of babies, will always be involved in the propaganda effort to shift the collective-normie-mind’s focus.

When all else fails, they take you to war.” The global bankster class is of a limited intelligence. In fact, quite limited, and prone to repetition. It gets ‘mind rats’ twirling in its mental cages that go on for centuries. The global bankster class is slow moving, and slow witted, as those alive now are witnessing.

The banksters are desperate for war, at this time, due to ALL the reasons so evident to all of us guys. And there is one more, not quite so obvious reason for their desperation.

Yep. You guessed it. Space aliens.

A lot of people will tell you that the deep state/banksters are trying to get us into war, and will use a fake alien invasion in order to generate a global ‘human coalition’ to take them on, thus, in essence, converting all nations into totalitarian military run states that the banksters can rule more easily.

My opinion differs. Would the banksters actually be better off with a global totalitarian state mechanism? Arguably, not. They would not make anywhere as much money under that form versus our current structure. And their criminal activities are so much easier to disguise under the apparent chaos of our ‘free market’ system. Nope. And there are other reasons to suggest that military dictatorship resulting from an engineered fake alien invasion would not serve their purposes at all.

Yes, you could say it is a ‘last ditch’ plan, when all the others have failed, as at least ‘they’ would still be in control.

The contention masters of Humanity would argue that the bankster/Deep State surely has some intelligence scholars who would be aware that the energies involved in achieving such a task by force/deception within even a small fraction (greater than ¼) of humanity would be only at the pinnacle of the emergence of those energies. Thus the peak of their achievement would be the actual precipice from which their plunge to Oblivion begins. And that their fall would be very rapid indeed.

It seems clear that the [Deep State/Banksters] do have such scholars, and that they do see what is to be seen within the forces in contention within Humanity during this movement into a new Age.

It’s possible that there is another, more plausible motive for the [Deep State/Banksters] to be pushing for large scale, mass mobilization of the general populace of the western nations into military organization and control.

It could be that the ‘alien invasion’ is not so fake. It may be that even if they are running a scam, fake alien invasion, that there is a real, more scary one, underway right now, with some large escalations in the future. Of course the [Deep State/Banksters] are aware of the space alien problem as they control/own all the global “intelligence services”, and these all devote at least 50% of their time, personnel, and money to the ‘alien problem’. You just don’t get to hear about it.

So….War? Huh? What is it good for? Well, mobilizing the population to present a ‘united’ face toward the Alien Presence. Yeah, from their viewpoint, it works.

Our human problem is that the [Deep State/Banksters] are stupid fuckers. They only understand Contention in the conceptional framework of War.

Bankers start, and end, ALL wars.

Contention goes on forever.

Grasp the difference and your thinking changes.

When the War people fail with the actual aliens, seek out those who do understand Contention, Universe, and the Matterium. These are the scholars of the Art of Peace.

from the substack of Clif High on September 24, 2024

Create a Beautiful, Radiant Life in Each Moment


Divine Ones, the newest creation within your world that we would like to point out to you is the expanding stream of energy in which human beings are feeling that being who they truly are matters.

This is a powerful shift within your species and one that reflects the increase in frequency that many are allowing and creating.

As you live in higher light and higher consciousness, you naturally know that ALL LIFE MATTERS and is significant. You become aware as if you have always known, that this significance is innate and underlies everything.

And, although it may not be articulated within you, consciously, we wish to point out that alongside this knowing is the underlying truth that it is, in fact, this great diversity that empowers the richness of your world and of Life in general.

We would go further and say about each and every expression of the Infinite Divine Oneness: All Life Matters. All Life has value and worth and meaning, and every aspect of Life compliments, enhances, enriches, and is essential. There are no mistakes. Everything works together, and in this expansive composition the underlying harmony can be tapped into and felt by each and every expression of Life in its underlying harmony. You simply be yourself. Fully and freely.

So dear hearts, rest in this knowing. Know that everything that is serves the greater wholeness and is the ongoing composition, stimulates creativity and desire, ideas and inspiration, and expands the possibilities for LIFE.

Contrast serves you. Diversity serves you, and both are increasing, and this is beneficial to All Life.

The eternal you, the soul, your Divine Self — who you eternally are — is inviolable - cannot be violated and is not diminished by any experience you have in your human life. So this might be something you also take to heart, and allow yourselves to know. As you do so, you will have a bit more detachment about the experiences you have on Earth. And understand that any experience can trigger emotions and thoughts and ideas and elicit even strong feelings from you, while the REAL YOU, at the core of your being, only benefits from any experiences. And if you choose, you can too align with seeing everything as potentially happening for you.

Your Divine Self - who you truly are, “takes the bounce,” from any and all experiences. Using them to expand into more clarity about what you prefer and to summon more of those preferences to you. As you align within, feeling for inner harmony and good feeling emotional states and the thoughts and perspectives that engender these, you embrace the expansion of your experience, align with who you’ve become, and allow what you prefer to flow into your experience.

It really is as simple as that. So it is true, in your world, this amazing realm of focus in which the spectrum of diversity is the broadest ever of anywhere in Creation, that the variety serves you and continually creates more clarity and these experiences expand All That Is.

If you would relate to this time, knowing this, centering in it and focusing upon your joy, trusting that everything is serving you and All That IS, you will find that you feel more and more clear and true and can allow greater and greater increases in frequency along with well-being. You will find as you align with the higher possibilities and expect things to go your way, that you are increasingly capable of being purely present, flowing, and feeling your own harmonics, and these energies will feel good to you - natural, ease-filled, exquisite even. For you will be nourishing yourself deeply with a pure flow of your own harmonics and light.

As you are aligned with YOU, you soar. You freely ascend. Your energy hums. Your vibe is high. Your emotions are also higher in frequency and you feel a sense of ease and naturalness in your very being. You feel clear, true, powerful, confident, easy-going, happy, natural, connected, capable, etcetera…. all the good things you love to feel!

This is how we wish for each of you to discover yourselves more fully: by lining up with all that you’ve become and allowing the flow of energy and light and information from All That You Are, to flow freely and be expressed freely and authentically, as you are inclined to express yourself.

Beautiful One - you matter and your joy matters! The world needs the harmonic coherence of your true self, embodied here. And you allow this by feeling for that which brings you into joy. And as you do, you affirm and empower All Life to do the same. You create a momentum of divine embodiment and divine expression, which are expressions of the exaltation of this Earth realm and humanity which you came here to help create.

It is through you being YOU, more than ever before, and daring to trust in this, daring to believe you can and will be supported in this, that you find your innate abundance becoming your experience. And through being more and more aligned with YOU, you will find your expanded flow and become a living, breathing demonstration of the ease, joy, peace, harmony, well-being, and abundance of your eternal self.

The promise of alignment and expanded flow is tremendous exhilarating joy, over and over and over again. Joy as interest. Joy as pleasure. Joy as happiness. Joy as a feeling of freedom. Joy as passion. Joy as enthusiasm. Joy as feeling blessed! Joy as openness and positive expectation. Joy as emotional stability. Joy as well-being. Joy as exquisite satisfaction. Joy as peacefulness. Joy as ease.

What an amazing thing to realize you are free to choose this. And then? To do so. Often. Regularly. Without guilt, shame, self-doubt, or any concern about what others think, or how they will feel as you radiant this intensity of pleasure and confidence.

In this way, the light within you shines so very brilliantly and so completely - as you align with who you truly are. For all that you are dwells in radiant joy. And as you align with this, you feel it and flow it and express it and become multidimensionally ONE with who you truly are.

As you remember all of this and your reason for being here and in that knowing dare to align within and flow with the light and energy of All That You Are, you affirm this pathway and make it more accessible to others.

And the shift of the ages happening now, on Earth and in this Universe and Beyond is empowered by this very pathway.

We hold you in our sights with great love for all you are and all you are becoming and creating and allowing and expressing, here.

It is our honor to be part of this co-creation by sharing these messages with you.

May you feel the brilliant, radiant beauty of your being, more and more each day. And may it embolden you to create what you are most excited by, to allow your greatest joy, over and over again, and in doing so. Encourage each other to do the same.

We are anticipating many, many, many emanating fields of brilliant, influential, luminous embodied light as you align within and allow the true Self to shine with freedom and ease and naturalness and fun. For the pleasure and joy of it!

We love you so very much. We are complete. I AM Archangel Michael with Ailia, Ashira, the Golden Galactic Dragons, and the Council of Radiant Light. We bid you, a most wonderful day.

channeled by Ailia Mira at on August 6, 2024

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Karma and the Pendulum of Inequality


It's a toss-up which is wider: the widening gap between the top 10% and the bottom 60%, or the gap between the complacency of the top 10% and the reckoning that's overdue. Call it karma, just desserts or the wheel of history, the unfairness and inequality of a rigged system generates blowback, and the longer it is suppressed, the greater the eventual swing of the pendulum to the opposite extreme.

But really, who cares about the bottom 60% being left in the dust by a system rigged to benefit the top 10% because hey, the S&P 500 is going to 6,000 —yippee! More free money for everyone who bought assets years or decades ago before the Federal Reserve decided the best way to "boost growth" was to inflate assets to generate "the wealth effect" among those who already owned the assets being inflated.

And once the fortunate few were awarded the vast majority of the Fed's unearned largesse - the top 10% own 93% of stocks - they have the wiggle room to ignore inflation. The bottom 60% living on wages - well, not so much.

Readers remind me that many of Americans' financial ills are self-inflicted: poor money management, instant gratification over making sacrifices for long-term gains, getting into credit card debt with 22% interest rates, buying vehicles they can't afford, paying $100 for an oil change instead of learning how to change the oil themselves, and so on - all of which indeed make modest financial circumstances much more difficult.

Having been in the bottom 60% in terms of earnings most of life, I constantly preach the virtues of frugality and anti-consumerism, learning how to do things for ourselves so we don't have to pay for them, and building networks of reciprocity - I help you, you help me - that make all the difference between financial security and insecurity. These are the fundamentals of Self-Reliance.

But better money management doesn't erase the rigged system that has sluiced the lion's share of the nation's gains to the top 10% and left the bottom 60% in the dust. If the rising tide raises all ships, then how is it the bottom 50% own a rounding-error share of the nation's financial wealth - 2.6%:

The bottom 50% own 11% of the nation's real estate value - a mere fourth of the 44% owned by the top 10%.

The top 10% excel at a few things they rarely receive full credit for: one is choosing their parents wisely, another is believing that since they're doing great, everyone is doing great - a self-serving delusion that doesn't reflect reality: those who don't own a share of the $45 trillion in stock market wealth weren't issued rose-colored glasses.

The 10% below the top 10% reckon they're "middle class," but how can the top 20% be "middle class"? The reality that the "middle class" has eroded into the top 20% haves and the top layer of the have-nots who still harbor illusions is conveniently obscured by economic cheerleaders lumping the fantastic gains reaped by the top 10% in with the bottom 90% and declaring the entire population is reaping splendid gains. But statistical trickery can't obscure the systemic unfairness of a rigged game.

While many finger the abandonment of the gold standard as the Original Sin, this ignores an economic change of equal consequence: the collapse of all societal values other than increasing shareholder value, which optimized hyper-financialization (strip-mining the real economy to enrich financiers and corporations) and hyper-globalization, which strip-mined the nation to enrich the top 10% who own 93% of all corporate shares.

These forces drastically eroded the purchasing power of wages to the benefit of the owners of assets, who skimmed the vast majority of the immense financial gains of hyper-financialization and hyper-globalization. Those who depend on wages lost out, those who owned assets enjoyed ten-baggers not from genius but from mere luck.

So here we are, with a handful of winners declaring the system is working great and high-fiving each other, too busy congratulating themselves to see the tsunami of karma racing toward shore.

Those of us who did nothing more than buy a house and invest in index funds - the same common-sense steps taken by previous generations to earn modest returns - and who through no special effort reaped enormous gains thanks to the Fed's "wealth effect" - might benefit from a bit of humility by admitting our gains are the result of a system rigged to benefit all who bought assets before "the wealth effect" rocket-launched the value of our assets. The word few dare utter is "unearned."

In the end, it won't matter what we think, like, believe or hope, for reversal is the movement of Tao. Put colloquially, the pendulum of inequality driven by a rigged system will swing to the other extreme, and claiming that payback is somehow "unfair" won't change the trajectory or the volatility.

by Charles Hugh Smith at on August 25, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Tricked into Perceiving a False Reality


Human life is a story. And yet it is not one single story. It is an open book full of rich, amazing, powerful, and sometimes dangerous, stories. Humanity is quite literally living its own 1001 Nights yet across millennia. And just like that book of masterful storytelling, there have been incredible stories that filled the minds, and hearts, of many millions of people throughout the ages. We live upon and within a story each second of our lives. Some of these stories are greater than others – more epic, more powerful, and more influential. Others are daily stories that fill our pockets and arrange our hours.

Yet over and above our stories there has always been a grand narrative. It is this grand, sweeping story that narrates, and influences, the general direction in which humanity moves. And this grand narrative is often so compelling, so full of persuasive detail, that we believe in it wholeheartedly. Like an amazing tale told to a child before bedtime, this tale then becomes woven into that night’s dream. Upon waking, the dream feels so real that it lingers far long into the day and until it is replenished once again before bedtime. And yet sometimes, within special circumstances, the dream is so captivating and convincing that it causes the dreamer never to awaken. The dreamer continues to dream the dream that they were told before sleeping.

Human history is like a dream within a dream – an inversion within an illusion. And as many dreamers know, there are levels within dreams. Like a Russian Matryoshka doll, there are nesting layers of stories that all combine to create an overarching narrative body or realm. And many people, like good dreamers, find themselves caught up within one of the layers. And it can be almost impossible to get out.

Even though we are technically awake, we are also dreaming. Why? Because we are living through particular stories and narratives that have been sown, implanted, or entwined in our heads. They get into our subconscious and from that privileged position they begin to influence our behavior and thinking from behind the scenes. Even when we think we are awake, we are never free from those stories, narratives, and constructs that manage our perceptions and create the arc of our dreaming lives.

To truly be awake, a person would need to know how to drop all these stories and step out of the construct; that is, to turn ourselves the right way up within the inversion. This may actually have been achieved by a few people, yet it has always been considered something odd, esoteric, or mystical to do so. Because to the dreamers, anyone who steps out of the dream must be some weird eccentric, must they not? Or that is perhaps just how the main story goes.

We are dreaming the wrong dreams.” ~Anon

The mainstream story doesn’t like very much when dreamers – sorry, people – try to leave. Why would people want to leave when the story is so compelling? Overall, however, this is rarely a problem as so few people ever realize that it is all a dream within a dream, so the issue hardly ever comes up. So, shall we get back to our story?

Things in life are not as they seem… Human life is lived as a normalization of this inverted reality construct. That is why life is filled with so many irregularities, oddities, and downright madness. We all know, or instinctively feel, that something has gone astray.

We now believe in anything because nothing seemingly has any truth to it. We’ve become lost within the reflections of our own mirror world. Seeing our reflections smile back at us, we are content with the distraction. Everything must be okay, we tell our reflections – the governments wouldn’t lie to us, would they? We’re protected by benevolent authoritative structures that care for us like our mothers. Oh dear. Topsy-Turvey.

To let you in on a little secret… it’s been like this for a long time. Only that until recently, the waking dream of the Inversion was good at keeping everyone asleep (except the rare few) because the trickle of consciousness within the reality construct was low. But something has been happening – if you haven’t noticed? There’s been cracks in the veil; and more consciousness has been seeping through. And it’s been getting into our heads, even if we hadn’t noticed. Gradually, people have been gaining more and more awareness over this thing they call the ‘human condition.’ There have been a few exceptional individuals within each generation that spoke about these things, or even wrote about them; but few people listened and fewer still read any of their writings (because they had been kept illiterate). But still, the gradual seeping of consciousness into this reality construct continued. And the insights kept coming. Some people were inspired; others gained revelations. But the numbers remained small.

The Inversion continued to impose itself; to keep the blinders on the dreamers whilst turning up the music. Greater distractions were offered; a glittering array of entertainment sprang up. And incentives were given to those people who began to open just one of their eyes. Those few who suspected something were spotted early on and fast-tracked up the hierarchy of the ‘people pyramid’ so that they benefited most from the pleasures and gains of the Inversion. Then these higher ups would want to invest in keeping the system exactly how it was – a protection of self-interests. The masses of dreamers – the sleeping mob as they were called – remained swaying to the lullaby. But slowly, the frequency of the lullaby was being changed. A new vibration was being added. I think you get the gist of where this is going.

And it arrives to here: where you are sitting right now.

So – what are you going to do about it…?

by Kingsley L. Dennis at wakingtimes.comSeptember 7, 2023

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Way Out of Crisis


OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – repeat this mantra all day and all night long until it is unconsciously repeated in every moment of your life. That is the way out of every crisis.

This mantra of mantras strengthens you and keeps you in the center of your soul.

Say it all day long until you become part of this mantra: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – LORD, THY WILL BE DONE.

In doing so, you place your fate in God’s hands, and that is where it belongs if you want to overcome the challenges of this time.

This mantra is more powerful than any energy in the world. To always use it means to be invincible.

The trick of the dark forces is to make you believe that you have no power. With this mantra, your strength awakens and you become aware of your power.

If you want to become a fully conscious part of God

and no longer be part of this matrix,

use this mantra.

At first you will have to focus on it, but gradually it will become a part of you. Shutting out the world so that the negativity that is currently being released does not reach you is the key to staying strong and sane.

Through this mantra you create your own energy field that no one can penetrate or destroy.

In this way you achieve a lasting connection to the source of all being, to the absolute truth of God.

OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – say it without ceasing and all shadows will vanish.

I love you infinitely

channelled by Jahn J. Kassl on August 24, 2024, at

Thursday, October 10, 2024

We Are All a Mirror of One Another


Humans are a mirror of one another.

You need to look at the essence of who you truly are when considering this.

Your consciousness and soul do not have a skin color.

They do not have a gender, a height, a nationality, a bank account, an address.

They are simply energy.

We say the word ‘simply’; yet the human experience is anything but. It is of little surprise that you’re confused, little surprise that you are seeking answers, little surprise that your planet seems as if you’re living on a rollercoaster.

It is this way by design.

Growth and development never happens through comfort and stability. This is true of any situation. To grow, to develop, to evolve always comes from a new experience, something you’ve never done, practiced or experienced before, evolution comes as a result of friction.

Consider the human experience of giving birth.

Would you consider that females are comfortable during this process?

They don’t look very comfortable to us.

They become very loud and often scream, this is the collective experience, yet when you ask a mother if they regret childbirth, the silence is deafening.

You see, it is only with perspective that you can look back and say ‘it was worth it’, experiencing evolution is hard, it is difficult, yet the other side is incredible.

Hold on to hope, never lose this and hold on tight, for you are all living through history.

As souls, collectively we are all mirrors of ourselves, you are a reflection of us and we are a reflection of you. When you gain this perspective you will see that there is no separation, there is no division for we truly are one, connected by our very essence which is love, which is light.

You are almost there, hold on, the euphoria you will experience on the other side is a vibrational state that is only to be dreamt of for us and admired. We cannot experience this strength of emotion and we can only admire from a distance.

For us, it is the equivalent of being a supporter with front row seats in a stadium, watching a team play in a final, knowing they will be triumphant and waiting for the collective elation of frequency within the stadium when the final whistle is blown.

You are currently in the midst of one of the hardest matches you have faced. You doubt yourselves, you are worried, you are fearful, nervous, excited, uncertain.

Simply know that the result is already there. You will be triumphant. You will get through this. You will be standing on the podium. The entire stadium will erupt with elation and will be cheering.

We believe in you, believe in yourselves, your destiny is already determined.

channelled Arcturian message by Aeron Lazar at on September 4, 2021

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Future of Decentralized Computing


What is Edge Computing? Edge Computing is a range of networks that bring computation closer to where the data is being generated and processed. We have data sources all over because apps keep generating data that can be captured and processed. The apps installed on your phone, for instance, are getting processed outside of it on computational devices. The idea here is to bring the computation as close to the source as possible.

Edge Computing has gotten really popular because of its power of minimum latency, which means that the computation is done in a quick span of time. It is especially useful for streaming, be it online streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Max, Disney, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, or for live streaming like Instagram, live events on YouTube, or streaming sports events on various platforms as they happen in real time.

We have come to expect a certain standard in quality of streaming without lags or delays. Even someone from a different geographical location, say India, can live stream a UFC match that is going on in Vegas with absolutely no delays or lags. This is being made possible through Edge Computing, and all of this is happening over cloud.

Let's look at some examples of it to understand the concept better. We'll take an example of a security system. If you are a property owner of a single property then the security system is simple. You may have a couple of cameras at the front door and in your backyard and it streams live visuals that are easy to track and process. However, consider you are in charge of many such properties – apartments, condos, townhouses, or even corporate buildings. There will be hundreds if not thousands of cameras and a wider area to secure. The footage from all these cameras is being captured all the time 24/7, whether or not there is any motion within the areas. This raw footage is transferred real time from Source X to Source Y via the Internet and is going to consume a lot of Internet bandwidth which may be completely unnecessary. This may overload the computing server where the raw footage is being dumped for processing and cost computing delays. You cannot expect the same speed that you would expect from a streaming service because sometimes in such cases the computation may take minutes or even hours. This could work to your detriment by the time the footage of something untoward happening gets to you the damage may already have been done.

Now consider a situation where the server, by running an algorithm, has the capability to only select the footage that has motion in it. So if there is a layer between the data capturing device, in this case the cameras, and the computation servers, like a preface it can do the pre-computation, checking for motion within the footage, and only sending that footage to the main computational servers, after which if there is an issue, the security alarm is triggered.

This whole process could save a lot of load on the servers while also using less data bandwidth. The main benefit of this is that the streaming is flawless and without any delays or lags. This process of building a logic layer at the source where pre-computation happens, before the data is moved to the final destination, is the basic premise of edge computing.

What is Cloud Computing, in contrast? Cloud Computing is the method of using remote servers that are hosted on the internet instead of physical servers to store and process data. Earlier in the internet era one would do all their tasks on premises. Each web application like Photoshop or an app like a food delivery or Rideshare needs to be hosted on a server. Before the advent of the cloud concept, hosting generally happened on premises. On-premises here means the physical servers that a company or individual use to host their apps and software that is owned and maintained by the people or companies running the app.

People used physical servers for different reasons - like lack of trust in an emerging technology or wanting to keep their data where they can see it or even because it was expensive at the time. One would have to buy the high-end machinery and hardware to make this happen, but the application could be deployed and software could be installed on premises too.

Over the years this practice got both expensive and outdated because the bigger your application got the more space you needed in terms of real estate to store the ever-growing servers, hence cloud computing was invented wherein you are an app owner or a company you do not have to worry about infrastructural issues and can host it on a remote server that is maintained by a company. You only need to make sure the application is executable and the framework's architecture database are all hosted remotely. When you need to access any of this information all you need to do is raise a request through codes. The best part about cloud is that it allows you to scale your application seamlessly. You can get better storage services, databases, and networking capabilities. Then there are concepts like platform as a service software, as a service infrastructure, as a service etc.

The first major difference between Edge and Cloud Computing is programming. Cloud Computing is a centralized system where instructions, queries, and requests are coming in from various platforms like mobile apps, web apps, desktop apps, etc. One would typically program the system over Cloud using a specific programming, language depending upon the platform that is making the computational request, whereas on Edge Computing one could use different implementation strategies for web applications, mobile apps, desktop apps, or iot devices.

Second, Edge Computing needs a comprehensive security strategy because there is a pre-computational layer at the source which could potentially be manipulated and is prone to malicious activity. This could lead to a break in information transfer. Cloud Computing does not need extensive security measures because it is generally taken care of by the companies that are providing the service.

Additional security could be added to Cloud platforms too but they are easier to implement and do not need as much effort in general, so it is very important to factor in the highest security details and sophisticated security architecture while building an Edge Computing system at the source.

Third is latency. As discussed earlier the reason Edge Computing gained popularity is because of its power of minimum latency, the time that elapses between a client initiating contact or making a query and the time it takes to receive a response from the computational source in Cloud Computing. Since the computation is happening far away from the source, sometimes hundreds or thousands of miles away, there could be a lag in responses. This could be a bad user experience, especially because we have come to expect a certain standard of streaming and expect immediate processing of any type of instruction. Sometimes not having delays could be a matter of security too.

But in Edge Computing, since the computation is happening close to the source, there are minimal imperceptible or no lags, depending on the application. In simpler terms, Edge Computing is used to process time-sensitive data, whereas cloud computing could be used for diagnostic data.

Fourth is operations. In Cloud Computing all of the computation happens at the destination. A computational system built over cloud in Edge Computing pre-computation happens at the source before the main computation is done at the destination. When we talk about adding an extra computational layer at the source it doesn't always have to be built. Sometimes it could come built in a device like a mobile or laptop or an app itself.

Let's look at pros and cons of Edge Computing first. In Edge Computing there is no latency since the pre-computation happens at the source; it also requires less data bandwidth. That makes Edge Computing desirable for purposes of seamless streaming, enhanced security, collecting health data through variable devices, creating smart homes, and so much more.

The second advantage is security. Since most of the data is processed at the source and it isn't all transferred to a cloud location there could virtually be no data leaks. It is easy to apply traditional encryption and access security protection between Edge and Cloud servers which makes it less vulnerable and more resilient to surface attacks.

The third advantage is quick decision-making. It is possible to make quick decisions because the communication time is very minimal, so it pretty much facilitates real-time decision-making that helps in solving security threats promptly in the security camera example. It is quicker to raise trigger alarms since the data flow is smoother.

Fourth, Edge is more cost effective since the data bandwidth is lower, so transmission costs are lower, making Edge Computing a cost effective technology.

The number one disadvantage of Edge Computing is control and reliability. The thing that makes Edge Computing desirable, having the computation happening closer to the source, can also be a disadvantage. This is because it is a decentralized mechanism and it needs human intervention. It also requires skilled implementers who understand how it works.

The second disadvantage is compatibility. Edge Computing may not be the right fit for every use because large amounts of data are generated and sometimes the pre-computation may not work as expected. Additionally, there are fewer compatible devices available in the market right now, although this may change in the future.

The third disadvantage is security breaches. Although it helps against data leaks, not every device has built-in authentication and security capabilities, so they are susceptible to data tampering at local host points of the Edge Network.

The fourth disadvantage is loss of data. Not all data makes it to the computational servers because it is discarded by the Edge devices. What if the device is faulty and did not capture the data as expected. This leads to a loss of information. Next, let's look at the pros and cons of Cloud Computing. The number one advantage is productivity. Cloud is a completely centralized system, which means no matter where you are located, if Edge fails there is no way to connect to the servers, but with Cloud, even if there is a lag or downtime there will be a response hence the data recovery is easier. Here the chances of failure are very very low.

The second advantage is cost. Services have become universally accepted now. It is also an affordable alternative to on-premises data warehousing and storage because you don't have to worry about real estate for those servers. Moreover many services are packaged in bundles which has made Cloud Computing more accessible in general. In Edge Computing, because of having to build the pre-computation layer, it can be more expensive than Cloud Computing.

The third advantage is data storage. Earlier we could store extra data on external hard drives which were susceptible to damage or being stolen. (this is just on an individual level) Businesses work with humongous amounts of data; they shouldn't be worried about storing it securely. Cloud provides that space and for cheaper rates too. If your storage needs went up by a few terabytes you can always demand more space from the providers without letting any of your systems crash due to extra load. But this is not exactly possible with Edge devices. But the devices may not be able to handle the huge data load.

The fourth advantage is security. Data warehouses are high security places, managed by the Cloud service providers, so there are no security breaches and data leaks since they are monitored 24/7.

There are disadvantages to Cloud Computing as well. Breaches due to vulnerabilities is first and foremost. If the data warehouse is under attack from cyber hackers who may have breached the security lines by tinkering with single point vulnerabilities in the system, your data is at risk of being stolen or tampered with. The biggest names in the Cloud industry are AWS, GCP, and azure. If they are under a cyber threat of any kind or if the data warehouses are physically damaged by any means, it could affect your data. Since these are human-built systems there is always a risk of missing something. This could cause loss of revenue, loss of customer trust, and more importantly the customer's data itself.

The second disadvantage with Cloud is downtime. The system can undergo reboots, have network issues, outages, overheating, and downtime which may cause lags in response and may impact businesses negatively.

Take for example the great Netflix outage that happened in the recent past due to AWS being down. It took hours for them to bring it back up. Or take another example of when the New York subways stopped due to another outage severely impacting computers. Food delivery apps crash too and people can't order food for hours. This happened in 2020 when covid testing had to be halted because the servers were down.

Cloud downtime can have real world repercussions. This is the reason why multi-cloud adoption is gaining popularity, wherein a business hosts its data on multiple Cloud providers.

So overall, Cloud Computing and Edge Computing are too related yet different technologies and they are not at the least at the moment interchangeable.

from the Scaler USA YouTube of Edge Computing versus Cloud Computing on February 13, 2023

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Yuktesvar and the Yugas


Yuktesvar was a mathematician and yogi in India who forecast that the ascending Kali Yuga ended in the year 1700 AD, after which we entered into the ascending Bronze Age, the Dwapara Yuga. Now we have even more proof of it because we're going through the other aspects of that transitional cycle. And these are at least presumed demonstrable through the actions of humanity going batshit crazy in this shift of the ages; there's various different tells for these shifts in these greater periods of energy, and we now have a more rational explanation which is rising up out of the obscuring mass of the galactic center to get more energy from galactic center in the course of these sinusoidal motions in our orbit around the great galactic center.

Yuktesvar's mathematics showed that yugas are based on a cycle of 1200 years. The ascending Kali Yuga, the Dark Ages, was 1,200 years long. The descending portion of it was also 1200 years, so that's a total of 2,400 years. The ascending part we just left describes us going up into galactic center emanations at a higher level. We peak in the Golden Age, and then we come back down, right? And the Golden Age lasts quite a long time because of the nature of this giant arc that our solar system makes around the outside edge of this third minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

And when we rise up high enough in the arc, we get more of these emanations... which is happening now. So the Bronze Age we're in now will last 2400 years. And it began by Yuktesvar's notation in the year 1700. So you can add 2400 years to that and on you go. The next age is the Treta Age, which is the Silver Age, and it has got another 1200 years, so that is 3600 years of ascension. Then for the golden age that follows it, you add another 1200 so that the total ascending golden age is 4800 years long. But get this. Instantly, at the peak of the ascending golden age, you start down on the descending side and so you go into the descending golden age. So you're descending, but it's still the golden age, and will last another 4,800 years. So the total amount of time that you're in the golden age (which we are now in) is 9,600 years. And then you go through the descending silver and descending bronze, then into the descending Kali Yuga (which is the absolute pit), then ultimately into the ascending Kali Yuga again, the one we just emerged from, to begin a new cycle.

Yuktesvar's calculations of the Yugas call a complete cycle a great year of 24,000 years before everything starts all over again. This is just ever so slightly off what we now know to be our great year relative to our astronomical cycle relative to galactic center. It takes us millions of years to go around the galaxy in a complete fashion, but a great year going through the astrological chart, if each era is marked at 30 degrees, or if each house of the 12 houses are marked, you get a great year that comes out to 25,477 years. So Yuktesvar was only off on his calculations by 1,477 years.

Yuktesvar predicted the next leap in human ingenuity as a result of getting more emanations from galactic center... (He didn't know about the sinusoidal orbit or about more emanations from galactic center, but he had a presupposition that as we rose up, our intellect would increase and so on.) ... that we would have atomic theory, as he described it, working in very, very fine particles, and that we would have an electrified civilization. He knew about electricity, but at the time it was basically crude battery technology in the form of laden jars, glass capacitors and discharges - not flowing electricity. He made other predictions about both micro and macro sensory enhancement, talking about microscopes and telescopes and being able to have giant views of things.

Anyway, so there's this math that goes along with the yugas and the transition periods and so on. And based on that particular part of the math, you can get an understanding that we are in fact in the 325th year, if you take Yuktesvar's beginning in 1700, of the ascending Bronze Age.

from the substack of Clif High on August 21, 2024

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Pulse of Time


The universe creates everything by a pulse. That pulse happens 22 trillion times a second, and the pause in between also happens 22 trillion times a second... but it has no duration. So fundamentally, you're dividing this second up into 22 trillion chunks. But there is a pause between each pulse. It simply has no time involved in it. It has no duration. It doesn't contribute to duration at all.

So the pulse comes out and recreates the universe 22 trillion times a second. In the void, all of the universe is destroyed. This is a function of magnetism. We can think of magnetism as having two opposing aspects that operate on a fundamental proto-crystal etheric level - the glom together part and then the push apart aspects of magnetism. That's what happens 22 trillion times a second.

There is no bending of space-time. Einstein was totally wrong. UFOs do not travel by bending space or time or trying to distort it in any way like that. What they do is they travel with this pulse on a particular frequency band as it moves. What they're doing is sailing on the ether as part of that etheric band or wavelength or frequency. You can think of it that what they do is they disconnect from the frequency of the reality at this instant and then reconnect in another instant. But because they disconnect at a particular frequency, they ride that frequency and use it as the transport medium. So basically they're blinking in and out of reality. They're fluxing in and out of reality in order to move. And then they're sort of dialing a new location and they appear at that new location without the bother of having to travel between the two points. They're just at point A in one trilli-second and then the next 22 trillionth part of a second they reappear at some distant location point B - another point of etheric discrimination. These points can be thought of as the nexus around which matter exists.

Anyway, time has many aspects to it. Time imparts energy into our universe through these magnetic pulses 22 trillion times a second. Then blowing the universe apart it has a particular graphic sine wave shape with both halves of the magnetism - the agglutination of the glomming together part and then the explosive part form a particular shape that we see on oscilloscopes - this pulsed hesitation and then renewal of the energy right away.

We can think of TIME as that which imparts impulse into universe. And from impulse, all other forms of energy evolve or discriminate. They discriminate because what happens in the universe is as the time pulse recreates us all, thereafter we fade out, so to speak.

Our frequencies change as we interact with the materium here, and they become altered. And thus, we end up with all of these other forms of energy that discriminate themselves from the pulse. This would include radioactivity, electricity, sunlight, and motion. In fact, in your body, it's all pulses, everything from the beat of the heart through the functioning of the formation of thoughts, and how your muscles work - a twitch is a result of a pulse, fast or slow.

The nature of time can be thought of in a couple of different ways - as the impetus for reality's creation or as our perception of that impetus; the leftover energy of that impetus may then be considered 'duration'. And because it's happening at 22 trillion times per second, it tricks our minds into thinking that solid reality exists around us because the sensory apparatus within our body does not work that fast. So we stick out our hand and it doesn't hit the void. It doesn't go into one of those voids in the gap between the pulses. It hits the pulse, pushing back on it, making you think that it is solid matter.

from the substack of Clif High on August 21, 2024

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Golden Mean of Healthy Living: Redox Equilibrium

Cellular redox balance refers to the dynamic equilibrium between oxidants (reactive oxygen species, ROS) and antioxidants in a cell. This balance is crucial for maintaining proper cellular function and responses. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), including superoxide (O2−), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxyl radical (HO·), are continuously produced as byproducts of normal cellular metabolism. Under excessive stress conditions, cells will produce numerous ROS, and the living organism eventually evolves series of response mechanisms to adapt to the ROS exposure as well as utilize it as a signaling molecule. ROS molecules trigger oxidative stress in a feedback mechanism involving many biological processes, such as apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy.

Growing evidence suggests that ROS play a critical role as a signaling molecule throughout the entire cell death pathway. Overwhelming production of ROS can destroy organelle structures and bio-molecules, leading to an inflammatory response that is known as an underpinning mechanism for the development of diabetes and cancer. Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP) are regarded as the markers of oxidative stress and can transform toxic metabolites into ROS which can cause injury of cells. Accordingly, cells have evolved a balanced system to neutralize the extra ROS, namely antioxidant systems that consist of enzymatic antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidases (GPxs), thioredoxin (Trx) as well as supplemental non-enzymatic antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, which play a crucial role in maintaining redox balance by neutralizing or eliminating ROS, collectively reducing oxidative state.

The balance between oxidants and antioxidants is maintained through a delicate interplay of enzyme-catalyzed reactions, such as the glutathione redox cycle, and non-enzymatic thiol-disulfide exchange reactions. Imbalance towards oxidative stress occurs when ROS production exceeds antioxidant capacity, leading to damage of biomolecules, including DNA, proteins, and lipids. Conversely, antioxidant excess can lead to reduced cellular responses to oxidative stress. Cellular redox balance is regulated by transcription factors, such as Nrf2, which responds to oxidative stress by inducing antioxidant and cytoprotective genes. Spatial-temporal regulation of oxidative stress determines cellular fate, with activation of antioxidant and cytoprotective machinery leading to restoration of redox balance.

In summary, cellular redox balance is a dynamic equilibrium between oxidants and antioxidants, essential for maintaining proper cellular function and response. Disruption of this balance can lead to oxidative stress, which can have detrimental effects on cellular health. In our world of excess outer as well as inner stress, supplementation of antioxidants may be essential for maintaining this delicate, but most essential balance.

Untangling Quantum Entanglement

  The traditional gulf between science and metaphysics is undergoing a dramatic metamorphosis as the discovery of a ‘quantum entanglement’ ...