Monday, October 14, 2024

War? Huh? What is it Good For?


War is a racket.

~ General Smedley D. Butler, USMC

War, is an overlay, a constraint, laid on a primary aspect of this Matterium, that is, “contention”. Contention is the nature of Life itself, at least in this Matterium.

All of this Matterium is the duality of opposites. At its core, all duality is merely expressing ‘contention’.

War is a racket, a constraint, organized, and owned by banks. The banksters know this. Professional military know this. Some politicians know this. A few scholars know this. Most of the people in the Woo know this. The normies don’t have a fucking clue.

The normies fall for the jingoistic nationalism-parade of slogans and psyops to bring out ‘group rage’ at a deep level. This will ALWAYS involve assaults on the collective understanding of the ‘reproductive system/cycle’. Bear in mind the organism that is the ‘social body’, while composed of individual humans, is nonetheless an organism; one that behaves as a singular, albeit collective, mind. So rape, mutilation, and destruction of babies, will always be involved in the propaganda effort to shift the collective-normie-mind’s focus.

When all else fails, they take you to war.” The global bankster class is of a limited intelligence. In fact, quite limited, and prone to repetition. It gets ‘mind rats’ twirling in its mental cages that go on for centuries. The global bankster class is slow moving, and slow witted, as those alive now are witnessing.

The banksters are desperate for war, at this time, due to ALL the reasons so evident to all of us guys. And there is one more, not quite so obvious reason for their desperation.

Yep. You guessed it. Space aliens.

A lot of people will tell you that the deep state/banksters are trying to get us into war, and will use a fake alien invasion in order to generate a global ‘human coalition’ to take them on, thus, in essence, converting all nations into totalitarian military run states that the banksters can rule more easily.

My opinion differs. Would the banksters actually be better off with a global totalitarian state mechanism? Arguably, not. They would not make anywhere as much money under that form versus our current structure. And their criminal activities are so much easier to disguise under the apparent chaos of our ‘free market’ system. Nope. And there are other reasons to suggest that military dictatorship resulting from an engineered fake alien invasion would not serve their purposes at all.

Yes, you could say it is a ‘last ditch’ plan, when all the others have failed, as at least ‘they’ would still be in control.

The contention masters of Humanity would argue that the bankster/Deep State surely has some intelligence scholars who would be aware that the energies involved in achieving such a task by force/deception within even a small fraction (greater than ¼) of humanity would be only at the pinnacle of the emergence of those energies. Thus the peak of their achievement would be the actual precipice from which their plunge to Oblivion begins. And that their fall would be very rapid indeed.

It seems clear that the [Deep State/Banksters] do have such scholars, and that they do see what is to be seen within the forces in contention within Humanity during this movement into a new Age.

It’s possible that there is another, more plausible motive for the [Deep State/Banksters] to be pushing for large scale, mass mobilization of the general populace of the western nations into military organization and control.

It could be that the ‘alien invasion’ is not so fake. It may be that even if they are running a scam, fake alien invasion, that there is a real, more scary one, underway right now, with some large escalations in the future. Of course the [Deep State/Banksters] are aware of the space alien problem as they control/own all the global “intelligence services”, and these all devote at least 50% of their time, personnel, and money to the ‘alien problem’. You just don’t get to hear about it.

So….War? Huh? What is it good for? Well, mobilizing the population to present a ‘united’ face toward the Alien Presence. Yeah, from their viewpoint, it works.

Our human problem is that the [Deep State/Banksters] are stupid fuckers. They only understand Contention in the conceptional framework of War.

Bankers start, and end, ALL wars.

Contention goes on forever.

Grasp the difference and your thinking changes.

When the War people fail with the actual aliens, seek out those who do understand Contention, Universe, and the Matterium. These are the scholars of the Art of Peace.

from the substack of Clif High on September 24, 2024

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