Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Yuktesvar and the Yugas


Yuktesvar was a mathematician and yogi in India who forecast that the ascending Kali Yuga ended in the year 1700 AD, after which we entered into the ascending Bronze Age, the Dwapara Yuga. Now we have even more proof of it because we're going through the other aspects of that transitional cycle. And these are at least presumed demonstrable through the actions of humanity going batshit crazy in this shift of the ages; there's various different tells for these shifts in these greater periods of energy, and we now have a more rational explanation which is rising up out of the obscuring mass of the galactic center to get more energy from galactic center in the course of these sinusoidal motions in our orbit around the great galactic center.

Yuktesvar's mathematics showed that yugas are based on a cycle of 1200 years. The ascending Kali Yuga, the Dark Ages, was 1,200 years long. The descending portion of it was also 1200 years, so that's a total of 2,400 years. The ascending part we just left describes us going up into galactic center emanations at a higher level. We peak in the Golden Age, and then we come back down, right? And the Golden Age lasts quite a long time because of the nature of this giant arc that our solar system makes around the outside edge of this third minor spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

And when we rise up high enough in the arc, we get more of these emanations... which is happening now. So the Bronze Age we're in now will last 2400 years. And it began by Yuktesvar's notation in the year 1700. So you can add 2400 years to that and on you go. The next age is the Treta Age, which is the Silver Age, and it has got another 1200 years, so that is 3600 years of ascension. Then for the golden age that follows it, you add another 1200 so that the total ascending golden age is 4800 years long. But get this. Instantly, at the peak of the ascending golden age, you start down on the descending side and so you go into the descending golden age. So you're descending, but it's still the golden age, and will last another 4,800 years. So the total amount of time that you're in the golden age (which we are now in) is 9,600 years. And then you go through the descending silver and descending bronze, then into the descending Kali Yuga (which is the absolute pit), then ultimately into the ascending Kali Yuga again, the one we just emerged from, to begin a new cycle.

Yuktesvar's calculations of the Yugas call a complete cycle a great year of 24,000 years before everything starts all over again. This is just ever so slightly off what we now know to be our great year relative to our astronomical cycle relative to galactic center. It takes us millions of years to go around the galaxy in a complete fashion, but a great year going through the astrological chart, if each era is marked at 30 degrees, or if each house of the 12 houses are marked, you get a great year that comes out to 25,477 years. So Yuktesvar was only off on his calculations by 1,477 years.

Yuktesvar predicted the next leap in human ingenuity as a result of getting more emanations from galactic center... (He didn't know about the sinusoidal orbit or about more emanations from galactic center, but he had a presupposition that as we rose up, our intellect would increase and so on.) ... that we would have atomic theory, as he described it, working in very, very fine particles, and that we would have an electrified civilization. He knew about electricity, but at the time it was basically crude battery technology in the form of laden jars, glass capacitors and discharges - not flowing electricity. He made other predictions about both micro and macro sensory enhancement, talking about microscopes and telescopes and being able to have giant views of things.

Anyway, so there's this math that goes along with the yugas and the transition periods and so on. And based on that particular part of the math, you can get an understanding that we are in fact in the 325th year, if you take Yuktesvar's beginning in 1700, of the ascending Bronze Age.

from the substack of Clif High on August 21, 2024

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