It is very difficult to read criticism of people you support. I get why people may be offended by my use of the label "Trumpitos". I apply this label to the people that Trump has brought into his administration, not to those people who support Trump, and his actions.
I also support Trump, and his team, and their actions. I use this label BECAUSE I support them, and am pointing out that their thinking is failing them, and their goals. It is my conclusion that the understanding of our reality that they are demonstrating by their actions is flawed.
I am using the term ‘Trumpitos’ deliberately chosen. It is a diminutive as I am pointing out that they are thinking as children may about our reality.
If I did not support the Trump team, would I work this diligently to point out what I see as their error in judgment that is apparently being revealed by their actions? No, I would say piss on them, let them make that error.
The issue comes down to timing, and perception. In my opinion, the Trump team has a big big big problem that they do not see. Or apparently do not see. It's possible that they are so good at hiding their real intent that I am, along with everyone else, being deceived by their misdirection.
BUT it is more likely that they do not see the underlying problem that they, and the rest of humanity face at this point in 'history'.
This problem is deep. Far far deeper than most people would ever bother to think. This problem arises from their view of our common shared reality.
As a small hint, we can say that 'modern science', based on the Einstein /Descartes understanding of a grit based Matterium, and all the academics that 'understand modern physics' ALL see 'gravity' as a separate force. They are actually looking for 'particles', or grit, that is/causes 'gravity'.
As long as they hold that view of gravity as a separate 'force', they will never be able to create anti-gravity vehicles. Nor understand most of this Matterium.
So....the 'Trumpitos' are acting like small, ignorant children with their actions as all their thinking is based on a grit model of the Universe. This model is collapsing under the weight of its failures now, during these days.
Further, the grit model can never explain UFOs, and consciousness. The Einstein/ Descartes model is a failure. It is dying now. UFOs prove this. They have a different physics, these UFO guys. They have antigravity. They go from planet to planet with no travel time. The UFO guys work on a physics understanding that I call ‘the ontological paradigm’. It allows for SO much more, real, and effective physics than our grit model.
If you have the correct view of reality you can see so much more of it.
It was due to my having an ontological view, that I was able to see cryptos emerging 13 years ahead of the Satoshi White Paper that launched Bitcoin. Many people who listened to my ‘crazy’ forecasts had their lives greatly changed by my ability to see our reality as most do not.
THE reason I can do this comes down to having an ontological view.
The grit view is so lame, so poor, so stupid, that they do not grasp the difference between our Universe, and our Matterium.
Those people thinking of our Matterium as having anything at all like ‘random chance’ will never, did never, could never, have seen Bitcoin ahead of its appearance in the event-stream. Or any of the other, now proven, forecasts ahead of manifestation.
Your paradigm supports ALL your thinking. If you have the wrong paradigm, you are blinded by it. You will not see what is plainly visible to those people who have another basis for their understanding of our common shared reality.
The Trump people, the ‘Trumpitos’, are having their thinking framed by, and informed by, the grit paradigm which is a false, and blinding way of trying to view our existence here, in this Matterium. This view is the only perspective being displayed by their actions. Apparently they have no one offering the dissenting view on their potential actions.
In the same way that I could, and did, see the rise of a ‘new currency’, as well as all the other forecasts, either now manifest, or pending, I can see the unfolding reality that the Trumpitos are creating by their actions. It is not difficult with the correct understanding of how our Matterium operates.
Note that the ontology, the base of the ontological paradigm, participates in our reality, in our lives, at an active level. People such as myself are placed into this Matterium where the experiences of our body’s Life are such that we are are formed, and tempered for our purpose here. We are to be change agents.
At this point in cosmic history, great planetary alignments describe a Shift of Ages. A shift into the Age of Aquarius, labeled as the Age of Knowledge by those who know. These shifts of the ages, are also shifts of all of Humanity. The Universe has all of Humanity all whipped up in a process of deep change.
The Ontology provides people to participate in this Great Change. I am one of them. If you have the ontological perspective you can see your own role in history, and the emergence of the event-stream. There are many of us. It’s up to each individual to act. The only aspect of our body’s Life that we own is the right to make a decision in the moment. We do not control the results that are produced, even it we can see how they will affect the event-stream. It is all probability until the field collapses such that the manifestation emerges into our common shared reality.
It is not an easy role to take on. Many will chose to avoid that, in this body’s Life. Some of us know what we will receive from acting in, and as, the roles that the Ontology has placed upon this body’s Life experience. We do it anyway. We are hardened, trained by Universe, and abuse to be tough enough to take it, to be beat down, to then still rise up again, and to say, “if you kids keep kicking that bomb, you will cause it to explode. I can see that you are making an error.”
The Ontological perspective is not simple, nor is it complicated. It is complex. Complexity needs a different order of thinking. i conceptualize this as ‘adult in the Matterium’ thinking. Thus I characterize those who think in the gritology view as children, or immature minds. Note that compared to space aliens, with anti-gravity UFOs, our best technology, Musk’s rockets, or EVs, are really lame, really childish.
So I think Kash, and Bondi, and all the others to be as honorable humans as we will find who are able to work within government. I do not doubt their intentions, nor their efforts. I do question their judgement as it is formed by, mired in, and muddied by, the grit that pollutes their minds.
As I discount the base for ALL their thinking, i question all their decisions. It is my intent in the criticisms that I present to cooperate, to harmonize, with our unfolding, emerging, common shared reality such that IF the Universe provides, they will be guided towards changing the glasses through which they see.
In my opinion they are missing so many opportunities. They are missing so many solutions because these are obscured by the grit covering their eyes.
from the substack of Clif High on March 10, 2025
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