Today I wanted to talk about the Pharisees and asteroids. You're going to see a lot of this in the news soon. We're seeing it now with reports of the approach of the asteroid Apophis. “Oh my God, oh my God, the end of the planet is near, we're going to be hit by asteroids.” This is all because the Pharisees need to have fear in order to have control.
The Pharisees are a social order that arose suddenly and claimed a false heritage in the time of the Second Temple of the Judaics in the Torah. They took over all of Judaism and they've controlled it ever since. They focus on the Talmud. Their view is what I call gritology. They think all of the universe is grit and that everything happens by random chance... that life originated because of some random smacking together of two God particles.
These people are not particularly intelligent. They simply have the system weighted to give them a numeric that they claim makes them smarter than everybody else, makes them more intelligent, but they're really stupid. They invented a religion. The Pharisees took over Judaism.
We go through time, come out of the Kali Yuga, and we get into what everybody calls the Age of Enlightenment in the 1700s. At that time, the Pharisees generated a new religion called science. They had a bunch of high priests, Descartes and all of these other guys, that came up with all these weird rules as to how we should analyze our reality. All of these weird rules go to the idea that if all consciousness died, all the grit would still remain, that the universe would still exist.
This idea is bogus on the face of it. You can dispute this effectively in so many different ways. But they just keep insisting that you're wrong and you can't analyze things with the idea that consciousness is involved in it. Yet, no matter what science the Pharisees come up with, at its core, it will always come down to something that they can't explain, so they just shsine it on with a label called the observer effect. Doesn't matter if you're talking physics or any other science, the observer effect occurs when people perform experiments, in every single experiment ever conducted by a human, that the human's consciousness participated in the outcome.
And in fact, we know that there is a proof of this because the high priests of the Pharisees are the same people involved in quantum computers today (which is yet another dead end. Most of the money spent on quantum technology is in a desperate attempt to isolate the outcome from the local human consciousness because the observer effect disproves all of their science).
Every single bit of their science is dependent upon the idea of random chance, and yet random chance does not exist in this universe. The observer effect negates the idea of randomness. The observer effect negates the idea that life is from random chance. The observer effect proves that consciousness is present in everything within this universe. If all consciousness leaves, there will be no more matter.
So the Pharisees have this religion they call science that, at its core, has no God, and they want you to deny the idea of a supreme consciousness. Now, I deny the idea of a God because God, by definition, is something that's in here, in the materium, with each of us.
The Pharisees are worshippers of the Elohim, space aliens that came and abused the Judaics way back in the day, which may not be all that far back... because the Pharisees have messed with the timeline and history, adding an extra thousand years. (Go read Fomenko's History, Fact, or Fiction series) We don't know everything that has happened, but we know that something happened that they have tried to disguise by messing with history and the timeline.
The Pharisees want you under their control because they believe themselves to be the managers of the herd that is humanity. They harvest this herd for money, for adrenochrome, for sex slaves, and for all different kinds of things. The Pharisees are truly wicked and evil; not being good people, they have many hidden agendas.
They believe that the Elohim are coming back. This is where this idea that Earth is going to be hit by this giant asteroid originates. They want you living in fear of some random event like an asteroid. So they're going to say there's a 6.5% chance that this asteroid is going to hit Earth. That's bogus. If the asteroid is going to hit Earth, it will hit Earth. And there's no amount of anything anyone can do that will change that. And if it's not going to hit Earth, there's no possibility of putting any kind of odds on it... because randomness and odds do not exist in a universe that's created by consciousness.
We live in a universe that's created by a supreme consciousness. I call it the ontology, rather than God, because I believe that consciousness is seeking the limits of its own existence by trying to continuously discover novelty. I'm not alone in this thinking. This thinking goes back thousands of years. We don't know how long. But it's also been rediscovered continuously through time by people that think on these things.
So there is no random chance the supreme consciousness creates anything. Everything happens for a reason and we are not able to discern these reasons; there's many, many millions of them at any given time because all events participate in what's called the totality of karma.
For instance, you might have to do a particular thing on a particular morning. You happen to knock over your coffee cup and have to take time to make a second cup. So you're two minutes late... and you somehow “miraculously” miss an accident. That's karma, and it's operating in your favor at any given time. In order for you to miss that accident, you had to knock over the coffee, and so on and so on. All events participate in this thing that is called the event stream. All events build and build and build, creating the distractions of our life, the minutiae.
So the Pharisees are going to bombard you with this idea of an approaching asteroid in order to try to create fear. They're going to use their horror media to do this, the propagandists that aren't smart enough to know that they're serving evil. And they're going to keep telling you that it's all random chance because they want you to spend more money on their religion - science.
From their religion, you get such things as Marxism and Communism, which is their religion reapplied to destroy other religions. I think all religions are horseshit because at the core of all religions are the idea of gods. Gods derive from space aliens. If we are talking supreme consciousness, isuch a thing is not here in the materium with us. It's got better things to do, so to speak, creating the materium in us.
Anyway, so that's what's going to happen with news of the asteroid Apophis and all of these other meteors. If they're going to hit earth, they're going to hit earth. Nobody can do anything about it, so worrying about it is stupid. And no, the Pharisees have no ability to place any kind of odds. So if they say it's 6% now, they're going to elevate that to 7.5%, and then 11%, the closer we get to this time period. And then the asteroid will likely go zipping by us and won't hit us because that does not serve the ontology. So that's the way this universe works. There is no random, and you can't prove that random exists.
Be aware of this. The Pharisees are going to try to generate fear. There is no random. Your death is not a random factor. When you die, you'll discover that it wasn't random, that it had to happen at that point for certain reasons that you may be unaware of, for the karma, for the event stream.
All Pharisee science, all of the gritology, all of the Jew-dominated physics, all of it breaks when it comes down to the observer effect. It comes down to something that they will always deny, which is that consciousness exists before the illusion of matter, and that all matter is an illusion within an ontology, and that there is no such thing as random in our existence now, which proves we live in an ontology.
The Pharisees are very good at arguing in circuitous ways with their limited minds, but not good in solving problems... as we know from all the things that they're doing, like spending millions of dollars on wackadoodle crap at CERN, supposedly looking for a god particle so that they can create life. But humans can never create life other than through what universe has already provided to us in the form of reproduction.
from the substack of Clif High on February 12, 2025
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