Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Why We Cannot Prevent Collapse


In the lived-in world, our quality of life is unraveling in myriad ways as algorithmically-driven under-competence and mediocrity are now the norm.

When deployed by monopolies/cartels, automation institutionalizes mediocrity, and soon everyone forgets excellence and quality because they no longer have any experience of either one. And since our economy is dominated by monopolies/cartels, automation has reduced our quality of life across the board.

Once the "market choice" of price-constrained consumers has been reduced to one option (monopoly) or a handful of options offering the same price and quality (cartel), then monopolies/cartels have an irresistible incentive (increase profits) to slash costs by automating everything that can be automated, along with reducing the quality of customer service, for why bother spending money on customer service when the customers have no option other than another member of the cartel?

With the customers corralled, the incentives are to algorithmically optimize mediocrity, as mediocrity is the most profitable optimization possible. If customer service and quality are degraded to the point of failure, consumers might rouse themselves and demand some improvement. But the pursuit of excellence is a waste of money, as the customers are effectively prisoners, so why waste money making gourmet meals for prisoners?

Here's a good description of how automation institutionalizes mediocrity, and by automation I don't mean just chatbots, robots, voice-activated menus, etc. - automation includes automating via algorithms the organization and processes of all services and procedures.

In other words, employees of the monopolies/cartels have to follow the optimized procedures under pain of being punished, even if the procedures complicate tasks, inhibit solutions and reduce the quality of customer service. Simply put, the nonsensical insanity of Kafka's everyone's busy 24/7 but nothing useful gets done Castle is optimized by automation. Monopolies come in two flavors: government and private. Both optimize mediocrity via automation.

The automation of mediocrity is part of the systemic optimization of under-competence: employees receive just enough training to follow procedures in normal situations, but this purposefully thin training (why waste money training employees when a cheap algorithm can do the heavy lifting?) leaves the employees completely incompetent when a crisis arises that can only be resolved by those with experiential knowledge of the entire system.

Mediocrity - oh so profitable in normal circumstances - guarantees failure when something outside the norm destabilizes the over-optimized machine.

This reliance on algorithms has stripped us of competence outside the narrow boundaries of normal transactions. Here's one way to understand this drawn from my own experience: the service is broken, but the problem isn't one of the three menu options offered - and there is no other choice but one of the three algorithmically programmed three options. So the problem is unfixable.

We can understand deep experiential expertise as a type of human-capital buffer or redundancy which seems like an unnecessary expense when everything is operating normally, but when anomalous events reveal the limitations of algorithmic procedures, there's nobody left with the experience needed to stop the system from collapsing.

This is how automation has optimized under-competence, rendering all these organizations prone to sudden, surprising failure.

In summary, automating mediocrity optimizes profitability and sloth. Never mind if the quality of the service or product is low, because the customers have no real choice. It's easier to just follow procedures, and more profitable for private monopolies/cartels to optimize the automation of mediocrity.

The Mythology of Technological Progress demands our worship of technology as the font of all goodness in the world. Meanwhile, in the lived-in world, our quality of life is unraveling in myriad ways as algorithmically-driven under-competence and mediocrity are now the norm, even as this optimization has eroded systemic resilience in ways few understand.

From the blog of Charles Hugh Smith at on February 14, 2025

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