Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Extreme Weather False Flags

"The climate change hoax is the most complex and convoluted criminal conspiracy in world history. The global warming scam is — BY FAR — the biggest boondoggle ever. There’s not even a close second. What the globalists did, early on, was to entice everyone into some aspect of this fraudulent business venture. The International Banking Crime Syndicate made sure everyone thought they could get a piece of the action. Once they did, and it’s still going on, it was just a matter of executing of the climate ruse. Then, anyone without a conscience eagerly joined the climate change club.”
 Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S Military Officer

Extreme weather events are now routinely geo-engineered and weaponized into what are essentially false flag weather attacks. This highly destructive and deadly type of weather warfare is being used for several reasons. First and foremost, among them is the New World Order manufactured need to advertise Climate Change as a real threat to humanity. What better way to do this than to let loose a plague of violent superstorms, debilitating drought and deluges, as well as other devastating weather events around the globe.

This is how Mother Earth is being blamed for the “meteorological mayhem via false flags” that are really manufactured by the globalist-directed geo-engineers.  In this way, nations everywhere are being misled in the camp of Climate Change whose fanatics are desperate to stop weather flux, some of which are totally natural, but most of which are manufactured.

The following irrefutable and highly perceptive statement was made by Rosalie Bertell, PhD, in her ground-breaking book Planet Earth, the Latest Weapon of War: “Instead of figuring out how to stop military disruption and manipulation of the climate through 'weather wars, plasma weapons, and geo-engineering' by turning off 'ionospheric heaters' globally, the discussion is focused on fighting the consequences of this global war – precisely by employing the same measures that have actually caused them.”

It should be noted that much of the weather warfare is being aimed at locations that have been targeted by the New World Order cabal for specific reasons - political and governmental or economic and financial. For example, two of the most destructive superstorms on record to hit North America have occurred within the past couple of years – Hurricane Michael and Superstorm Dorian, both targeting Florida. Behind each of these calamitous weather attacks were hidden agendas.

Cabal geo-engineers are systematically taking control of natural storms, or fabricating them from scratch and amping them up into megastorms, just before slamming them into some targeted city, state or region of a country. In this manner, nations are compelled to either stay on the New World Order reservation, or coerced to comply with a cabal dictate that significantly advances their New World Order agenda.

To be clear about their driving agenda, the primary purpose of a One World Government will be to act as the enforcement arm of the International Banking Cartel that greedily covets all of the natural resources on the planet. The New World Order globalists know that they must completely control the weather worldwide because of its enormous impacts on the land, sea and air they wish to control. Hence, numerous geoengineering experiments have been and are now being covertly conducted on land masses and oceans and in the atmosphere as a prelude to their future objective of world domination. Their ultimate goal is to rule the world via a totalitarian and tyrannical government not unlike the European Union where citizens still think they have a voice but in reality they do not.

The current trend of Climate Change hysteria is likely to only get worse. With the recent worldwide political shift toward nationalism, the globalists have never been so desperate to foist their warped vision upon all of humankind. 2019 saw an extraordinary uptick in meticulously staged events, each designed to over-dramatize the utterly bogus yet thoroughly captivating Global Warming fiction.

What can be done to thwart the aggressive attempt to corral every inhabitant of the planet into compliance with the New world Order agenda? The greater the public's awareness of this demonic connivance, the more difficult for the cabal at the top of the food chain to succeed. As with most criminal efforts conducted in the shadows, the best way of dealing with it is by shining the light of awareness on their exceedingly misguided projects. If the light is bright and widespread enough, the rats will have no choice but to scurry.

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