Friday, January 31, 2020

the Enstupidation of Amairikuhn Edgykayshun

A recent survey found that the average college freshman in the United States reads at a 7th grade level. Chinese students are generally four grade levels ahead of their American counterparts. And according to the Pentagon, 71% of our young adults are ineligible to serve in the U.S. military because they are either too dumb, too fat, or have a criminal background. 

It could be said that Amairikuhn edgykayshun is a microcosm of the country - nothing in America that has become an institution works anymore; the system is not designed to reflect the vast majority of people, or for that matter, any sort of traditional culture as might have thus far survived. The progressive movement that began first in education with John Dewey in the nineteenth century, and then later captured large swaths of both political parties, has achieved success in dumbing down perhaps a majority of the population. It has completed its march through the institutions, and finally captured the academy. And the result is that schools are by and large an abject failure, and Amairikuh has been nearly completely enstupidated.

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