Wednesday, January 22, 2020

When the Government Comes Knocking on Your Door

Death by government is and has always been the world's leading cause of death. In the 20th century alone more than 262 million people worldwide were murdered by their own governments. The United States, as a Constitutional Republic, was designed to ensure that such a thing would never happen here. To guarantee the freedom of the people and the continuation of our Constitution, each citizen was granted the right to bear arms for the express purpose of protecting themselves from the deterioration of government into corruption.

The Second Amendment is not about hunting. It never was. The Second Amendment is about protecting our freedom and saving our own lives. To relinquish that right is to put oneself in harm's way and is purely dangerous. Should the government fall into tyranny against the people, the Second Amendment layed the foundation for the people to take back their country. Americans were essentially given the right to bear arms in order to deal with the situation we find ourselves in today.

Looking at the history of government down through the ages, it has been an all too frequent occurrence for governments to use terrorism as a means of swaying popular opinion in order to achieve their controlling objectives. It continues today quite simply because terrorism remains the single most effective way of swaying popular opinion. It gets the job done quickly with no questions asked and no paperwork to fill out. Governments resort to tyranny and terrorism quite simply because it works better than anything else. History has shown at the cost of many lives, again and again, that it works very well.

The problem is that people forget. Our televisions have lulled us into complacency and we simply believe it could never happen to us. But the reality is that nothing whatsoever has changed in the ways government usurps power from the people, and upon any real investigation there should be little doubt in anyone's mind that the recent and rapidly escalating spate of random shootings at schools and similar venues across the United States have been scripted, orchestrated and staged by agents of the state for the purpose of disarming people of their ability to be able to resist what they have planned.

Terrorism, or at least the fear of terrorism, has always been a huge factor in swaying social opinion. It has been that way since the beginning of society and nothing has changed. It is terrorism that has led the United States into its current gun debate. The war on terror is pure fabrication – made up to create an excuse for ultimately disarming the public. If gun confiscation of any kind ever does take place, such illegal action will be enforced by agents of the state with guns who will use domestic terrorism to take away our guns.

The reality of it is that guns exist. And there are a lot of them. Guns are the foundation upon which our nation was built. Given the track record of even our own government, with police as heavily armed and as brutal as those we see in the news today, if a law enforcement official comes to your door and demands to collect your firearms by ordinance, say: “No, hell no.” And you better be locked and loaded with one in the chamber. Anyone who believes that with the current climate of today's world the only one who should be armed is the government and its enforcement agents is delusional to a point that defies common sense. Always remember:

" It is only prudent never to place complete confidence
in that by which we have even once been deceived."
René Descartes

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