Saturday, July 20, 2024

Conquering Cancer

The following excerpts are from two postings in the substack of Clif High (June 29, 2024, and May 25, 2022), a successful cancer survivor and one of the smartest people I know in the modern world of information exchange. If the conventional, orthodox medical approach to battling disease seems at odds with your natural instincts for reacquiring balanced health, I suggest you attend closely to the experience and findings of this man.

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My body has had cancer 3 times. Once it killed me….but they threw me back, as apparently there was work I had left unfinished. Likely because of these experiences, there is a continuing interest on my part for anti-cancer information. The search has become something of a routine, daily, pastime.

Sadly, there are between 2 and 10 requests a day hitting my email for anti-cancer protocol information so my efforts have not gone wanting.

At the bottom of this article, you will find my previous discussion about cancer, and my anti-cancer protocol. The writing of that took place a while back, and I have learned much more since then. This discussion is to place two items into your attention if you or your people need anti-cancer assistance. Also note that to the original protocol, it would be best to add Ivermectin to be used along side of the Fenbendazole.

Please note that there are many differences between my approach and that of the medical industry. First, my focus is health, not the disease. My focus is body support, not degradation.

Second, and this is extremely powerful, the medical industry is focused on disease AND they are projecting the “external savior myth” down to the material plane in the form of their reliance on their chemicals to ‘fight the disease’. My approach has been to provide the body with the tools it needs to correct the situation, as well as the provision of such extra support as may be taken on board with the constant mental attitude of ahimsa, first do no harm.

There are two substances detailed below. These are very impressive, though may be expensive and difficult to obtain. That is a necessary artifact of my working in this area for so many years; that is, the easy fruits have already been picked. However, as the search narrows down, there are surprisingly powerful discoveries yet to be made as evidenced by the two listed below. These descriptions have been created by AI due to my lazy approach to things. AI had nothing to do with the finding of these and is a simple tool to aggregate the information that you need to read.

Honokiol and Fucoidans

Honokiol is a compound found in several plants, particularly in the bark and leaves of the Magnolia tree. It has gained attention for its potential health benefits, including anti-cancer effects. Here are some of its known health effects:

  1. Anti-cancer Properties: Honokiol has been studied for its ability to inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells. It works through several mechanisms, including inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death), inhibiting angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow), and suppressing metastasis (the spread of cancer cells).

  2. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Honokiol has shown anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting certain inflammatory pathways in the body. This could potentially benefit conditions where inflammation plays a role, such as arthritis and certain cardiovascular diseases.

  3. Anti-oxidant Activity: It acts as an antioxidant, scavenging free radicals that can damage cells and contribute to various diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

  4. Neuroprotective Effects: Honokiol has been studied for its potential to protect nerve cells from damage and promote their survival. This could have implications for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

  5. Anxiolytic and Sedative Properties: It has been investigated for its calming effects, which may help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation without causing significant sedation.

  6. Cardiovascular Benefits: Honokiol may have protective effects on the cardiovascular system, including lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease.

  7. Antimicrobial Activity: It exhibits antimicrobial properties against certain bacteria and fungi, suggesting potential applications in treating infections.

Fucoidans are a class of complex polysaccharides found primarily in various species of brown seaweed. They have been studied extensively for their potential health benefits, and here are some of their known effects:

  1. Anti-cancer Properties: Fucoidans have shown promising anticancer effects in various studies. They can inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells, and inhibit angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need for growth). Fucoidans may also suppress metastasis, making them potential candidates for cancer therapy and prevention.

  2. Immunomodulatory Effects: They can modulate the immune system by enhancing the activity of certain immune cells (such as natural killer cells and macrophages) and improving immune response against infections and tumors.

  3. Anti-oxidant Activity: Fucoidans exhibit antioxidant properties, helping to neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which is linked to aging and various chronic diseases.

  4. Anti-inflammatory Effects: They have been shown to reduce inflammation by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes, which may benefit conditions like arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and cardiovascular diseases.

  5. Anti-viral and Anti-microbial Activity: Fucoidans have demonstrated activity against certain viruses and bacteria, suggesting potential applications in antiviral and antimicrobial therapies.

  6. Gastrointestinal Health: They can promote gut health by supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and protecting the intestinal lining, which may help in managing digestive disorders.

  7. Skin Health: Fucoidans have been studied for their potential benefits in skin health, including promoting wound healing, moisturizing the skin, and protecting against UV-induced damage.

  8. Cardiovascular Benefits: They may have protective effects on the cardiovascular system by reducing cholesterol levels, improving blood flow, and supporting heart health.

Both of these substances WILL aid anyone with cancer. These are very powerful in their support for the body and may help those people struggling with the results of the covid vaxx shot.

Cancer can be defeated. Universe places all the tools we need before us.

And previously....................

As mentioned, I have had cancer diagnosed 3 times in this body’s life.

First discovered was a breast cancer. At that point, my body had already been growing the un-diagnosed, hidden, colon cancer for about a decade. The breast cancer was removed, the pathology sample was ‘lost’, so there was no confirmation, but there was no lymph node involvement either. Basically it was forgotten at that time, though now I think it was a ‘out growth’ of the colon cancer expressing itself due to too high an estrogen load from having gone vegetarian in response to the gut issues.

About 8 years later, a large patch of skin cancer appeared on my bald head. It was going to take 2 weeks to get the sample tested, so during that time, I discovered, and ordered, and applied this stuff called ‘curaderm’ which is made from the inner cells of a Australian relative of the eggplant. It is used by ranchers in Australia to treat tumors on cattle. It worked so well, so quickly, that when I went back for the results, and the removal of approximately a quarter of my scalp, the cancer was gone. The cancerous tissue had actually been consumed by my body, and there was a very slight depression in the scalp where it had been located.

That the skin cancer was gone, and that I had treated it myself with cattle medicine, really irritated the medical people. It is my supposition that the PA (physician’s assistant) liked cutting on people. You would not believe how abusive the guy was when I went back, took my hat off, and he saw the cancer gone.

The third cancer was the colon cancer. It was 30+ years in the making, led to a complete bowel blockage, that in it’s turn led to a 50 minute, hellacious ambulance ride on county roads, jockeying with the logging trucks, only to arrive at the local hospital exhausted, and basically dying on the spot.

My body had lost mass in the last 6 months of the colon cancer to the point it was down to 128 pounds from 172 at my peak.

So, I die, and they cut out the tumor, 5cm by 4cm, and revived me.

I resisted coming back. It was not a pleasant thought to be alive, with my body cored out by the surgeon, and down to such a low weight, massive muscle loss,and so weak.

But what’s a guy to do? THEY threw me back, and were quite insistently rude about it.

So I had to rebuild the body. This was a grueling 2+ years.

My approach to getting cancer free, rebuilding muscle mass, and gaining recovery started by firing my oncologist who’s most frequent answer to any question was “I don’t know”, and also included the following:

Chaga tea, very frequent & often, as an anticancer agent, and immune regulator.

Vitamin D3+K2. 10,000 or 15,000 IU daily. It turns out that if you had a level of 95ng/ml D3 level, you would not get colon cancer.

Vitamin C - 3 grams to 9 grams daily. Liposomal form.

Fenbendazole (fenbendazole for humans is the search term at Amazon) PLUS vitamin E that has some level of tocotrienols in it. More the better, but must have some to activate the fenben.

100% stoppage of all sugars for nearly 2 years. I also reduced my carb intake to less than 15% of my diet.

NO SEED OILS! So I cook with ghee, clarified butter.

Exercise. As frequent and regular, leading up to daily as the muscles started coming back with reliable sleep nightly. Note that cancer destroys your ability to sleep. It alters all the hormone ratios, and the calcium to magnesium ratios which really hammer your ability to get body and mind rest during sleep. See and

This is the basic protocol I followed. It may aid your thinking about this ‘disease’, which my research has led to the conclusion that cancer is a process in which a trigger event produces the first aberrant cells, BUT, the stress hormones and other conditions MUST be present to foster their growth rather than expulsion from the body.

There are other products and protocols worth investigating such as Essiac, an herbal anticancer agent from Canada developed from indigenous peoples’ cures. There are also the other anti-parasite drugs like Ivermectin which have some anti-cancer agency in that they have similar properties to fenbendazole.

I also investigated, and tried, a form of GcMAF, which is a ‘macrophage activating factor’. Macrophages are the critters your body produces to destroy cancer cells. I tried the self produced yogurt form for 6 months with no noticeable results. My conclusion is that the extracted, injected forms are effective, as apparently is the specific products along this line from the Dr. Bo Dimitrov out of Bulgaria.

There are cancer cures out there, but in my, now, by this time, expert opinion, it takes more than a cancer-killer as one must work to restore harmony to the body.

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