Friday, July 19, 2024

Under the Desert Sands of Sudan


One hundred years ago, Egypt was a British colony, and Sudan was a part of that colony. There were no tourists, and few archeologists traveled there. After World War I, in 1928, British Army Colonel Reginald Blumenthal was exploring unnamed and previously unexplored pyramids with a small group along the lower part of the Nile River in Sudan. Unlike the pyramids at Giza, a lot of the pyramids in the lower Nile were never finished.

At one particular pyramid, Blumenthal and his crew followed a surface entrance deep underground where they found a network of tunnels, not what they expected certainly. Following the tunnels they came upon a flat area where something had occurred. Here they found what they thought were coffins, some made with a ceramic and others with an unknown metal. Lighting torches that they found there, they discovered a large stone ring engraved with strange symbols, perhaps twenty-five feet in diameter.

Blumenthal and one other member of his crew walked through the ring to see what was on the other side, only to walk into another world as he explained in his diary, as if they had entered another dimension. They couldn't figure how they walked through a seemingly closed sarcophagus into a large expanded open area. Today we might refer to this ring as a portal or a stargate, but at the time in 1928, this idea was a complete unknown to this group of discoverers.

From his diary, Blumenthal described it as an expanding open area with pyramids, having plush pastures along a river he believed to be the Nile. It was as if they were watching a movie, he said, showing people actively working on the pyramids. He believed that they lingered only an hour, but when he and his companion returned through the ring, over 72 hours had passed. The six remaining members of his crew had become frightened at their disappearance and had fled back to the surface in the meantime.

In his diary he wrote that they witnessed strange looking beings working on the pyramids – probably not from earth is what he wrote in 1928. The group left their discovery for a few days to resupply. Upon their return, they brought back more people, including some locals. When they tried to explain to the locals through an interpreter what they had found, the locals wanted no part of going down into the tunnels. They seemed to be aware of what was down there, either through rumor or legend.

The Colonel was not afraid, however, and returned through the ring with another person to share his observations. This time they were prepared to stay a week. They walked closer to the construction where they observed strange discs in the sky flying around with large bricks suspended beneath them. He was stumped as to what these things were, even though as a military veteran of WWI he was quite familiar with the single-engine conventional aircraft technology of the times. These were not aircraft, however, as he knew them.

They witnessed vast numbers of people working in tunnels in a variety of construction trades. Some of the workers were moved by conveyors under the pyramids. After a week, they returned and he recorded abundant details in his diary before returning to the UK to tell his fantastic story... but no one believed him, despite the fact that he had the corroboration of two witnesses. It was just too impossible for his colleagues to even imagine.

Jump ahead to 1940. Blumenthal keeps all this to himself in the meantime until he conveys it to an American Army officer, another Colonel, who became enthusiastic about the story and so gathered the resources for a return trip with Blumenthal to see it for himself. After all the years, however, it was difficult to find the same pyramid opening again. Sandstorms have a way of hiding entrances, but they finally found it after considerable searching.

So he and this American Colonel, upon finding the ring, walked through it. This time Blumenthal sees that things have changed a lot from twelve years before. The pyramids are completed, but the strange discs were still flying around. Even by 1940 the concept of UFOs or UAPs still had not originated, so both officers were still confused as to what these flying objects were.

These gentlemen stayed down there for a long while and traveled about more than Blumenthal had done originally. They came into contact with a lot of humans. Both sides could see each other. The locals inside the stargate were frightened of the two intruders, however, so would flee in fear. The two officers were finally able to corner one young boy, but were not able to communicate very well. It was their intention to bring this boy back with them through the stargate. Eventually they were able to convince the boy to pass back through the stargate with them, but when he was on the other side he instantly aged to an old man in his eighties, which horrified the two men. After this occurrence, Blumenthal began referring to the stargate as “the devil's ring”. They didn't know what to do, so they let the boy return home through the ring, but they did not follow to see if he returned to his youthful self or not!

Their adventure ended abruptly with the onset of World War II with the Germans moving into Egypt. Some of the episodes of the Indiana Jones movie series are, in fact, factual representations.

Blumenthal died without ever returning, but the American Colonel continued on, working in the U.S. war department during the war, before moving onto the Pentagon as a Brigadier General, all the while sharing this story with many high-ranking people. By the 1950's there was a new perspective on UFOs after the Roswell incident. At the General's insistence, a new expedition was mounted during the cold war with a return to Egypt, under the guise of Operation Nile Dawn, to explore the details of the diary of Colonel Blumenthal. Operation Nile Dawn was ultimately a joint US/British expedition to the examine strange occurrences found at the pyramids in north Africa in Sudan and Egypt.

The primary mission was, of course, to find “the devil's ring”, but all they found instead were strange off-world artifacts. They could never locate the original pyramid with the stargate, but they did investigate some of the other pyramids. Following the surface entrance of one of the pyramids they went deep underground to find a network of tunnels, where they discovered these strange artifacts – many figurines with large heads with helmets, and weapons – certainly not Egyptian. They figured these must have been gifts from ETs to the Egyptians in return for their hard labor in completing the tunnels and pyramids.

The CIA became involved in the 1960's, focusing on exploring the hundreds ofmiles of large tunnels, which were followed to their extent. These connected to hundreds of chambers, often 700 to 800 feet beneath the surface. The CIA discovered that the tunnels extend under at least half of current-day pyramids in that region, all with exits into each pyramid, with abundant stores of food like rice and honey. The tunnels under Giza were by far the most elaborate and complicated of any others – certainly not something engineered by the Egyptians.

from the Cosmic Disclosure interview (Season 25, Episode 5) of Richard Doty, retired agent of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, by Emery Smith, first aired on Gaia TV on June 25, 2024

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