Friday, January 3, 2025

9D Arcturian Council Message


Go out and be what you want to see more of in the world.

We are very excited to be here with all of you. We are with you at all times. We have agreed to be available for you at this time in your spiritual evolution on planet Earth. We knew that you would need some assistance with the evolution of your consciousness, and you knew that you would need that assistance as well. We are available to each and every one of you, twenty-four hours a day. Any time you need us, any request you want to make: we have the ability to focus on myriad places all at once and not dilute ourselves in any way. We are not in any way diminished by the multitasking that we do when we answer more than one person’s call at a time. So you may call upon us at any time.

Some of you may find that you are capable of channeling us, and we welcome that. We welcome anyone who wants to connect with us. We are very interested in anchoring more Arcturian energy to planet Earth and adding more of our teachings to the conversation that is going on here at this time in the spiritual and New Age communities.

We are very interested in the awakening process for all of you, as well as all the by-products or side effects of awakening that help you ultimately ascend and become your fifth dimensional higher selves. That is the ultimate goal in this lifetime for everyone. Ascension is available to all who are on the planet right now.

Developing the Gifts of Healing, Channeling, and Light Language

Being Awake

We would like to start by giving you our definition of what it means to be awake. We know that awakening can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Our definition of being awake is that you know with every fiber of your being that you are Source Energy in the flesh and so is everyone else on Earth, throughout the galaxy, throughout the universe, throughout the multiverse, throughout all existence. Everything and everyone is pure Source. There is nothing outside of Source. Source used Source to create every single one of us. We are all composed of Source. We don’t just have a little bit of Source inside ourselves; everything is Source. Everything is composed of the same Source stuff. When you come to that realization, it becomes possible for you to start to live your life accordingly.

To see others as Source no matter what they are doing, no matter what they are saying, and no matter what they are believing is an important step in the process, because there is no separation in reality between you and any other that you are experiencing, no matter what.

Now, you may wonder, “How can that be the case?” This might prevent certain people from awakening because they have challenging experiences with others. They’ve been hurt by others, or they’ve seen others do horrible things to humans or to animals: people who don’t care at all about how their business affects the environment, people who would drop bombs and start wars, and people who would be verbally abusive. How can any of those people represent Source or be in any way an aspect of Source Energy? To answer that question, we need to go back to the beginning.

How Did This All Get Started?

In the beginning, there was Source, and Source wanted to know Itself . To do that, Source had to create individuated conscious beings who could have certain experiences and who could go to different parts of Source to have those different experiences. This created the idea, or the illusion, of separation between individuals, and made it necessary to have physical bodies. It also became necessary to have a forgetting process that would allow people to have certain experiences or to be certain beings—ETs included—that you can only have when you forget who you and everyone else really are. This is also when you start to believe in the ideas of mortality and shortages: “There’s only so much to go around, and if I don’t get more than my share, I might perish and no longer exist.”

These are the types of beliefs that needed to be taken on by people throughout the universe to have certain experiences that they could only have within that forgetting. And in having those experiences, certain emotions were and are possible. You cannot feel a certain way unless you’ve forgotten who and what you really are and that you created this reality—that the reality you’re experiencing is your creation. This forgetting is necessary in order for you to feel victimized and have the experience of being in the pit of despair.

What do you do, then, to get out of the pit of despair? Well, if you’re awake, it’s a lot easier to make that climb. But even those who have yet to awaken can come to that place where they accept that this has happened in their lives, that they had this experience with this person who was very unpleasant, realizing that if they just sit and wallow in their negative emotions forever, they could possibly spend the rest of their days in that pit, and so they want to get out. They realize that there must be a way out of this bad-feeling situation they find themselves in.

The Journey and Meaning of Your Emotions

You will find now that most people who have done any sort of work or research on spirituality or psychology, or are in the helping professions, recognize the importance of feeling your feelings, that it’s necessary for you to accept your feelings. You have to accept the situation. You have to accept the person. You have to accept yourself for being in the situation, which does not mean blame yourself. And you have to accept your emotions as part of the process of being human. It’s part of the process of living on planet Earth and having certain experiences.

When you get to that point where you can accept and process your emotions, you can then let them go by feeling into them with every fiber of your being, with breathing into them, with embracing them, and knowing that they’re finite. Understand that if you do, they will eventually dissipate. That’s when you’re doing the necessary work on yourself. The thing that many people don’t realize is that there is an endpoint to the negative emotions they’re feeling. They don’t have to numb themselves with street drugs, alcohol, or pharmaceuticals that were prescribed. They don’t have to numb themselves with shopping, gambling, sex, smoking, or any other type of addiction. Any addiction can be seen as a way of numbing oneself to pain.

When you realize that there’s an endpoint to the pain you’re experiencing, you’re willing to go into it, feel it completely, and thereby let it go—release it —and you’ll come to this place of calm, peace, and inner balance. You’ll feel neutral. You don’t feel great, but you feel some relief. You’ll get to the point where you feel no more negativity. It’s from that place where you can say to yourself, “I want to forgive this person. I want to let this go as well. I don’t want to hang on to this hate,” or resentment, or anger, or fear, or whatever it is you’re feeling around a person or situation. It doesn’t feel good. You want to let it go. You don’t want to go back to the pit of despair after just having climbed out of it by processing all that really hard-to-feel emotional stuff.

Instead, you decide you’re going to forgive. You say to yourself, “I forgive this act and this person.” Then, maybe you come to the place where you understand that the person themself was abused or hurt in some way in their lives, they were struggling with something that was very hard for them, and they took it out on you. You might even come to a place of feeling some compassion for the person who hurt you.

Now, when you get to that point and you’re able to connect to the unconditional love that you truly are, it doesn’t mean that you’re saying, “I love the abusive act,” or, “I love the abusive words,” or, “I love anything that was done or that was negative and hurtful.” But you can say, “I choose to be love in the face of this, because that’s who and what I really am.” Therefore, when we say you understand, we mean that you are beginning to viscerally grasp that you are Source, even if only as an intellectual concept at first.

What may begin as, “Well, I get it. I get how it all works now. I’ve seen the studies on quantum physics, how particles respond to one another and respond to the observer, quantum entanglement—I get all that intellectually,” evolves into true awakening. Awakening to the truth of who you really are, who you were before your forgetting—literally defining what Source is through the feeling of love.

When you really want to know yourself as Source, you want to be love unconditionally. When in the face of anything, no matter what’s going on, no matter what’s not happening (that you want to happen) in your life, you can say, “I have decided that I want to be love. It’s my goal in all situations to radiate love, to respond with love, and to give others the love that perhaps

they’re not getting from the places they expected to get it in life.” That’s a very satisfying feeling, because now you’re allowing Source Energy to move more fluidly to and through you.

Now, we said earlier that everything is Source; everything is composed of Source. Still, in your lives of seeming separation, you can best give yourself

the experience of feeling more Source by tuning in to it when you’re focused on your heart space. It’s easier for you to access the portal that takes you directly to the Source Energy dimension when you’re focused on the center of your heart space—the organ, the chakra, its space. Tune in to the very middle of it, and you’ll feel a warm glow. You can feel a sensation of love.

Processing Emotions and Feeling Source Energy

When you process negative emotions, give it your full attention and proceed with great love. Feel what you’re feeling and notice where you find it in your body. Then, focus on the center of your heart; breathe into it. Feel the warm, peaceful, loving expression that is Source, and feel it expanding out, filling you up—through where the negative emotions are—filling up all your chakras and your energy field.

Getting yourself into the vibration of love is also a great way to start your day. Love is not just something you feel for a select few people in your life

who are really lovable or who you’re related to. You ultimately want to feel love even if the person you’re with is not being lovable in every moment.

Love is a state of being. It’s a vibration. It’s the best way we have of knowing Source and knowing ourselves as Source.

Don’t wait for others to fill up your tank. Go out and be what you want to see more of in the world. You want that love to be reflected back to you. You want everyone else to know that they are Source Energy as well. It’s easier to get that message across to them if you’re being it rather than you telling them that they are Source, writing a book about it, or making a series of viral videos on it.

You must be it instead, and then they’ll feel it. They’ll feel it coming off you, and they’ll want to know what your secret is. They’ll want to know how you seem to always exude that loving kindness, that compassion, that Source Energy bliss that comes from within you. Then, you can tell them, because they asked, because they’re curious, and because it’s something you’re going to want to share with people.

Supernatural Gifts and Performing Miracles

Once you do enough of this type of clearing and activating work, you’re likely to stumble upon some spiritual gifts and abilities that come to you because you’re offering a higher vibration. All the things that you can see with clairvoyance, hear with clairaudience, all the things you can channel, all the healing energies you can run through you, and all the information that you can gather with psychic and intuitive abilities—all of it’s there all the time, around each and every one of you, but you’ve got to tune in to it by offering a higher vibration.

When you raise your vibration, suddenly you have a greater awareness. You have an awareness of things you couldn’t tune in to before. One of the lovely side effects of being awake is this tuning in. Usually, it starts in a way where you don’t even realize that tuning in is what you’re doing. One of the things we often see in those who are beginning to tap into their gifts is that they’re having a sensation, they’re having electrical impulses moving through them, they’re feeling heat, they’re moving involuntarily or twitching, and they begin speaking light language without even knowing what light language is or ever having heard of it. They feel warm sensations in the palms of their hands. They don’t really know what to do in these scenarios, and some people even feel that it might be a negative experience because they didn’t ask for it. They weren’t saying, “Let me summon this feeling of energy surging through my body right now.” But even though they didn’t ask, it starts happening.

Some people might even think, “Well, this must be a psychic attack. This must be a negative entity attachment.” It’s important not to jump to that

conclusion when something is happening to you that’s unexpected or unexplainable. Instead, you want to assume that it’s good: that it’s a good thing that’s happening, that it’s taking you to a higher level of consciousness, that you’re accessing your spiritual gifts and abilities, that you want to run with it and keep doing whatever you were doing that got you to that place.

For a lot of you who are awake, you realize the significance of meditation. You realize that meditation is a very important part of your spiritual evolution, of you having inner peace, of you being able to process emotions, and of you even being aware of your thoughts and emotions. Meditation can be a hugely important practice for all of you.

In meditation, for example, you might discover that these sorts of twitches, heat sensations, involuntary movements, and energy surges start happening

even though you didn’t sit and say, “Today I’m going to meditate, and hopefully, I’ll start channeling some higher dimensional consciousness.”

This is something that happens to a lot of people. If you can go with it, just lean in; it can develop into more. It’s you becoming aware, in a visceral way,

that you’ve tapped into some energy that you weren’t previously tapping into during your normal waking state, or even when you were resting, healing, or

meditating. That’s what happened to Daniel here. That’s what clued him in that perhaps he was going to channel someday. It was involuntary movements while he was performing Reiki on people.

When these types of things start happening, follow them and see where they may lead. Say, “Well, I’m going to keep doing this because when I do, I’m

tapping into something more than just the traditional resting, healing, or meditating energy that someone else normally has when they’re doing these things.”

A lot of people have such experiences, whether or not they meditate, but they don’t necessarily realize that those experiences meant they’re tapping into their spiritual gifts. Therefore, they didn’t keep going with it.

Getting Started and Energizing Your Gifts

Now, a few things can really help when you want to tap into your spiritual gifts:

One: Consistency. Do what you’re doing on a regular basis. Once a day would be ideal.

Two: Get happy. Have some sort of practice getting into the state of a higher consciousness, a higher vibration, before you sit to access your spiritual gift. You want the lead into it to be something that’s fun, something you just love to do, something that puts you into a state of alignment. Then, sit down and tap in.

Three: Trust what you receive. Once you start accessing whatever you’re accessing, there’s a tendency on the part of most people to doubt it, and say, “Well, that was probably just me. That seems very similar to what I heard so-and-so experiencing. I don’t know if I’m any good at this. I don’t feel like I’m tapping into all the answers that could ever possibly be known.”

Four: Don’t compare your gifts to those of others. People also say, for example, “Well, I do healing on people, I feel energy, but I’m not getting a lot of information. When so-and-so treated me, they spoke about all the things they saw and all the things they heard. I’m not getting that when I do my healing, so I must not be doing it right, or I must not have the gift that others have for healing.” They stop or sell themselves short instead of considering that where that other person is, is where they’re headed. If you just compare yourself to others, who’ve likely been doing it for many years, you’ll never give yourself the chance to get to where that person is —in probably far less time, given the rising energies on the planet right now.

Five: Share your gifts. Give them a place to go. Be the instrument of their flow. The more spiritual gifts and abilities you find and share, the more you’ll tap into and the more gifts will come. More will flow to you and through you because you’re giving those energies a place to go, an exit point. You can even do healings, for example, on your pets or on the people who you live with. You can talk to people who live thousands of miles away, and say, “Hey, would you like me to do a distance healing on you? Can I help you with anything that you’re working on right now?” You don’t have to wait until people line up at your door. It’s up to you to be proactive so that you can gain and build upon your experiences. Then, once you get the positive feedback that will naturally come your way, you’ll find the confidence to keep going with it.

These are things that a lot of you will just need to work through as you tap into your gifts. Face that self-doubt, process the fear of exposure, the fear that

people will laugh at you, or that you’ll be ostracized by your community—all things that likely happened in your past lives that you’re afraid will happen in this life.

You’re not going to be burned at the stake in this lifetime for accessing your spiritual gifts. In fact, today you’re more likely to get your own reality television show. Now is a much different time, though you’re not necessarily going to get everyone’s approval for doing it, and some people are going to think that it’s actually bad that you’re doing it. But you have to be willing to

do it anyway in order to be true to yourself, to anchor in more of that positive energy, and to bring the world more of what you want to see in it.

Tuning in to your spiritual gifts is a very important aspect of the awakening process. As you continue exploring and discovering your unique gifts, even

though you’re not yet where you want to be, understand that with desire and consistency you will get there. You’ll get there through baby steps, gradually becoming more adept at whatever it is you’re doing.

By moving forward with your abilities, you’ll give the world that gift and see it reflected back to you, which is a beautiful experience. Everyone has things they would like to see differently in the world, and this is how you can be a part of that process.

As you continue with your awakening, you’ll also recognize that your sensitivity is a gift. Your ability to tap into compassion is a gift. Your willingness to feel your emotions is a gift. Your empathy is a gift. These are not flashy. They don’t get you a lot of attention. People may not even agree with you that these are gifts, but they truly are the gifts that will help you become a better creator of your reality. Because if you’re willing to feel one thing, even if it’s unpleasant, then you’re opening the floodgates to feeling everything, including all positive emotions as well.

You want to create using positive energy and high vibrations, and that’s what sensitivity, compassion, and empathy represent, just like positive thoughts and positive actions. They will powerfully help you create a better experience of reality for yourself and for others.

Tapping into Your Chakra System

If, however, your sensitivity makes you feel like you have to hide inside, away from people, it’s important you process your fear, by first identifying it.

Find where it sits in your chakra system. Breathe into it until it’s no longer there. When you reach that place of balance, calm, and peaceful neutrality, then you can tap into what you actually want to feel because it will be right there, maybe in your heart or in one of your other chakras.

Experiment and have fun moving your conscious awareness up and down your chakras, saying, “All right, I know love is accessible to me in my heart,

and I can focus there to feel it, breathing into it, but what about joy? Where does joy sit in my chakra system? Where’s confidence? Where’s vitality?

Where’s abundance? Where’s freedom? Where’s peace?” Simply explore where each of these sits within you so that you can more easily tap into them

when you want to. Or take your consciousness straight to the solar plexus chakra and turn on your self-confidence vibration—really get it flowing. You can even envision your chakras with an inner guitar string or cord of energy that stretches from their top to their bottom, right down the middle. Imagine you’re reaching in, and you’re plucking the string and getting it vibrating. Then, you feel it, your confidence building and building.

Confidence doesn’t have to be based on something you did or praise you received from someone else. It can just be something you want to feel or something you want to activate. It’s not a cocky confidence; it’s not arrogant.

It’s a confidence that comes from knowing who you really are as Source Energy, while knowing everyone else is Source Energy too. This kind of confidence is not putting you above anyone else.

Ascension Symptoms

So, what are ascension symptoms? Often, they appear as unexpected experiences in the body that can’t be explained and that doctors don’t have a name for. People tend to have these symptoms when they’re tapping into energy while there’s still some resistance.

As we were describing before, you may start accessing some of your gifts and abilities, getting some downloads, and finding energy running through

you that you’re also thwarting. You go into fear mode, resistant to the flow, and so you experience fatigue, headaches, indigestion, and neck or back pain.

These are classic ascension symptoms that a lot of people are now experiencing. When you have an ascension symptom, it’s wise to acknowledge it as such, and to ask, “Is there some resistance I can release that will help these energies flow more? Is there some emotion I need to process to thereby release my symptoms?”

Of course, you’re going to want to take really good care of your physical body once you realize that it’s a vehicle for high frequency energies. You’ll want to stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep and rest. You’re probably going to feel attracted to lighter foods that carry a naturally higher vibration. If you’ve ever grown food yourself, picked and eaten it right out of the ground, you’ll understand what we mean by food having a certain vibration because you can feel and taste it. Those are the foods you’re going to be more

attracted to. Fresh, local, organic, and natural in the sense that you won’t have to do a lot to it prior to consumption. You won’t have to add a lot of salad dressing and salt and things to make it more palatable because you’ll recognize that it’s wonderful just as it is. This is what you’ll be drawn to because you’ll be operating at a higher vibration, only wanting that which is going to feel light in your body.

You don’t have to go from omnivore to vegan all at once, but you’ll begin wanting more fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts in your system. Then, the energies will run through you better, and you’ll find greater ease accessing higher frequency thoughts. You’ll refrain from putting in your body a lot of other energies that have to be sifted through to get what you actually want. You’ll actually be consuming the energies your chakras want to be receiving.

A lot of people find that as they awaken, they also want to try new things. But like we said, just because you’re awake doesn’t mean you have to go to extremes or do all the things that everyone else seems to be doing in the New Age. You don’t have to become polyamorous and join a spiritual community

and put everything into cryptocurrency and have ayahuasca journeys. You don’t have to do anything that doesn’t feel like it’s aligned for you or isn’t

something that you truly want to do.

You have something else that’s a gift and superpower within you called discernment. Everyone needs it right now because there’s so much being put out there on the internet in this age of information. Everyone needs to use their discernment to decide whether an idea feels right to them—whether it’s something that rings true and resonates with them.

That’s another reason it’s good to be focusing on your heart, because your heart has that ability to tell you how something feels, whereas your mind could certainly talk you into it and say, “Well, a lot of people seem to believe this is true, and I like that person who believes it, and so it makes sense for me.” But when you have to talk yourself into something, chances are you’re not paying attention to what you’re feeling in your gut that knows, “This is not for me.” You don’t have to drink the Kool-Aid on this one. You can pass

and say, “You know what, I think I’m going to shut my computer off for a while and meditate or spend time in nature or spend time with my pet—doing things that actually feel good to me that are all very spiritual but that don’t require a whole new set of beliefs about what’s going on in the world.”

There’s a lot that can distract you from your own awakening, including people who tell you, “Well, you’re not awake unless you know this to be true.” That’s not our definition of being awake. It’s not about information.

It’s about knowing who you really are and who everyone else really is. All else you can take with a grain of salt. You can decide what feels good to you

and what spiritual practices you want to partake in.

If something new really does call you to it, then perhaps it’s an experience you would benefit from. But ultimately, you simply want to be able to go within yourself to have any mystical, magical, multidimensional experience.

You want to be able to access a higher vibration even if you’re sitting in your apartment in a city somewhere, without ingesting stimulants, far from a place like Mount Haleakalā or any place where someone else might find that it’s easier to tap into higher frequency energies.

As this becomes your new normal, as you realize you have everything inside of you because you’re an infinite and eternal being—that it all exists within you, the entire world, the entire universe—then, going “out there” to have certain experiences doesn’t have to be done; they don’t have to be had in order for you to feel tapped in. You can tap into the pyramids by going

inside of yourself, or you can tap into Stonehenge by going inside of yourself; you’ll find that they all exist inside of you. You have access to them all the time.

That’s the place you want to get to in your awakening: to know that whatever is “out there” is also “in here.” And whatever I cannot do that’s out there right now, I can do by focusing inside, by focusing on the vast and

infinite array of experiences and vibrations that are available to me at all times when I focus inwardly.

Have as many experiences, inwardly or outwardly, as you want to have because experience is also what it’s all about.

As we said in the beginning, Source wanted to experience Itself and still does. That’s why all the

possibilities for different experiences exist. That’s where creation comes in.

Part of being awake is realizing that you are a creator being. You create your reality. You create what you experience. You create it all. It’s all a projection

from within you, and everything you experience is your projection. When other souls are involved, it’s co-creation. They agree to be there for you, as you agree to be there for them.

Living Deliberately and Manifesting Consciously

Now, a lot of people can get very excited right away about knowing that they create their reality, and then they tend to think about all the things they want

all the things they want to create and all the things they want to experience.

If it doesn’t happen right away, or even within six months, then those people can get very discouraged, put their vision boards away, and give up on

dreaming their way into a better-feeling reality, going back to working at things and taking lots of actions and logically trying to figure everything out.

What we would like for people to do instead is to realize that all that time you spend focusing on what it is you want, whether it’s a partner, a new car, a

vacation, or a home, is time well spent. It’s time you spent feeling good. You were pure in those moments, offering your vibration in the focusing on the desired outcome or the desired set of circumstances. You were pure until you started to say, “Wait a minute, I’ve been doing this now for six days in a row, and I still haven’t seen any evidence that it’s working.”

What we recommend is that you simply make your wishes known once. You can tell the Universe once what you want, vibrate in harmony with it

once, put it out there, let it go, and then go live your life. Go do the things that are available to you, that you can do, that make you happy, and that take

your mind off the fact that this or that hasn’t manifested yet. You’ll be doing yourself a great service because you’ll be opening up.

There’s a process in manifestation that many people overlook called receiving. You’re more likely to receive what you’ve asked for when you’re doing something you love: when you’re meditating, relaxing, focusing on a sunset, petting your pet, or whatever you’re happiest doing. Then, you’re open. Then, you’re relaxed. You’re not worrying about whether it’s going to come, when it’s going to come, and what it’s going to look like when it does come. You’re not thinking about any of that, because you already have certainty that you create your reality and that whatever you put out there already exists in that moment you think of it, so all you have to do is relax, live your life, and be the person you want to be. You don’t have to be anyone else.

You don’t have to pretend. You don’t have to recite certain ritualistic statements over and over again or have the right crystals. Just trust, live your life, and continue. Then the Universe will continue to bring you more and more of these beautiful awakening experiences that ultimately help all of you ascend.

Earlier, you said ascension to the fifth dimension is everyone’s goal at this time. Can you explain the fifth dimension? What will that mean for us to ascend into the fifth dimension?”

It’s a higher level of consciousness that represents a higher vibration. So, you’ll exist in a higher frequency of vibration that will allow you to have new

experiences you couldn’t have in the third and fourth dimensions. Again, it’s all about Source being able to experience Itself, and your experiences are part of this.

Once you’ve had all the third and fourth dimensional experiences, and you’ve accepted, forgiven, and gotten past anything that you’ve been resisting or judging, letting all that go, then your consciousness naturally rises to a higher vibrational state. This allows you to have new experiences of yourself, others, the galaxy, form, and energy. You have instant

manifestations. You have a light body. You’re able to go wherever you want to go.

Money is not an issue because you’re creating everything and manifesting it instantaneously. Health is not a problem anymore because you have a light

body that you can shapeshift into whatever you want it to be, including whatever level of health and vitality you want to have. Relationships are not a problem because you realize that everyone is Source, they realize that you’re Source, and you both realize that we’re all creating everything together. So, you don’t have the issues you now have with people, money, jealousy, and other things like these, because you simply left those levels of consciousness behind as you rose up to the fifth dimension of consciousness.

Is that within our reach within this incarnation? To live at a fifth dimensional level where we really have transcended everything through acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional love?”

It is your destiny.

In this incarnation? As in, we’re going to start seeing this amongst ourselves? I would imagine somebody’s going to be the first out there to be seen doing something supernatural, and then we’ll see it done more and more. Is that really on the horizon—the immediate horizon?”

You’re already seeing it. So many people are tapping into their spiritual gifts and abilities. You’re seeing so many people channeling, speaking light language, healing, and accessing their psychic gifts. You’re already seeing what it looks like when someone taps into higher consciousness.

Everything else is coming, but don’t be in a hurry to get there. Enjoy where you are right now. Enjoy the experiences that are available to you right now

because there’s so much within them for you. Otherwise, it’s like saying, 'Well, I’m going to skip over all these flavors of ice cream, because I just want to get to the one over there.'

Is it safe to assume that everyone partaking in this transmission is probably operating in the fourth dimension because of their attunement to this kind of information? That they’ve attracted this material to themselves for its cocreation?”

You made the transition to the fourth dimension on December 21, 2012, and you’ve had access to fifth dimensional energies ever since. You also have the choice of staying in the lower vibrations of third dimensional egoic mentality. Each person has that option. That’s why you see such a wide array of experiences all across the planet today. But not everybody knows they have the ability to tap into new energies yet. Those who do are going to help spread that love and the higher vibrations around so that the effect is felt throughout the whole multiverse.

We love what Bashar has said about how when you change yourself, you don’t actually change the world you’re living on; instead, you shift yourself to another world and another world and another world.”

But we’d like to add that for your every single thought, emotion, intention, and action, you really

do change the entire multiverse. You affect all realities and all universes because you’re spreading more positivity out into the collective consciousness.

There’s a universal collective consciousness. There’s a human collective consciousness. There’s a galactic collective consciousness. There’s the Source collective consciousness. So, you do affect everything. Whenever you do, say, or think something positive—whenever you love—you are adding something to the whole that could only come through you.

What is an Arcturian elder?”

There are many beings who have lived in our star system who have taken on physical form, although we’re mostly nonphysical or in a higher dimensional range. But there have been those who have taken on bodies and incarnated to be your teachers, healers, and leaders—who set an example of what is possible.

An elder in our system is one who has lived in the physical for a long time, just like you do on Earth, thereby gaining a lot more experience and wisdom

to share, compared to someone who is, say, dropping in for the first time. Of course, you want to have those who are wise, like the elders, to learn from much more quickly.

Are you Arcturian elders that are channeling through Daniel?”

We’re a non-physical collective, and so we don’t really have age. Therefore, you could call us an elder. People call us grandparents. People call us all kinds of things. We are a consciousness and a collective who wants to serve, help, heal, and activate. We can be so much to so many when we are let in.

If you could say one thing to those of us who can feel our gifts developing but aren’t quite there yet, what would it be? And what was the final thing that enabled Daniel to fully open up and channel?”

You’re perfect right where you are. Your degree of tapping into your gifts is giving you that experience right now. It may not feel like you’re at that master level yet, but there is something for you within where you are right now. As you embrace it and accept it, you’ll feel like this is your journey: 'Now I get to grow. Now I get to experience what it feels like to go from

where I am to the next level and the next level and the next level, and that’s fun and interesting and unique. I’m so glad I get to have this experience.' That’s what we would say to all of you who are starting out.

Daniel was “lucky” in a sense that he had helpers. He had Abraham [channeled by Esther Hicks], who encouraged him at an event. He had Bashar, with whom he spoke about channeling with. He had Nora Herold, who helped him immensely in gaining more confidence in what he was doing.

Being told by Abraham that he was going to channel was a life-altering experience for Daniel, because he didn’t know what was happening to him. He didn’t know why he was experiencing all the things he was experiencing. And he didn’t think that what he was doing was necessarily the right thing to do. But just getting that little nudge and being told “this is something you’re going to do, keep at it” was what he needed to hear. Then, he just needed to sit more, tune in more, and eventually get to the place where all the herky-jerky, involuntary movements and weird facial contortions became words—words that he was able to express verbally for the first time. It just took him

sitting and doing that time and time again, for about forty-five minutes to an hour each time, before, eventually, he was able to form the words.

So many young people are dying by suicide because the world is struggling. How do I help my daughter who has decided at age twenty-three to end her own life?”

These experiences where you get to the point of feeling suicidal can be major breakthroughs. Obviously, those who follow through and complete the

task of taking their own lives have a path that involves not being in their bodies anymore. It is very sad for those who are left behind, mourning the loss of their loved one. But for someone like your daughter, know that she’s on the precipice of something here, that there’s a breakthrough that can come when someone hits that rock bottom and gets to the point where they feel like they want to take their own life and to leave this world with all its pain.

Daniel reached that point in March of 2010. The very next night, after he really thought about how he would leave this world, was when he had the most amazing experience of his life. That’s when energies flooded his body from head to toe, over and over. It was like a near-death experience for him.

You can, as a mother, look for more evidence of people who hit that rock bottom, experienced suicidal thoughts, and the turnaround that came out of it, to make yourself feel better right now. As far as your daughter is concerned, you can normalize the experience for her. Let her know that many people

reach a point at some time in their lives, thinking, 'I’d just rather not be here experiencing any of this.' Also send her transmissions of love from your heart. Surround her with your love that you can access from within. Of course, it’s hard to access love for someone when you’re worried about them or when you’re afraid of what they might do. But that’s your work right now. Your work is to go through the experience, allow those emotions, and get to that calm place and say, 'What do I actually want to feel around my daughter? I want to feel that love I felt when I held her in my arms for the very first time, send it out like a beam of light from the center of my chest to her, and surround her in that love and light. I want to send the message out that she is loved, that there is love available to her, and that she can join me in this vibration of love if she wants to.'

Can you give us practical steps to develop or receive our soul’s gifts or to tap into abilities we’ve had in other lifetimes to benefit our current lives?”

Yes, indeed. Well, first of all, every day that you wake up, you can tell the Universe, 'I’m ready, open, and willing to receive all the energies that are available to me that are coming from higher dimensions, higher frequency beings and collectives, and beings of the light. I’m open to running those energies through my body.'

Because first and foremost, when it comes to spiritual gifts, you want to feel something. You want to feel something different. You want to feel tapped in, like you’re plugged into something.

You can access those energies if you set out to do so every day. Put yourself in a position where it’s easier for you to do so. Maybe sit under a tree. Sit on a nice patch of grass. Go to a very calm, serene part of your home that you set up as your sanctuary, where you can sit and do this. But give yourself that experience of just receiving, and eventually, what you receive

will fill you up so much that it will want to then burst forth from you in some way. If it’s a clairvoyant or clairaudient experience, you’ll be able to interpret

that energy in such a way that it makes sense to you and it makes sense to others.

Is speaking in tongues and speaking in light language the same thing? What are the benefits to me or others in using light language?”

They are the exact same thing. Light languages contain within them a vibration, an energy, galactic light codes, sacred geometry, activations, and

healing potentials. What they contain runs the gamut. And you get to decide before you start what you want the light language to be about for you, for that person, for humanity, for a group of people, or for whomever you’ve decided you want to send that light language out to. Just set the intention, then let the

light language come through, knowing that it’s holding that intention and sending out the energy that’s going to give the person exactly what it is they need.

Why is it that we feel more connected and emotionally attracted to, or resonate with, some people over others?”

You have longer histories together. You have these packs that you travel in called soul groups or soul families, and you have experience after experience

after experience with each other, not always the same. You’re not always the father and the other person’s not always the child, or the mother and the child. Sometimes it’s reversed. Sometimes you’re cousins; sometimes you’re friends.

But you have all these experiences with these other souls that make them light up to you and you light up to them. Most of the time it’s mutual when it’s a soul family member that you’re in contact with. They fit like a glove.

They just feel right to you. You know that there’s something that the two of you are going to do together or are going to feel in each other’s presence, and you want more of that. And so, you start making arrangements to get together.

Of course, with family members that feeling is built in because you’re related to them. With family members, you tend to give each other a hard time. You have most of your troubles with family members because you want to love that person so much, and they’re doing whatever they tend to do to make it challenging for you to do so. But in most cases, you’re not just going to write them off or out of your life. You’re going to keep them in your life and keep discovering the love that you are, in spite of your differences or the

hurt that’s already happened between the two of you. You want so much to love that person that you’re willing to keep going with the relationship in spite of the fact that a lot of bad blood may exist between you.

Since all our lives are happening at once, is being able to access past or other lives a channeling experience?”

It is a channeling experience. Channeling is basically you tuning in to something. So, it’s accurate to say that everyone’s channeling all the time because you’re always tapped into something. You’re either tapped into a thought stream or a soul fragment, or you’re tapped into the energy of a room you just walked into.

When you don’t set your dial on the station you want to be on, then you’re just channeling randomly. Or you’re channeling the same thing as yesterday

because nothing changed in the environment or nothing changed within you.

When you’re channeling with intention, you’re saying, 'This is what I want to set my vibration to harmonize with, connect to, become one with, merge with, and then have an experience with.'

Isn’t the fifth dimension non-physical?”

It is not. The way that we break down the universe is into twelve dimensions; the first nonphysical dimension is the ninth dimension, where we

are. The fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions are all physical.

By our scale, the eighth dimension is a transitional dimension, like the fourth is for you now. The eighth dimension helps you to transition into a non-physical being totally and completely.

Can you please explain densities, as opposed to dimensions?”

When people break the universe down into densities, they’re usually only seven, whereas we’re on a twelve-point dimension scale. So, of course, sixth density is going to be different from sixth dimension. Sixth density would be non-physical.

In what ways, if any, is the transformation to a vegan way of eating and living a fundamental imperative for the awakening of humanity?”

We’re glad you asked the question. When you awaken you tend to become more compassionate. You tend to look at the world differently. You tend to look at plants, animals, the Earth—everything—differently. There’s more love flowing through you. And so there’s more of a likelihood that you’re going to say, 'You know what, I don’t want to eat anything that once

breathed or had eyes.' You just come to that naturally. That’s why certain people make that choice. But you don’t have to make that choice in order to awaken.

What’s blocking all of us humans from becoming channels? And as channels, what’s our greatest responsibility to others as we use it not only for ourselves but for others?”

The greatest block comes from a belief that there’s something special about a person who channels. But there’s nothing special about Daniel here. Trust

us, Daniel was thirty-eight years old and did not feel special when he started channeling; he didn’t feel like he was someone who always knew things or was always tapped in, and he had a very traditional upbringing. He was raised Catholic, went to church every Sunday, feared God, all of that; he didn’t have

any spiritual experiences whatsoever. Yet somehow, he was able to get past that block.

If you believe that it’s possible to channel, then you’re willing to do what it takes to tap in. You’re willing to take the time to do it. You’re willing to put forth the right frequency and to raise your vibration enough to reach that level of consciousness. Once you do start channeling, yes, it’s important to check with yourself and ask, 'All right, was that just me putting something out there that I believe in? Was I overly influencing what I was getting?'

The vast majority of people who are channeling have a genuine desire to be of service and not to manipulate or put forth negative or false information, although whatever the channeler is focusing on in their non-channeling state is going to filter, or color, what they bring through while channeling.

As a channeler, your responsibility is to keep focusing on that which is positive, integrated, and enlightening—bringing people together and raising the level of consciousness—and not on all the divisive stuff that’s out there.

We are the Arcturian Council and we have enjoyed communicating with you.

by Daniel Scranton, from The Great Awakening by Mike Dooley on pp. 115 - 137

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You Are What You Attract

  We attract what we judge in life until we no longer judge what we attract! Robert Edward Grant