There is a secret about Time.
Well, there are many ‘secrets’ about Time, and the nature of it, but mostly these attributes are only ‘secret’ due to the lack of clear, deep, and good thinking.
Good thinking arises from energy applied over a duration. You have to put energy into it over time.
Duration is important. To the maturing of cheeses, wines, and awareness within human minds. Duration is a required aspect. Duration is important to all of Life.
If you have enough duration in this Life, and it benefits the Ontology, you may encounter the secret of the ‘dark spark’ of Time.
The Dark Spark is the label given by those who know, to the ‘antipode’ of Time.
You find it referenced in the works of Kozyrev, and other scholars of the temporal aspect of our common shared reality, as well as within the history of all cultures by those writers who explore this reality. We find it in esoterica in all languages, but sparsely spoken of, and only loosely referenced. There is a caution, by those who have seen the dark spark, to discussing it with the uninitiated.
Seeing the dark spark provides Living, embodied souls, in this Matterium with great power. Perhaps the ultimate power.
Life, in all its forms throughout all this Matterium is completely dependent on the dark spark. Without the dark spark to interrupt the Pulse that destroys and recreates our common shared reality 22 trillion times each and every second, there would be no Life, only the constant HUM (AUM) of CONSCIOUSNESS.
Om mani padme HUM…
You can’t know LIGHT without DARK. All in this Matterium is binary. You are not alive except that you die. You may not be reborn without previous death.
We ‘live’ in an Ontology. Within it. We all recognize, at some level, even denied by our ‘rational minds’ that this reality is amenable to being altered by active expressions of will, of our Local Consciousness. We see this ‘formalized’ in the various understandings of the ‘law of attraction’, and other forms of ‘majic’.
You know that scene in the movie, where Darth Vader makes the Fleet Officer in the meeting ‘choke’ without touching him? That is an example, albeit fictional, of exactly this form of power. It is nothing so crude as ‘forming mental hands’ or attempting to alter the Fleet Officer’s flesh in his throat with your mind.
What is being demonstrated is ‘harmonization’ with the dark spark. The technique is to ‘hold’ that body’s antipode of time, in place, temporally by your will. Basically, this means that the ‘normal and usual’ recreation of the body 22 trillion times a second by Universe is interfered with, at a lower level, a down shifted level at just the edge of that body’s initial perception of the Ever Present Now. This is accomplished by an act of will in harmonizing with the dark spark in that locality by someone who has experience with it.
When that is done, it is as though the mind of the victim so affected becomes aware of the rising distress as their body system is being recreated abnormally. It will penetrate to their local consciousness by way of their body’s sensors. It is not as though an ‘external’ event is occurring. Their freak out is body system driven and can be quite alarming.
It is this manipulation of the dark spark that is at the core of all forms of magic. The more crude, and ignorant, are the magic protocols, the more they rely on ‘matter’ to attempt the effect. This is why magic is an art and a really wonky, haphazard one, and not a science, the practitioners are ignorant at a deeply profound level thus requiring what is called ‘great skill’ in order to be manifest. Again though, it is the ignorance of the observers who put achievement with magic down to ‘skill’. Skill is a thing of the body, what is actually occurring with successful magic is that the doer-in-the-body is aware of their own local consciousness and how it participates in all that emerges within their body’s Life. They are manipulating themselves, at a deep mental level, in order to change the manifesting reality in which their embodiment is located.
The Ever Present Now (EPN) has a perceptible width in each of us that varies. Our common shared reality thus has a 'width' to the 'present moment' that is variable based on the beings present. The humans have a more or less 'normal' base width to their EPN that has changed over history. Social interaction can be used as a form of measurement for this. A few centuries back the social interaction was measured in weeks that were required for mail delivery. Now, mere seconds for the routing of electronic messages. This forms a part of your experience of, and expectation of, the manifestation of ‘time’ in this Matterium.
Again, though, the Ever Present Now has a perceptible component. Your body’s senses participate in the EPN, and what we think of as the ‘progress of Time’. Note that Time does not Move, and though our perceptions of it do change, Time itself, in its manifestation, does not Change. It is the Eternal, Ever Present, Now. Inviolate, and Pure.
The Ever Present Now is a complexity. Our minds, cooperating with manifesting reality, create our understanding of, and participation within, the Eternal Now. Our thinking of Time as being a ‘movement’ derives from the event stream that appears within the EPN, and our minds’ attempting to ‘make sense’ of it all. This is part of the complexity that is the EPN.
Time is not complicated, it’s complex.
Things in our reality are complex because your consciousness is participating in that complexity as, and while, you encounter it.
Stated another way: complications have clean edges and they can be unpacked to reveal compounding upon simplicity underlying the structure; complexities have diffuse, irregular edges, with many areas of unformed potentials, as the Local Consciousness (your mind and sense organs supplying it) are participating in the formation of the area under examination by that Local Consciousness.
Your consciousness is helping to form our local expression of the grander common shared reality, thus when you look at it, you are inherently altering it because you are trying to see it as your mind is creating it ahead of the limit of perception of your eyes. Make sense?
As your chunk of consciousness that we call the Local Consciousness that is embodied with flesh is a key component in the formation of the Ever Present Now, and whose perceptions are participatory in forming our shared awareness of the Ever Present Now, with its manifesting Event Stream, you can imagine that Space Aliens, being in this Matterium, are much the same. This is to say, that Space Aliens will also have a variable awareness of the EPN which their minds and senses will be involved in both forming, and perceiving. Minds, bodies, and senses formed in another part of this Matterium with very likely significant differences from humans.
The ‘width’ of the perception of the EPN, for either humans or space aliens, is determined by their bodies, brains, and the connection to their minds. It is the same with Life where ever it may be found in this Matterium.
You can see where this is going, right?
The consideration of the moment, that is this particular EPN, is the EPN, your perception of the width of it, and what happens to that internal, mental understanding of ‘time’, and ‘now’, when the Space Aliens arrive?
It can be seen now, ahead of time, that Time, and our perception of the EPN, that ‘time’ in which our minds, and bodies live, will change precisely with, and because of the space aliens appearance.
Simple, yes? Or at least easily understood, if not so easily accomplished.
The smarter minds among the humans in the last, descending, half of the Yuga cycle were affected by the reducing emanations from galactic center, and as a consequence were reincarnating into bodies that had degraded mental capacity. Thus, to some extent they can be forgiven for falling for the bullshit of the space aliens who arrived, the Elohim.
The Elohim are a sadistic, brutal, and exploitive species with really cool technology. They blew away the primitive minds of the humans. The Elohim demonstrated ‘magical powers’ that the silly humans wanted to emulate. The humans mistook accidental associations with gesture, intonations, and objects as the proximate cause for these really cool technically enhanced ‘abilities’, and magic emerged into humanity. These magical protocols were codified into books, and we have religions, such as judaism, manifesting. All these religions were based on the power of the space aliens being claimed by humans via proxy through claimed ‘private’ communications with the deities by ‘special humans’ aka priests, or by way of claims of having mastery over the aliens’ technology by way of analogs as magic as per the rabbis.
These are claims by humans to have the power that was once demonstrated here on earth by the space aliens claiming to be gods, the Elohim.
The judaics accepted those claims. They had no choice as the Elohim were killing them for refusal.
So it goes. But now the Elohim worship cult, those humans keeping this long, mutant, tradition alive, believe their space alien gods to be returning. Soon(ish). Likely in 2030.
They had accelerated all the plans. Agenda 2050 was brought forward. Everything was rushed. Thus the fucked up mess in which we now find ourselves. Their ‘magic’ has failed them. It is leaving them exposed, their blood stained dicks waving in the cold breeze.
Now the event stream within the Ever Present Now is leaving the control of the Pharisees. Their grasp is failing, weakening by the hour. That which they feared, and called into being, the ‘return of their space alien gods’ is occurring. The Elohim worship cult leadership is shitting in their pants.
Not long now, and open contention with the Elohim will emerge.
All forms of magic, and mental ‘powers’ are lower level effects of attempts toward harmonization with the dark spark. These will always fail, in spite of seeming temporary success, as magicians are ignorant of the dark spark.
To see the dark spark of Life, you must touch the Void, the Pause that defines the Pulse of Time.
ZaZen may get you there if the Ontology is benefited.
Once you have touched the Void, ‘seen the dark spark’, there is nothing in this Matterium left to fear.
Know thyself. Conquer thy enemy.
True victory is victory over self.
It all begins here. In this, Ever Present Now.
from the subtack of Clif High on November 27 and 28, 2024
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