Several episodes of human history on Earth have been the result of a succession of extraterrestrial and alien colonies exerting their territorial and cultural influence on Planet Earth.
The historical archives contain many answers to the frequently asked questions of ‘who we are’, ‘where we came from’ and ‘how we evolved’ to become the beings we are today.
The origins of life go back much further in time than is generally known – and even further than episodes in human history. The exploits begin beyond the boundaries of this planet, originating in star kingdoms, galactic federations, and the alien civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, and a few others that are only now being discovered.
Meanwhile, the long-awaited changes are finally upon us! Though not as visible as anyone would like, everything in the Earth timeline is sealed. Many millennia have passed! Many eras have passed! Hundreds of successive incarnations!
Where Do We Come From?
About 450,000 years ago, a group of humanoid aliens arrived on Earth in a spaceship. They came from a planet about three times the size of Earth which the Sumerians called Nibiru.
The supreme god of Nibiru was called ‘Anu’, or ‘An’ depending on the source. Two of the Anunnaki leaders, Anu’s sons Enki and Enlil, were half-brothers and they directed the systematic colonization of the planet Earth by the Anunnaki.
Nibiru was described in ancient Sumerian literature as the twelfth planet in our solar system. The Sumerians were far ahead of modern man in the field of astronomy. The Sumerians also counted the Moon and Sun as planetary bodies, arriving at a total of 12, the same number as the assembly of Anunnaki princes.
Remarkably, the ancient Sumerians, who are said to have been involved in the development of writing, accurately described and diagrammed the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, whereas today these three planets can only be observed with the aid of a telescope. Modern man only discovered Uranus in 1781, Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930.
The Anunnaki leaders were the dark powers who over time formed a strategic alliance under the Galactic Federation, and maintained contact with selected members of the Deep State cabal, governments, Jesuits, Illuminati, and the 13 Archon bloodlines, and through extensive infiltration of secret societies such as the Freemasons, Knights Templar, Jesuits and other spiritual societies.
The propaganda of the Galactic Federation as a pro-human ET group is used to derail people’s spiritual awakening and draw them into the New Age movement and its individual mind control based belief systems, making them obedient to oppression, as happened with the fake Covid pandemic protocols.
These alliances are responsible for directing scalar weapons into the planetary field of Stonehenge, 11th Stargate, arranged by the Nibirians to erase humanity’s collective memory, and in particular to erase any historical trace of humanity’s recorded history from the Atlantean civilization. It was the satanic Luciferian pact behind the tragic events that led to the Atlantean catastrophe.
The aim of the Sirian creators was to develop a barely intelligent worker who could use tools, be easily controlled and follow orders. Initially, in the first Earth humans created, the creators left the genetics above the 2nd strand of DNA dormant. Although the general purpose of the human creation was to be servants and workers for the gods, the ancient tablets say that Enki had a loving emotional bond with his human creation. He described them as his blood children and cared for them as such.
After humans were created on Earth, there were many occasions when Enki took care of them and protected them from the indifference of his family. Enki made sure that when he created humans, he gave them the extra divine spark so that they could eventually realize that they were their own god.
Later in this human creation story, Enki went behind the backs of his brother and family and gave the humans of Edin’s paradise the genetic fruit of the Anunnaki Tree of Knowledge with the divine spark of higher consciousness.
When the Anunnaki began this whole process of creating man, they had no idea what would happen. The truth is that they created something far greater than themselves which contained the truly divine spark. Enki had raised humanity to super-intelligence, even higher than the Annona.
When the evil brother Enlil heard about this, he said: “Look, man has become like one of us, he knows right and wrong, and now he can reach out and take fruit from the Tree of Life, eat and live forever.
Enlil banished the first two humans from the Anunnaki paradise of Eden, but the human immortality genes remained dormant. However, Enki again went to extremes and gave one of his human creations the genetic fruit of the Tree of Longevity, and this longevity gene was passed on to certain human children.
This action by Enki, combined with the interbreeding of Iggy men (sons of God) with Earth women, produced hellish giant children, which was the beginning of the end for early Earth man.
Several thousand years ago, hostile creatures arrived on our planet – the race of Dragons, who subsequently created the race of Reptilians to be their proteges on Earth.
Unlike the Draconians, the Reptilians were able to assimilate into human society to such an extent that some of them began to have sexual relations with humans, resulting in the appearance on Earth of hybrids carrying both reptilian and human genes.
In connection with this, the program originally embedded in the reptilians in such hybrid creatures began to change under the influence of the qualities inherent in humans.
Gradually, the symbiosis of these two races and their constant interaction brought humanity to the brink of extinction. The dragons themselves rarely incarnate in human bodies, as this poses a great danger to them. This is because it is very difficult for them to maintain a human appearance all the time, as their true “face” is revealed in certain situations. Therefore, in order to protect themselves, the Draconians have created another “sub-race” – the Draco-reptiles, who are already a cross between the Draconians and the Reptilians.
They are the ones who form the top of the Deep State, which has been deciding the fate of humanity for centuries. They are also present in almost all of Earth’s royal dynasties, as the royal families have always owned most of the land on your planet. Their colonies that existed and still exist on Earth are their creation.
Hundreds of millions of people have lived in poverty and slavery for centuries at the behest of this evil race that once took over your planet. From the beginning, the families of the Archon bloodline wanted to rule the world.
In 1773, Professor Adam Weishaupt, at the request of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, drew up a plan for the 13 most influential families of the Archon bloodline. The ultimate goal was, and still is, a world dictatorship with one leader at the top, based in Jerusalem, Israel. To this end, all governments and influential politicians were bribed to participate in this goal, without knowing what it would lead to.
The real rulers are the invisible Jesuits, Luciferians, and Khazars who exercise their power from behind the scenes.
The crimes of the central bankers are legendary and too numerous to mention here. By providing huge loans to almost every country and people, they have become dependent on the ‘secret’ controlling power of the Deep State.
Governments that tried to remain independent were dealt with and removed by force, and their leaders dethroned. If this was not possible through a political propaganda coup or economic sanctions, the CIA, Mossad or military force was used to achieve the goal of subjugating the country and people to the New World Order regime.
But know that consciousness and unity break the power of the Deep State and its minions. In reality, the mandates and measures against the fake Covid pandemic undermined the social consciousness of the people. Some understanding is required to identify the social engineering programs of the global elite and how to avoid becoming a victim.
The global elite want 90% depopulation. They want total control and surveillance over every aspect of your life. They want socialism with power and wealth in their own pockets, in other words communism.
Consciousness and unity are a direct obstacle to these plans. Now they want to take away everything of value and imprison the remaining population in camps. They are doing this in the name of saving the planet and improving the climate, which are all lies.
The cabal is desperate to keep these masses under their control to prevent them from ‘waking up’. They reduce this danger to them by fragmenting and dividing the 99% group among themselves. This fragmentation of the population is achieved by creating fictitious groups and perceptions so that these groups see each other as enemies and feel threatened by each other.
Unlike the Reptilian race they created, they themselves lived on the subtle plane of Earth, or rather on a world parallel to ours.
In fact, there are many such worlds on your planet, both high and low vibration. The high-vibrational ones include, for example, Agartha, whose inhabitants carry vibrations from the fifth to the eighth dimension. The low-vibration races include the Greys, who over time began to actively cooperate with the Draco-reptiles.
There are also civilizations among them that can be described as somewhat neutral.
One of these are the representatives of the “Seven Planets”, whose messages can be found on the internet. This civilization has great technical knowledge, but is not spiritual. However, unlike the Greys, they cannot harm humans because the vibrations of their inhabitants are close to the fourth dimension.
But let’s get back to the Dragon race. It was they who had the greatest impact on the lives of the Earthlings, for they came to your planet with one purpose: to enslave the people completely.
They did not succeed at first, for the Divine gene of the Earth’s inhabitants at that time was so strong that the Dragons could not ‘break through’ the vibrational barrier that separated humans from the low-vibrational beings that they were.
Then they resorted to genetic engineering. First, the Reptilians were created – creatures that looked human but carried the genes of the Draconians. They were originally programmed for power, control and greed.
Like the Draconians themselves, these beings lacked empathy, for if they had, they would not have been able to carry out their task of enslaving humanity.
Gradually, the Dragons began to populate the Earth with these creatures, who quickly found the Earthlings’ “weaknesses”: their openness, trust and kindness, which they began to exploit for their own ends.
Gradually, through flattery and deception, they began to infiltrate human society, and as a result, more and more hybrid families began to appear on Earth, producing either pure human souls, or pure-blooded reptilians, or hybrids – owners of two souls – depending on the circumstances. Unfortunately, this continues to this day.
Where We Are Going?
Now you are here to participate in the great spectacle; the transition of planet Earth from the 3rd to the 5th dimension! Alongside this great event, which is the most important in the Galaxy, the outcome still depends on the Ascension of part of our humanity. Glorious times are dawning and nothing can stop what is to come!
For this final phase of change we are on an unchangeable timeline; the old Armageddon predictions will not happen! We are in for incredible times.
However, there is still one major obstacle that undoubtedly concerns the fate of humanity itself;
The most decisive moment for humanity on planet Earth has now arrived. There will be two well-defined timelines: one will lead part of humanity to the new 5D Earth; the other will lead the remaining part into exile on another 3D planet.
Only about a third or less of current humanity will be able to make the transition to 5D. This will require the necessary ascension skills to complete it, so unfortunately the other part will not.
Eventually we will have a new cycle and a new earth. Where no authority will be superior to our free will and choices. Everyone will be their own judge. No one will interfere with the individual preferences of others.
Then the light will have won, where everyone creates their own reality. The destiny of humanity will then be decided. By separating the wheat from the chaff, only 5-dimensional beings will enter this New World. All is expected to be completed, cleared and settled between 2025 and 2030.
by Peter B. Mayer at on November 23, 2024
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