Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Walk-ins are soul extensions, or personalities, who take over the body of an adult human being who has chosen to leave his or her physical body. Ascended Master Djwhal Khul has told me that this is an occurrence that has not been very common in the history of this planet. However, it has been occurring much more frequently recently because of the amazing shift this planet is going through as it moves into the new age. Djwhal said that there are as many as one million walk-ins on the planet at this time.

In 1973, at the age of 21, while serving with the U.S. Marine Corps at Cherry Point, N.C. I was body surfing with two friends in the surf of the Atlantic Ocean on the Outer Banks. While they walked up the beach out of sight I was caught in an undertow like I had never experienced before.

The ocean floor suddenly disappeared beneath me and I was sucked down, down, down beneath the waves by a powerful riptide and quickly pulled out to sea. In my panic I breathed sea water into my lungs. After fifty years, the memory of the event is still quite vivid.

Time seemed to stop. The world around me was instantly replaced with a brightly-lit realm of colors beyond anything in my experience – peaceful, musical, welcoming – perhaps what people call heaven. There were no angels or beings of any sort – just a loving awareness all around me. A telepathic message penetrated my awareness, telling me that I now had a choice whether to live or die. In the same moment, I received that now was not the moment to choose to leave life behind, that I had an important mission yet to fulfill, but... the choice was all mine to make.

While time was meaningless, there did seem to be an instant of reflection and consideration, but I don't recall making a conscious choice. What I do remember was weighing whether I really wanted to leave such a place that just felt like home and return to the life I knew. It would have been easy to stay.

The next thing I remember was pounding the waves with tired arms a hundred yards off the shoreline, coughing violently to get water out of my lungs, struggling to swim and save my life.

Reaching the shore somehow, certain that I wasn't doing all the work, on hands and knees, terribly nauseous, a voice inside my head prompted me with great alarm to keep moving, to crawl away from the water's edge, so as not to pass out and drown in the surf.

When I awoke after passing out I was sick, nauseous, coughing, and weak. The world of suffering had returned. The world of peace and warmth that I experienced momentarily was gone.

I sat up thinking about what had just happened. I almost drowned, or did I drown? My two buddies walked back down the beach to rejoin me. They didn't have a clue as to what just happened. I didn't make a big deal of it, and did not share my experience. We returned to base and our duties, and I recovered without telling anyone.

I don't remember thinking much about it at the time. The memory of the event crept back in slowly over time. What impressed me most is that I somehow survived being sucked under water, perhaps twenty or thirty feet, by the strongest riptide I had ever felt, with lungs full of water. What divine intervention was this?

My buddies had separated from me for perhaps only ten minutes. In that ten minutes I drowned, was saved, and recovered, yet it seemed like I was passed out a long time. I had a sunburn from laying passed out in the sand. It didn't make sense – some time was missing.

Long story short, I was different, and I knew I wasn't the same. I started reading all kinds of serious books voraciously. My IQ went up by 29 points in a short time, which is unheard of. I developed a new confidence. Memories of the past seemed fabrications. They were mine, but they weren't mine. I went to a 5-year high school class reunion and had to be introduced to former friends. They did not recognize me. They expressed shock when finding out who I was.

I've gained a sense over the past fifty years that another part of me stepped in to save my life and augment my existence. I was suddenly more than I was previously. It was me, but more than me.

Some awareness that wasn't there for my first 21 years has been with me ever since. Calling it a Walk-In is a compact, believable way of explaining it. But it is not that concise and cannot be corralled with a simple explanation of words. All I know is that I became more than the sum of my original parts during an event where something larger than me intervened to guarantee that my life was not tragically swept out to sea.

It is important to explain that this process is usually governed by and controlled at the soul level. The soul extension, or personality, who is walking out of the body usually has no conscious awareness of the procedure. It is usually the soul who has made the decision, although in some rare instances the personality has requested it.

In most cases the new walk-in who takes over the body has no conscious awareness of the change. The transition period can take anywhere from three months to six years to transpire. It is usually very disconcerting to the walk-out’s emotional body because there is a process of sharing the physical body with the other entity for a period of time, and, in most cases, the walk-out is not conscious of what is occurring.

Entities of all levels and states of consciousness can be walk-ins and it is not limited to sixth-dimensional beings, according to the information I have received from Djwhal Khul. The walk-in will come into the new physical body only, of course, if the walk-out has agreed to it on a soul level.

The second important ingredient is that the souls, or higher selves, and the spirit guides of the walk-in and the walk-out feel that the physical vehicle is strong enough and the emotional vehicle stable enough for the process to work effectively. Such a transfer is very much like major surgery on an etheric level.

Teams of spirit guides help in the transfer. It is a very delicate procedure. It is very important to point out the difference between a walk-in and a possession: a possession is a forced entry into a person’s auric field that can cause the entity living in that body to be booted out. Djwhal has told me that the negative extraterrestrials have attempted possessions and have even succeeded at times. Most possessions, however, do not result in the existing entity’s being booted out of its body. This is very rare and nothing to be fearful about if you have a spiritual belief and any sense of your own personal power, and as long as you are not a drug addict or an alcoholic.

Djwhal Khul has told me that Adolph Hitler was a walk-in. The Dark Brotherhood facilitated the shifting of one of their high-ranking members into Hitler’s body. Adolph Hitler was on the dark path himself before he left, but the new entity was even darker in consciousness. There is no karmic penalty when a walk-out chooses to leave his or her existing body.

The concept of a walk-in is sometimes hard for people to believe. If you think about it, everyone is a walk-in in the sense that everyone walks in to a baby’s body. The only difference is that the walk-in moves into an adult body rather than an infant body.

A walk-in gets to skip the whole childhood phase, which at first glance sounds pretty good. Djwhal has told me, however, that being a walk-in is no piece of cake. It is traumatic to the entity who is coming in as well as to the entity who is walking out. The walk-in is, in a sense, taking on some of the karma of the walkout — both the karma in the physical vehicle and all the brain memories of the walk-out remain with the new walk-in. Part of the responsibility of the new walk-in is to balance and clear the personal karma that was left behind by the entity that has left.

In most cases the entity that leaves has been very depressed and suicidal or has just had a major accident. A new entity walks in to a preexisting complex of marriage, children, and friends. Because the brain memories are left by the walk-out in the physical structure of the brain, the walk-in is able to function in such a way that the wife or husband and family might not realize they are not dealing with the same entity. They will in most cases notice a big change, but they will attribute it to a change in attitude, not a change in entities.

Since walk-ins are not consciously aware, in almost all cases, that they are walk-ins, because they have all the brain memories of the walk-out, they are disoriented for a time, but they also feel that they are where they belong.

Djwhal told me that the ascended masters are not usually involved in this process. It is more the soul and spirit guides and the soul extension who make such a decision. Once the exchange has taken place, walk-ins live normal lives.

The motivation to be of service to the planet will depend on their levels of spiritual evolvement. If you think about it, the concept of walk-ins is rather expedient, for if an entity wants to leave the physical body, it is a shame to waste that physical vehicle if someone else could use it for spiritual growth. However, it takes a very bold soul and soul extension to make this choice, for it is not an easy or glamorous path to take. This period of history on Planet Earth is such an exciting time in a spiritual sense that many entities are willing to take on the karma and risk in order to be a part of the action. Physical bodies of all kinds are at a premium during this period of time.

Ruth Montgomery’s spirit guides have said that the following people were walk-ins: Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, Emanuel Swedenborg, Meister Eckhart, Shankara, Moses, Quetzalcoatl, and Christopher Columbus. I have not confirmed the truth of this information, but I bring it forth for your discernment and consideration.

Before a walk-in enters the new body, the entity spends a great deal of time studying the Akashic Records and physical behaviors of the walk-out to determine how to master the physical body, personal lessons, and karma it is about to take on. The actual moment of exchange usually occurs during sleep. A person who is contemplating suicide might consider being a walk-out as a better alternative if it truly is his time to leave his body.

I want to emphasize that walk-ins are not ascended masters. They are soul extensions who are still on the karmic wheel of rebirth at varying levels of initiation and spiritual awareness. Lord Maitreya, who came into Jesus’ body at the baptism, would not be called a walk-in. The esoteric term for this process in which two entities, in a sense, share the same body is “overshadowing.”

At some later date a walk-in might begin to remember that he or she is a walk-in. At some later date a walk-in might begin to remember that he or she is a walk-in. This can be an emotionally traumatic experience. Walking in can be additionally difficult because the transfer has often taken place during a serious illness or near-death experience of the walk-out. A walk-out is really donating his physical body to another soul to use instead of letting it die of natural causes or destroying it through suicide.

In the transition period during the changeover there are also, very often, physical health problems as well as emotional problems. Very often, on subconscious levels, there is a kind of ego battle that is taking place between the walk-in and the walk-out. The soul, or higher self, is conscious of the process, but since the personality in embodiment is not conscious of what is going on, it can be extremely confusing and a very wrenching process. The entire fiber of the soul must be completely removed from every cell of the physical body and four-body system and replaced with the soul fiber of the incoming entity. It can be likened to having major heart surgery.

Even though the walk-in has all the physical memories of the walk-out, the entity doesn’t have the same feelings since it is a different entity. For example, in the case of a walk-in coming in to the marriage of the walk-out, the walk-in will retain all the physical memories, so everything will seem normal in that sense, but the entity will feel somewhat distant, strange, and out of place.

Physically, everything will seem normal, but the new emotional body will not have adjusted yet. The fact that the walk-in doesn’t realize he is a walk-in helps in the adjustment process since he or she still has the physical memories of being married and so forth.

After going through an adjustment period the walk-in will literally begin a new life. Walk-ins tend to be of a highly evolved nature, although there are exceptions to this. Walk-ins usually don’t awaken to the fact that they are walk-ins unless a spiritual teacher tells them of it, which does happen and which is happening with greater and greater frequency. What also helps in the adjustment process is the fact that the entity has had a long time to prepare for this event on the inner plane.

It is often a bizarre and difficult situation for a spouse and family to deal with. At the same time, it often happens that people who know the walk-in and notice a change say something like, “She hasn’t been the same since her accident.” and let that be the extent to which they take the train of thought.

When the actual changeover takes place, it occurs during a one-night period while the physical body is sleeping. The soul, the spirit guides, and the specialized spirit guide team of walk-in and walk-out experts perform the metaphysical operation of slipping one soul extension out of the physical body and slipping the new one in.

It is only in the past two or three decades that the phenomenon of walk-ins has really expanded. Previous to that it was a much rarer occurrence. Djwhal has told me that this increase in walk-ins will continue for the next twenty to thirty years and then will begin to taper off again and become less common. Some walk-ins have the specific focus of helping other walk-ins, and they are the ones who advertise themselves as such in metaphysical newspapers.

from Hidden Mysteries by Joshua David Stone on pp. 46-50

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