Thursday, January 2, 2025

Living as an Ascended Master on Earth


The purpose for your life is joy and freedom. The reason you chose to incarnate on this magnificent planet at this time is to be part of the greatest awakening—the greatest transformation of human consciousness that has ever occurred in any lifetime. It is the raising of your vibration and consciousness, your own awakening, and your own great transformation that is positively contributing to the great transformation of human consciousness.

You chose to be here during this magnificent moment where humanity would remember the truth of who they are. As humanity fully awakens—as you remember—you are contributing to the possibilities, potentials, and opportunities for all humankind. Indeed, humanity and your beloved Mother Earth have a far greater purpose in this vast and glorious universe.

We tell you that the most important thing for your life experience is to fully come into the realization of all that you are. Realization is the integration of every part of you into the power that is you, into the love that is you, and into the force field of consciousness that is you.

You are magnificent, and you are opening fully into knowing that you are an ascended master here on Earth as you come into realization and embody the master that you are. All-That-Is asked you to stay on the planet as the embodied master that you are in your new levels of consciousness, vibration, and frequency: joy, love, freedom, abundance, well-being, and beauty. To live your life fully, whatever that means for you. To love fully, being all that you are in every present moment of your life.

You do this by not doubting or denying your worthiness or magnificence for any reason. Not because you didn’t get this done or that done. Not because you feel a little bit frustrated or feel some resistance or got triggered.

There is no reason ever to deny your worthiness or your magnificence or your power because you, dear master, matter. Your life matters, your love matters, and who you are matters, now more than ever.

Embody the master that you are. When you are in doubt of yourself or you are denying that you are loved, worthy, and more than enough, you hold yourself in separation. This lowers your vibration, limiting your consciousness, and doesn’t allow you to summon the Source Energy available to you in every moment for the manifestation of everything you need and more, before you even know you need it, ordained by a higher level of consciousness.

Your soul is always out ahead of you, orchestrating on your behalf that which is in your highest and best good—that which will surprise, delight, and satiate you beyond anything your human55 could ever think to ask for.

We know your physical senses are tuned to look at what is and consider it the only reality that’s going on. But we want you to elevate your awareness and to perceive that there is so much more to you than you have ever allowed yourself to explore and discover.

You are a force field of consciousness. That is what you are. You are light, you are love, and you are a soul, but you are also a force field of consciousness that is summoning energy into form. You are here for that very formula. To manifest the form of whatever you want more of—more abundance, more love, more joy, more freedom, more well-being, more creativity, more inspiration, more of everything—because that is what leads to your expansion and the expansion of consciousness, expanding the potentials, possibilities, and opportunities for all humankind.

You are here as an ascended master on Earth. If you are reading this now, you drew this to you. You have channeled this information to you. You have drawn to you the knowing of who you really are and why you are here. You are us and we are you, and we come forth because we promised we would, so that you would no longer forget who you really are. We come to remind you of the power that you have to create your reality and that, in every moment, you can tune in to the force field of consciousness that is you and summon the energy that creates worlds.

Your Force Field of Consciousness

You are now creating your world and your reality. Reality moves through you, and as you raise your consciousness and vibration your destiny comes to you. That which is in your highest good, that which is your highest purpose, that which is your highest potential, and that which is your highest joy will present itself to you, because you are no longer imposing an experience of separation on your reality.

Heaven on Earth, or a New Earth, is not out there somewhere after you ascend or make your transition from this place out of the body. It’s not a place you go. It’s a state of consciousness, and it’s available to you in every moment, no matter what.

Imagine, if you will, Heaven on Earth and what that means. Think of the beauty, peace, joy, abundance, harmony, well-being, freedom, and love that would exist for all. This is what you’re here to create, dear master: your Heaven—your New Earth reality. Because as you do, you’ll create a pathway that makes it easier and easier for all of humankind to find their way back to the truth within themselves, too, and to come into the realization of all that they are.

You can rid the world of anything you want. Through raising one’s consciousness, you can attain freedom, joy, peace, harmony, well-being, and abundance. Not through force, effort, fear, fighting, and separation, but by creating them within. Then, you will positively impact your entire human family, allowing all those who are ready to remember that they, too, can choose whatever they want for themselves.

Realization, which you may also call enlightenment, is available to you every moment. But you beloved humans—and we love you so much—are still trying to do, do, do more and more and more, yearning and striving to be good enough, to earn a living, to feel worthy of the things that bring you joy —to feel worthy of doing the things you love and to finally feel worthy of playing and having fun. But it simply doesn’t work that way.

There’s never a reason to deny your worthiness and your magnificence. There’s nothing you can do here on this planet to justify your radiance, magnificence, and brilliance. You are more than enough. And the proof that you are more than enough is that you are here in physical form at this time.

Let go of all the things you need to do, or think you should do, or are supposed to do, because as you’ve already found, there’s always more to be done.

From a state of being in your power in the moment, from the state of being in self-realization, from the state of enlightenment or Heaven on Earth, all things are done through you. Again, reality moves through you. Your destiny comes to you. This is because the force field of consciousness that you are is made up of particles of Infinite Creation that are always responding to you.

Understand this: the particles of Infinite Creation are all around you. When you expand your consciousness, your force field expands causing more of those particles to respond. And you expand your consciousness by doing more of what brings you joy, doing what you love, and doing what you’re excited about. Then, everything you need, and more, will come to you before you even know you need it.

You do not get what you want. No. You get what you are. You get more of what you’re perceiving, more of what you’re feeling, and more of what you’re focused on. So when you focus on the abundance you have, there will be more. When you focus on the love that you have, there will be more. You will be drawing more of the same to you because those particles of Infinite Creation are always responding. It’s through the raising of your consciousness and aligning it to the truth of who you are that you summon the energy to move manifestations and True Creation into your reality.

You have no greater purpose than to live your highest potential, your highest excitement, and your highest joy in every moment. That is the greatest thing you can do to contribute, serve, and positively impact humanity and your world.

The Art of True Creation

Pertaining to self-realization, where does intention come in? Is that even important? Does possessing the intention to awaken negate it? Should I have the intention to awaken—or should I simply pursue joy through, for example, hanging out with my young daughter?

The idea of surrendering is a tricky one for somebody like me. How do we find the balance between “intention and deliberate awakening” versus “just go out and have a great time, be happy, and love will abound”?

Well, a few things for you here that would be very helpful. Number one, anything you love has the ability to awaken you. Anything you love, including your daughter: being with her and the love that you feel for her. When you think about the day she was born and the love you felt or when you think about those moments that you’ve loved her the most, you were as close to realization and enlightenment as you could possibly be, entirely because of the way you felt. What did you feel? Love pouring through every cell of your body; the light of the world shining within your heart.

Now, what do you think enlightenment feels like? It is the presence of the Divine—Divine love. It is the presence of God. It is Source, right in front of you, within you, and all around you. In every cell of your body, you’re feeling that. That’s what self-realization is. That’s what enlightenment is. That’s what ascension is. So, any person you love, anything that someone loves—really, really, really loves and is passionate about, even science or mathematics—has the power to awaken them, expand their perspective, their awareness, and their ability to perceive beyond, and to feel into a state of realization or enlightenment. That is the quickest path. It could be no other way.

For the intention of self-realization, we’re going to talk about being in the moment, being present, and imagination. Imagination is the realm of pure potential, available through being present in the moment. It’s the raising of one’s consciousness to explore different potentials for True Creation and bringing about experiences, dreams, and desires through the process of impeccable creation.

When you imagine yourself living as an ascended master, enlightened and realized, you project a holographic image into your force field of consciousness that the particles of Infinite Creation will respond to. And as they do, just as for all manifestations, you will be presented with the highest manifestation in a form that aligns with the original feeling of your intention — all done in the most easy, effortless, harmonious way possible, through the process of True Creation.

Maybe imagine yourself walking out in the sunshine with the biggest smile on your face and a breeze in your hair, birds and butterflies and the beauty of nature all around you, with your daughter skipping and jumping beside you and your beloved wife. Feel abundant with well-being in your body, joyful, and in harmony with everything. Really feel this. Can you see this by yourself? Can you even expand this vision of what enlightenment would look and feel like, going even deeper? That’s your part. That’s your job. That’s what you’re there to do.

Then completely let go of how, when, or where it’s going to happen. Free yourself from any expectations of what may happen next, because quite honestly, you’ve already created it. You just focused yourself through the power of your imagination to draw from the realms of possibility available to you in the now moment. You created it. You’ve physically moved yourself through your consciousness, summoning energy into an experience where you will feel the reality of being fully realized. This is living as the enlightened master that you are.

Let the next perfect step come to you. Do this by following the energy, letting the light guide your way, and doing what is your highest joy, your highest excitement, what lights you up, what you love.

Now, we know you have a business and a lot of responsibilities: things that you do for your family and things you do for your employees and community. We understand there are all these things on your plate. But you love this; you love what you do. You love and have so much joy in this. So, bring that love and joy into the tasks that you’re doing, knowing that you are choosing to do them, not because you have to but because you get to. If, in any particular moment, a task is not lighting you up, does not feel in the flow, and does not feel very joyful, then stop.

People spend their lifetime doing what they should do, what they’re supposed to do, or all the things they have to do because they’re feeling “not enough yet,” “not worthy yet,” or “can’t go have fun yet.” Instead, you can train yourselves very quickly and easily, if you stop trying to push and force energy where you think it should go.

Don’t continue to follow that unconscious program. Just stop in the moment and take some breaths. Catch yourself when you’re trying to push and force energy where you think it should go. All your power lies in any now moment.

Once there, let inspiration guide; it knows what’s lighting up for you. Inspiration knows where the energy is. Inspiration comes from your soul, your Higher Self, your team, your guides, or whatever you want to call it. It’s coming from the higher mind—from a higher level of consciousness and awareness beyond the limitations of your physical senses.

Inspiration is an impulse. It says, “I should do this, but I’m not going to push and force energy.” “I’m going to stop and take some deep breaths.” It asks, “What would bring me joy?” “What would really feel fun?” “What am I inspired to do in this moment?”

It might be something seemingly unrelated to your intention: Maybe the desire to visit a local coffee or sandwich shop or go get a meal for yourself. It could be to go for a walk or a run. These things don’t seem related at all to what your intention was, but that’s what’s lighting up, so you go. A sign shows up. Synchronicity presents itself. You overhear a conversation, and all of a sudden, the next perfect inspiration comes to you, perhaps this time around the original intention.

This is following energy and letting light guide the way. It doesn’t mean you don’t take action. In fact, you take a lot of action, but it becomes inspired action. It’s not action like you used to take from force and effort stemming

from lack, limitation, separation, fear, or resistance. It’s action that comes through inspiration, which is really what you want more of. More inspiration, more creativity, more enthusiasm, more passion, more divine orchestration, more synchronicities, more magic, more miracles, and more of all those things that are really natural when you raise your vibration and consciousness to live as the ascended master you are.

Anyone and everyone can do this. You all have this ability. You all have this power. You are all worthy of living a life that you love, doing the things that bring you joy. You’re worthy of the freedom to be who you are, to live fully, and to love fully. You’re worthy of abundance. You’re worthy of wellbeing. You’re worthy of love. You’re worthy of True Creation showing up even before you know you need it. You’re worthy of that, which is why we say self-worth is the foundation of realization and enlightenment. If you still think there’s something you need to do in order to be good enough to be an ascended, enlightened, or realized master, you’ll never get there because there’s nothing you can do to earn what’s already the truth of you. Does that make sense?

It does make sense. But we also hear about doing “the inner work,” an implication that we’re not worthy or at least not ready.

You will not hear that from us.

No, we did not hear that from you. But might we have some baggage or unfaced issues, unresolved fears, or unacknowledged grievances that need to be aired out?

In the moment of realization, the past is healed. Everything is whole. Realization is to come into your wholeness, your perfection, your completeness, your magnificence. It’s the integration of every part of you in the wholeness that is the truth of what you are.

Let us quickly cover levels of consciousness.

Levels of Consciousness

The Third Dimension

You are the mass conscious collective. Humanity, that you are part of, is most often in a state of the third dimension, which is determined by one’s level of consciousness and one’s vibration or frequency. When you’re overwhelmed, frustrated, in resistance, busy, pushing, triggered—all those things—you’re lowering your vibration. When you’re telling yourself a story about why you can’t do what you want to do, why you’re not good enough yet, all these people who harmed you, and all these things you did wrong that you should be ashamed of, you’re going to considerably lower your vibration and move into an experience of separation.

In separation, there is lack. You are separate from what you want. There’s limitation. There’s fear. So then you go out to push and force and effort in your lower vibration. There is no judgment from our side, ever; however, all the things you wish to rid the world of are happening in a lower level of consciousness. This is why raising your consciousness level out of separation, lack, limitation, fear, and suffering is the only path forward for those who want to live in a New Earth, Heaven on Earth, or in an ascended, enlightened, or realized state of consciousness.

You are not going to rid the world of all the bad things from a lower level of consciousness. It is through raising your own and elevating yourself that you’ll create a pathway forward for all humankind, once they’re ready to choose this for themselves.

When you begin to ask the question, “Who am I?” and you begin to understand you’re not your circumstances, you’re not your conditions, you’re not your stories, you’re not the unhealed parts of you, and you’re not the things that keep you in limitation, you’ll begin to realize you can change your stories and all else—which our audiences already know or they wouldn’t have found this information.

The Fourth and Fifth Dimensions

As you elevate your consciousness through the raising of your vibration into what we call the fourth dimension, you enter into a dimension based on transformation. In this dimension, you can change and transform. You can change your body, circumstances, and conditions. You can heal your body or heal past trauma. You can do the work to change things and fix things. You can determine what you want and manifest it. It’s a dimension of transformation. Many remain here for years, decades, and sometimes, a lifetime, constantly trying to transform, change, and judge what they don’t like. Still, everything on your journey serves you.

The final step out of the fourth dimension into the fifth dimension is to let go of judgment of yourself, your body, and others. Anytime you’re in judgment, you’re going to entangle yourself with needing to further fix, change, or heal in order to feel worthy or deserving of whatever you want.

The fifth dimension is of pure love, where your well-being and abundance are assured. Every part of you is integrated into a state of oneness and enlightenment. You know the master that you are.

Wouldn’t moving with joy, instead of viewing it as “doing the work,” actually force any unreconciled patterns, denials, or judgment to come bubbling up? Then, of course, we’d see them, integrate them, and continue on our merry way?

Some might call the seeing and integrating “work.” Either way, you’ve certainly painted a clear picture of how we can overdo self-analysis.

It is your soul’s desire for you to experience, expand, and create in the fifth dimension. So, instead of using the word work, we would use the word awareness. Are you going to continually have new levels of awareness? Are you going to expand your awareness? Absolutely. Are you going to have a level of awareness around things that you never were able to perceive before?

Are you going to be able to perceive beyond? Are you going to have a new and grander perspective? Yes. That doesn’t need to be work. That’s an exciting, beautiful, amazing, magical, extraordinary journey—or adventure, as Mike likes to call it.

There will always be new levels of awareness. There will always be new ways to perceive. There is always a grander perspective. We hold the vibration of that being an adventure versus working on yourself, processing, and clearing. There’s no judgment from our side, but when you know how worthy you are, realizing all that you are, there’ll just be more awareness, more to perceive, grander perspectives about all this, and more opportunities to live fully, love fully, and to be all that you are.

You were speaking of third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. Where are we and what’s going on right now? Would it be fair to say we’re in fourth dimension right now, just having emerged from the third?

It’s not as fixed as you’re describing it. You might have a moment of being in third dimension, and you catch yourself trying to push and force energy out of fear or separation. When you catch yourself, take a couple of breaths, and then focus on what brings you joy, what you love, and what excites you.

Then you feel inspiration, you follow the energy, and suddenly, you’re experiencing a moment of pure love with a bird or a butterfly or a tree that looks more beautiful than you’ve ever noticed before. Maybe you go out into nature, in a state of allowing, still doing what brings you joy, and these incredible synchronicities or miraculous moments present themselves. Now, you’re in the fifth dimension.

Then you go home, your spouse is upset about something, and you’re trying to fix it to make it better for them, and in doing so, you’ve slowed your vibration and lowered your consciousness a bit. Maybe now you’re in the fourth dimension.

It’s always determined by your level of consciousness, which is determined by your rate of vibration or your frequency. When that becomes the most important thing to you—the level of consciousness you’re in and the level of vibration and frequency you’re in—then you’ll understand how to master living in higher levels of consciousness no matter what is going on in the world around you.

The world is clearly in transformation. Is this about the Age of Aquarius? The Mayan calendar ending and a new one beginning? The Book of Revelation? It’s a bit unsettling, but I believe there are also reasons to be excited. Still, why now? What’s going on?

We understand all these names and labels you give things. But when you label anything, you begin to limit the magnificence of creation. You are pure potential, and anything and everything is possible for you; you are creating your reality.

Now, when you come across something like the Age of Aquarius—and we’re not disagreeing with that at all—something that says, “This is an incredible time in history where the vibration is higher, the consciousness is higher, and people are going to be stepping into their light bodies,” it resonates with you as truth. “Oh, yes, it’s the Age of Aquarius, because I’m reading all this stuff and it confirms all I know.” But you don’t have to wait for anything to happen to create it within your reality right now.

What’s going on in the world around you is purely determined by your perspective. There are some that would say there’s now more abundance on your planet than ever before, you have a higher level of consciousness than ever before, you are living in higher vibrations, and there’s more love and more conscious people than ever before. If these are your perspectives, then these are the realities you’ll experience.

If you’re in a perspective where the whole world is at war, the planet is being destroyed, “It’s wrong and bad, they shouldn’t do those things, and now there’s so much suffering”—this is determined by the level of consciousness you’re in, preventing you from seeing a higher perspective of what’s really going on.

Now, we understand, especially for our audiences, that you have this incredible love for the planet, animals, and humanity. You want to make this world a better place. You want to make an impact and a difference, which is why you’re here. But you’ve known all along that you couldn’t get into a low level of consciousness, into fear, separation, and judgment, to fight all the injustice thinking that was going to change things. In fact, that seems so silly to your soul or your Higher Self or that deeper knowing within you.

One of you in that fifth dimension of pure love has the power to expand your force field and hold such a powerful presence that others who walked into your field of consciousness would experience love, peace, joy, and harmony. They may even spontaneously awaken, coming into an absolute knowing of who they are just by being in your presence when you’re in a realized state of pure love. That’s the power you have.

Now, we’re not saying you shouldn’t take action on the things that you’re passionate about. What we’re saying is that you’ll be wildly more effective at creating the changes you wish to see when you first get into a higher level of consciousness, raise your own vibration, and then take action from a grander perspective, unentangled with the lower energy of others.

So, it’s not important what’s going on with the planet. What’s important is what’s going on within ourselves? When you begin passing judgment on the behavior of others, you are entangled. And from there, you begin drawing circumstances into your reality from the experience of separation. But the behavior of others really wasn’t in your reality to begin with.

When so-called bad or negative things happen in my life, how should I think about those things? Does that mean I’ve been attracting the wrong things?”

There is no bad or negative in that way. Over time, you’ll see how every experience can make you more loving and compassionate. Whatever happened may have helped you remember your power or helped you get clear on what you really wanted. Looking back, you can see that what happened was really happening for you, and it was just your judgment, from an experience of separation, that made it appear bad or awful.

If you’re judging something as bad or wrong, you’re in an experience of separation, because that’s the only place that bad or wrong exists. From our perspective, there is nothing bad or wrong. There are things that are happening in different levels of consciousness, but all is of love, Source, God, or the Divine.

In any moment, in every situation, there’s always a grander perspective. If you allow yourself to move into that level of awareness, now and forever more, it will instantly manifest a sense of peace and knowing in your every moment.

When one forgets who they are and is in a lower level of consciousness, lowering their vibration such that they’re experiencing incredible resistance, fear, or separation, and those feelings cause them to go out and take action that you would deem as wrong or bad, we see the truth of who they really are, and we know that these things are happening because of their level of consciousness.

We do not talk about the different levels of consciousness to impose any level of judgment or hierarchy. You came here to explore different levels of consciousness. You have been all things. Even in the experience of separation, you’re still expanding who you are.

Every single moment and every single situation is an opportunity, a potential, and a possibility presenting itself to you. What you are expressing gives meaning to everything and determines your reality. If you focus on this thing that’s really bad and the meaning you give it is really bad, that will be your reality, and you’ll naturally be in resistance and fear of it. Take the exact same thing and focus on it from a higher perspective—choose to see it as an opportunity, potential, or possibility—and that will become your reality.

Where is Jesus in all of this?”

The being you refer to as Jesus, who is also referred to as the Christ (the awakened one), was of a consciousness and vibration of pure love, which, right here, right now, is also available to you. His teachings of love—love thyself, thy God, thy neighbor with all your heart—recognized that all of these are thyself. Because from the highest levels of consciousness, there is no separation. There is only right here, right now, in pure love. That is the truth of you. This is where Jesus is.

Creating from Innocence

You have spoken about the state of innocence while creating. Can you describe more about what that state is like, why it’s important, and how it helps us manifest more quickly?”

Think about an innocent child or yourself as an innocent child—a twinkle in your eye, playing on a warm summer day out in the grass, the sunshine on your face, maybe twirling around or running into the house to put a towel over your shoulders so now you’re Superman or Superwoman or a king or a queen or whatever inspired your imagination.

A child in their innocence allows themself to experience those kinds of realities, not seeing any limitation or lack in being able to do so. They’re going for the feeling. Then, suddenly, they decide it would be really fun to swing on the swing set. They revel in their freedom. When they feel hungry, they run inside to get a snack, after which they might paint a picture. And this continues, all day, until they go to sleep, ready to repeat the same tomorrow.

They don’t worry that they need to make more money. They don’t paint a picture and try to sell it for a thousand dollars, motivated by a sense of lack, limitation, or fear about paying bills. Yet, at some point, this is what happened to you. You all moved out of your innocence into worrying about what you should do, what you’re supposed to do, and what you have to do.

You want approval. You want to please others. You want to earn. You want to be enough. Your creativity is now driven by expectations, like making money and paying bills, fearing the consequences if you don’t.

When you come back into the alignment of innocence, you can allow True Creation to be inspired in the moment. You can create from joy, love, and passion. And you’ll actually be a far more powerful creator, creating for the joy of creating. Playing for the fun of playing. And in that, you will summon even more energy and have more manifestations, experiencing even more True Creation. When you’re lowering your consciousness into separation or lack or limitation, you’re limiting the amount of energy that you can summon into form. In your innocence, you already know you’re more than enough. You’re free.

Sleep, Pain, and Alzheimer’s

What does our consciousness do while our body sleeps? Is it different for everyone?” 

Your consciousness does not reside merely in your brain or body. You are a force field of consciousness that is far more than what you know yourself to be. Even when someone makes their transition, their consciousness doesn’t leave and go elsewhere. It’s still here. Consciousness doesn’t go anywhere; you’re always one with Source.

However, when you’re in an experience of physical form, creating reality, there’s a part of you that is focused in and through your physical body, while simultaneously, there’s a far greater part of you, call it your soul or your spirit or your Higher Self, that is not in an experience of time and space, that is ever-present and eternal and always one with All-That-Is.

How can I work with chronic physical pain and limitation as an ascended master?” 

First off, do not deny your infinite well-being, your health, your vitality, or your energy for any reason. We understand that when you have physical pain in the body, it gets a lot of your attention. But the more you can come into the moment and, therefore, your power—getting out of the story, the diagnosis, etc., and really come into the moment and feel into the ascended master that you are—the more your vision and experience will be drawn to your natural inclination of health and recovery.

The process for creating more of anything that you desire begins by simply going into your heart and really feeling what it will be like to have it. In your case, feel and imagine freedom, mobility, ease, and joy. It doesn’t matter what else is going on—a disease, diagnosis, or pain. For just a moment, go into your heart, come into your power, and really feel what you want to feel.

What else do you want more of? Maybe more freedom? Go into your heart and feel it. Direct every cell of your body to align with the vibration of freedom. Feel it all the way up to the top of your head and down to the bottom of your feet. Allow yourself to feel into the infinite well-being that exists in this moment and is always available to you, raising your consciousness, raising your awareness, and raising your vibration to feel the desired alignment. Then breathe into this moment because it feels so good.

You can do this in any moment with anything. In such moments, you are literally expanding the force field of consciousness that is you, and the particles of Infinite Creation, which are in every cell of your body, will begin aligning themselves (or in some cases have already completely aligned) to the freedom, health or whatever it is.

Your cells are regenerating and rejuvenating based on your level of vibration and frequency. The more you’re in a higher vibration and a higher frequency, feeling joyful and peaceful, the faster your cells are regenerating and rejuvenating themselves to align with the frequency that you are evoking in that moment. You are creating that reality of infinite well-being. If you stay in the feeling of that, you will experience in your reality that infinite well-being.

I have two elderly parents with Alzheimer’s. They’re often unhappy and anxious. How can we help our loved ones with Alzheimer’s, and what is Alzheimer’s from?”

At this time on Earth, you have more diseases on your planet because this is where your focus has been. We could talk about each one, but essentially, they all arise when you entangle with certain beliefs or frequencies.

As humanity elevates its consciousness and remembers the truth of who you are, any misalignment of beliefs and frequencies become so obvious, you will immediately begin realigning yourselves back into peace, joy, love, and harmony. Then, within one generation, you will eradicate every disease on your planet. It all happens through the raising of consciousness and vibration.

You’re on a journey of expansion through new levels of consciousness and vibration, where you’re embracing a much higher perspective than the old ones of “oh, this is so terrible,” or, “it’s just the way it is,” or “everybody in my family has it” to where, even today, there’s a new understanding that every disease may be something emotional that’s manifested in the physical body.

If your emotions are joy, peace, harmony, and well-being, then that would be the manifestation in your body. Whereas, anytime you’re fighting something “out there,” when you’re worried about someone, when you’re stressed out, pushing against a political party, fighting against something, or you’re arguing in your head about why someone’s wrong, all that energy moves through you first. You may be thinking negative thoughts about someone else, but your body doesn’t know that. Your energy is moving through you. You may think you’re fighting some agenda or person out there, but your body doesn’t know that. Your cells in your body are “who” is really experiencing it, and so they begin to fight themselves.

So, what can you do when it’s your loved ones? Love them. Whether they have a mental illness, Alzheimer’s, or cancer, or they’re struggling with money or a relationship, just love them. Just love them. See them as the truth of who they are because they, too, are a master; they, too, are a divine being.

In that moment, they may not remember their power. They may not know the love that they are. But when you remember and know, when you hold your perspective and awareness on the truth of who they are, you will be bringing that state, or that frequency, of pure love into the moment. You may notice they start feeling better and better in your presence. Not because you’re doing anything to them, but because by raising your vibration and frequency, staying in a state of pure love, you will help them to feel or align so much easier, through vibrational resonance, with that pure love.

One who has Alzheimer’s is spending a lot of time in other levels of consciousness. Then they have moments of focusing back into this very dense, heavy consciousness, and so there’s resistance. Just love them. Don’t see this as anything wrong. We understand you want your loved one to be the way they were; you want them to be happy or normal again. What they’re experiencing most of the time is themselves as the pure love, vibration, frequency, and consciousness that they are. If you begin to tune your awareness and your perspective on that, you’ll start to see it more and more.

Beautiful. Thank you so much, Council. My biggest takeaway is that we’re good to go. We’re ready, cleared for takeoff, and yet, we’re already there.

We say this time and time again. It’s the basis of everything. We’re here to help you remember you are everything you wish to be. You already are. It’s all within you and it always will be. Anything and everything is possible for you through the process of raising your consciousness and summoning energy that will move into the form of grand manifestations with more magic and miracles in your life.

Get into the feeling. Imagine the highest vision you can for yourself. Imagine your highest excitement, your highest joy, and the grandest thing that you can imagine for yourself—the grandest reality that you wish to experience. Feel it and feel it and feel it and feel it, and then let it go. Do what brings you joy, and go do what you love. Follow the energy. Let the light guide the way. Let the next step come to you.

Reality is moving through you as this force field of consciousness that you are. In the raising of your consciousness, the energy can do anything. Your destiny will come to you. What you want and what you need will be there even before you know you need it, and you will live and create a life beyond your wildest dreams, we assure you.

We are always with you. We are always available to you. We love you, we love you, we love you. And with that, just for now, we are complete.

by Sara Landon, from The Great Awakening by Mike Dooley on pp. 74 – 92

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