Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Greatest Crime Against Humanity

All Things come from One Source, which in turn flows through All Things. There is no creator apart and separate from creation. It is all ONE. By revering some powerful creator apart from ourselves, apart from all Creation, apart from the consciousness that flows through All Things, we are giving away the gift of our own majesty and power.

Organized religions of every stripe share the same distinction – they all want us to believe we are unworthy; they smother the spiritual nature that is our direct connection to the One Source, stripping us of our power as a creative force within the force of creation.

The true essence of God as Source Energy has become diluted and minimized within most organized religions. While mystics have always attempted to convey the truths of existence, those in authority with power – both in the church and in government – have weakened the truth with deceit. Instead of allowing for a universal power or energy of unlimited potential to exist within everyone, they manufactured a god in their own image so that they could justify their agenda to oppress and control others.

Salvation is promised to those who pray for redemption. It is all a big lie to maintain control and keep people rooted in ignorance. Nearly all religions are designed to manipulate the masses into believing that the being that they pray to is far greater than they are. Salvation is assured as long as one stays in compliance with the rules of their specific religion. If people dare question the leadership role or motives of the church or the god they are directed to worship, they are told they will be punished or damned to hell for eternity.

Religion was created for a number of reasons and dates back to the earliest days of civilization. The first of these was to provide a substitue deity for the Earth from which the people were being forced to separate. Temples were built and said to house the entity of Spirit. Those who governed the people from within these temples threatened their congregations with fear and punishment from a wrathful god. The aim was that this substitute deity would replace the Earth and mother and goddess, which would eventually lose its power to heal, nourish, bring balance and harmony, connection, unity, and independence to the people.

At the dawn of civilization humans had the creative power to exist quite well within a balanced state of creation and co-creation. By creating false idols that could presumably do everything for them, people gave up their own creative power, sacrificing being whole and their ability to regenerate. When people became ill, instead of co-creating their own regeneration from Source Energy using the natural healing power of the plants of the Earth, they were given diagnoses and provided with chemical concoctions largely created by charlatans claiming to be experts in healing.

When threatened to give up their own natural authority, people did so. Their successful reliance upon nature for all that they required was subverted into a dependency for food, well-being, and shelter from those making the rules. People who had once existed in a balanced state of communication and gratitude with Mother Earth and Source Energy now found themselves struggling to survive in a new world of fear and oppression. Our ability to align with the Earth was forgotten. Denying our natural connection to the Earth and Source was the greatest crime ever perpetrated upon humanity.

To get “back to the garden” from which we were rooted out, people must first of all replace fear with love, take back responsibility and refuse to play the game, and return to an understanding that each and every one of us was born with the power of Source to freely create the reality we choose.

It is love that will chase away fear and restore self-worth. Many who feel unloved and unworthy have forgotten that love must begin with self-love; it must come from within. A lifetime can be wasted waiting for love from the outside from other people or from owning material things. Once we truly love and accept ourselves we are able to hold others in a state of pure love that then ripples outward, illuminating and freeing everyone in its path. Love of self is the cure of the false claim of religion that says “love is yours, if...” that too often leaves us feeling unworthy.

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