Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Galactic Codex

Earth is but one planet. Even though it is the only one most of us are acquainted with, it is not the only one with sentient life forms like and unlike ourselves. Life is everywhere throughout the galaxy... and beyond. As we make rules on Earth, so there are rules in place everywhere else. Some overriding rules like “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” prevail throughout the universe.

There are beings that are more advanced spiritually and technologically than what some of us may be willing to admit. Among many of these “higher” beings there are guiding principles set down as a codex, applicable to every sentient being everywhere as basic rights of all living things.

Planet Earth is coming to the end of a cycle. Conflict has been waged through the galaxy for millions of years between the same forces we see butting heads here on Earth. The forces of Light have prevailed nearly everywhere else in the galaxy; finally the forces of Darkness are being routed here as well.

Evidence is mounting to show the old, negative, matrix leadership has lost control of the process of control itself, and is beginning now even to lose control of its own enforcing corporations and national governments. This is accelerating and is becoming more and more obvious. The political chaos, confusion and self-evident public absurdities of the AI-coordinated mass media outlets in the Western world are just one sign of the very end of a galactic cleanup operation which extends way beyond the surface of this planet, and way beyond the purview of the human species that lives here.

Deconstruction, change, and renewal are raging visibly throughout the world, but much is happening at the galactic level of our world as well. As forces of the Darkness and its minions are swept away never to be seen again, a new reign of galactic law will manifest in open sight to the benefit of all of humanity as we rejoin our brethren throughout the cosmos under a unified codex like none of us has ever seen before. Here are its tenets:

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to positive life experience.

● Each sentient being has an inalienable and unconditional right to freedom.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to all information.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to physical and spiritual abundance.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to Ascension.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to merge with other beings in proportion with his or her position in the Soul Family Mandala.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings.

● Each sentient being which has chosen to live and act against the principles of the Galactic Codex and refuses to, or is not able to, accept them now and balance the consequences of his or her past actions will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun, restructured into the basic elemental essence, and begin a new cycle of evolution afresh.

● The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to intervene in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to call on the Galactic Confederation in need, and the Galactic Confederation has the right to assist, regardless of the local laws.

● The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to implement the Galactic Codex and to conquer areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary.

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