Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Vitamin D and Immunity

Humans need a certain level of Vitamin D to be healthy. If the level of Vitamin D in a person's system drops below 14 nanograms per milliliter (12 ng/ml for Asians) they will develop Rickets. Blood work shows that those who are dying of viral infections attributable to Covid generally have blood levels below 20 ng/ml. It also shows that no one with over 47 ng/ml has died from any viral infection reported as Covid. Covid has been scientifically demonstrated to be nothing more than the common flu virus engineered with spike proteins to target people with low Vitamin D levels. It would seem to make sense that the authorities would be begging people to raise their Vitamin D levels, wouldn't it?

The spike protein attached to the Covid flu virus cannot kill you if your Vitamin D levels are elevated, even if you are exposed to the shedding of those who have been vaccinated with vaccines also engineered with spike proteins. The engineered Covid flu virus was purposefully designed to kill people, but its designers did not account for the fact that Westerners generally have higher levels of Vitamin D from diet and sunshine; that is why the spike protein was added to the injections, along with graphene oxide, to effect a result the viral infection was not able to accomplish – killling more people.

How does Vitamin D protect a person? Flu viruses come and go every year, yet some people don't ever get sick. They are immune from viral attack of every sort. Even smallpox is no more dangerous to a person with a strong immune system than the common cold. Every virus requires an immune system that is compromised to make a person sick.

Every individual cell in our bodies is both receptive and permissive. It has to receive a virus on its surface, meaning that the cell must have a net positive charge in relation to the virus. If it has a net negative surface charge, a discharge occurs and the virus is destroyed. Vitamin D controls the electronegativity of the cellular surface. It controls whether or not that cell is receptive. If you have enough Vitamin D in your system, none of your cells are receptive to any virus. The virus is destroyed at cellular contact. You don't get sick.

Cells are also permissive, meaning the cell must give permission for it to do the work of replicating the virus. Vitamin D, because it is the precursor of so many hormones, determines whether the transcript phase of viral replication occurs or not. Additionally, Vitamin D essentially shuts down the mRNA intrusion from the injection. The mRNA is involved in the transcription process of viral replication. Vitamin D shuts it down. Without replication, the virus cannot proliferate. With inadequate Vitamin D in the system cells have no way of stopping the virus from taking them over through aggressive replication. That's how you get an infection.

No virus, no matter how lethal, is more communicable than any other virus if one's Vitamin D content is high enough. The mechanisms of receptivity and permissivity work the same for every cell for every human. If your cells are not receptive, it doesn't matter how communicable a disease vector is. You can walk into a room of contagious people; you are going to remain immune. The CDC and NIH don't want to tell you that if your system is replete with Vitamin D, you are not going to get sick from viral insult. The body was designed to protect you as long as you get adequate nutrients from diet and the environment.

Vitamin D is very volatile. Levels can be reduced by too much stress, they can also be cut in half by going just four days without exposure to sunlight. If you don't worship the sun on a regular basis, you should be supplementing. Native populations who are exposed to sunlight every day and eat a natural diet without processing often have such high levels of Vitamin D in their systems that they not only don't get viral infections, but their incidence of cancer is remarkably non-existent. Think about that!

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