Thursday, December 12, 2019

5 5 5

I see the number sequence 555 all the time – on the clock, certainly, but also on my car's odometer, on GPS, on my computer, and in other unexpected places. I was driving this summer to visit my friend Charlie, who lives on 555 Plutarch Road, and as I was nearing his address I casually glanced at the time on the car's clock to see that it read 5:55 pm. The synchronicity registered with me immediately. It has almost become habit for me to seek confirmation, so I immediately looked at my odometer gauge which indicated I had driven 55.5 miles since my last fuel fill-up and that the total mileage on my car read as 235,555.5 miles. That was a lot of fives all at the same time!!!

Synchronicity? Always a mysterious topic to ponder. With a full life of experience I do not find synchronicity to be either serendipitous or accidental. I believe there is always conscious intent behind remarkable things we cannot explain.

I've believed for some time that encountering sequential numbers is a sign from my angels, who I've been aware of and even know by name since my late 20's. My angels and I have communicated a lot over the years, so I think they throw these numbers at me more than at most folks because they know I pay attention and take it seriously. I have looked up all the New Age hippy-dippy meanings online and in books, but generally forget them right away. I thought I'd take a more reflective approach this time and record any meanings on this blog after being bombarded yesterday afternoon, without warning, by three separate sequences – 222, 444, 555. I guess my angels were really trying to get my attention. So now they have it.

Whenever you encounter a particular repeating number sequence again and again, there is a good chance it contains guidance from your angels or otherwise from the realms of spirit. Yes, have faith, we all have guardian spirits that love us very much and look after us at every moment. They are our pals and have our best interests at heart, always. Numbers are just one of many signs or signals our angels use to communicate their guidance and illustrate their presence in our lives.

The sequence 555 that I receive so often can mean any number of things, depending upon where any of us is in life, but the overriding meaning is that BIG CHANGES are in the air. Angels are encouraging you to stay positive, reminding you to know they are with you even though they are mostly out of sight, guiding you, and supporting you through whatever changes are happening in your life, or about to happen.

If you keep seeing 555, like I do, you’ve likely already started seeing changes unfolding around you, and it’s highly likely there are more to come. 555 is a sign that positive changes are bringing you into greater alignment with your soul purpose, and with greater love, vitality and abundance. The deeper meaning is that the changes include your stepping up to a higher level of light, a higher vibration, receiving new awareness and DNA activation to reach your highest potential, your highest truth, connecting with your Higher Self, reconnecting with your angels and the Divine.

555 is also about life choices, making choices for yourself that serve your path and eliminating those things that do not serve your higher purpose. 555 is a message that you may benefit from some energy clearance, clearing out some of the negativity from your life, or doing some past life house-cleaning, to support the changes that are already or about to unfold. The angels are showing you this number not to worry or frighten you about upcoming changes, but to help you become more aware so that you can keep your thoughts more positively aligned. Staying focused on your intentions, and maintaining a higher vibration will help the changes that are unfolding to do so in more positive, rewarding, and fulfilling ways.

When I witness angel numbers, I pay attention. I attempt to consider what I have just been thinking about or doing because this involves what the angels are trying to direct my attention to. Looking inward, I quiet my mind and open my heart, and ask the angels what it is they are trying to communicate with the sequence 555. When I quiet my mind and open my heart to a higher vibration, I know I approach a closer vibrational match with the angelic realm, so I'm better able to receive direct messages that correspond with these angel number sequences. Once the lines of communication open up, I keep asking my angels for guidance, direction, and support, and keep moving forward along my path one step at a time. And I don't forget to thank them. Gratitude for their love, guidance, support, and timely numeric reminders!!!

So, as a post script to writing this… after I finished editing this report, and walked away from my computer to the kitchen to make a late breakfast, as I set a pan on the stove burner my eyes caught the time on the stove clock: 11:11. Do you think the angels are smiling because of my attention to this topic???? I am happy to have such abiding loving companions!

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