Thursday, December 19, 2019

Foresight of our Founders

Our Founding Fathers, a term coined by President Warren Harding, were very much normal everyday people – very wise, even prescient, but otherwise by and large everyday working stiffs. Benjamin Franklin, for example, was a polymath like Donald Trump; he had a lot of businesses and was involved in a lot of activities. Most of the Founding Fathers were very much opposed to the progressive liberalism of Europe from which most people in the New World had fled, and understood from history that liberal governance generally led to tyranny. They had lived long enough under colonial tyranny where their interests were not fairly represented, and so sought to define a new form of government that would assure certain God-given liberties were preserved for all people at every level of society.

The reason they formed a republic instead of a pure democracy is that they foresaw the dangers of tyranny by government of a majority. Everyone was in agreement about the need for preserving equality of opportunity, but the Founders had the foresight to design a government of representatives chosen by election to be indirect proxies for the interests of the general population. They were frightened by the progressive movement of their own times in France which resulted in the Reign of Terror of Robespierre who ultimately killed Louis XVI to clear the way for the dictator Napolean to rise to power.

The Founders were afraid of progressives the likes of Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler, and would have been pleased with a president who was not a politician, but a regular working stiff with a backbone who was not afraid to stand up to the special interests of the powerful few; one who would fight to preserve the Constitution and restore the primacy of interests of normal everyday people. The Constitution was a document written by men who understood the temptation of all men and women who rise to power, who foresaw the potential for failure if those temptations were not checked. The abuse of power and failure of the majority Democrat caucus of Congress to remove the president from office peremptorily is a testament to the foresight of our Founders.

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