Saturday, December 28, 2019

Tesla and the Great Pyramids

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena,
it will make more progress in one decade than in
all the previous centuries of its existence.
Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla had a particular fascination with the pyramids. He believed they served a higher purpose, that they were monuments built to withstand all catastrophes so that humanity could always have access to the codes of the universe. Throughout his career he attempted to make sense of their mysteries and their mathematics. Many of his ideas have either been dismissed or forgotten over the past century, but considering that Tesla's findings are either directly or indirectly behind eighty percent of the technology we use in the modern world today, it behooves us to continue to examine even his most far-reaching conclusions.

Planet Earth, according to Tesla, was a gigantic electrical generator spinning around two magnetic poles from which limitless energy could be harnassed using the right medium or “shape”. In 1905, Tesla submitted his U.S. Patent 878,413, titled “Art of Transmitting Energy Through the Natural Medium” which included designs for a series of worldwide generators later referred to as Tesla's electromagnetic pyramids because of the shape of their design. Tesla obviously tapped into the shape and location of the the pyramids at Giza in Egypt with his design, perhaps because he discovered they exhibit fractal energy much more efficiently than any other types of design. When he built his design in both Colorado Springs and on the East Coast, he did so with regard to where the pyramids at Giza were located, believing that with the proper placement of his devices he could transmit power wirelessly. Unfortunately, after his mysterious death in 1943, his discovery and devices disappeared.

What Tesla was tapping into may have just scratched the surface of something much more ancient. According to Tesla, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are the key to the universe. He became so fixated with these numbers that he acquired the obsession of driving around a building three times before going inside; he lived in hotel rooms only divisible by the number three; and made calculations of even the most minor things in his immediate environment just to make sure the measures were divisible by 3. By doing everything in threes, what is it that Nikola Tesla was trying to make us understand?

It is important to understand humans did not create mathematics; we merely discovered the universal language and laws of mathematics. The ancients used the relationship of numbers in much of their construction. Every design decision had numeric meaning. Tesla's strict attention to specific numbers was likely the result of his discovery that the ancients built these great monuments to remind us of certain great truths. He believed the pyramids deliberately and purposefully speak to our planet and perhaps were built to harmonize all of creation.

The codes to such a great power lies in the mathematics of their geometric design. The measures of the pyramids are specific and intentional. When you examine those measures, certain numbers keep popping up – numbers that shouldn't be there – like universal constants – the phi constant and the Golden Mean and Fibonacci sequence. Did Tesla read a message in this geometry?

The Great Pyramid sits at 30 degrees north astronomical latitude, one-third of the way to the North Pole. The scale of it is huge – occupying slightly more than 13 acres; weighing 6 million tons; consisting of 2.5 million individual blocks of stone; and aligned with true astronomical north. If one measures the original height of the Great Pyramid with its gold cap, it is found to be precisely 482.7575 feet high. When this factor is multiplied by the number 43,200 we arrive at the number 20,855,124 feet which is 3949.834 miles - precisely the Earth's polar radius. If you measure the perimeter of the base and multiply it by 43,200 you get the equitorial circumference of the Earth. In other words, if you scaled up the Great Pyramid by a factor of 43,200, the Earth would fit perfectly within it.

Tesla may have discovered that the pyramids are here to remind us of our place in the stars. Is it pure coincidence that measures of the pyramids give us precisely not only the Size and Shape of the Earth but also the Mass and Density of the Earth; the Gravitational Constant; the Escape Velocity from the Earth to obtain an Open Orbit; the Escape Velocity from the Earth to obtain escape from the combined Earth’s and Sun’s gravitational field; the Mass of the Sun; the Mass of the Moon; the Mean distance to the Sun and the Circumference of the Earth’s Orbit; Neutral Points of Gravity between the Earth and the Sun; the Mean distance to the Moon; the Orbital Velocity of the Earth; the Orbital Velocity of the Moon; the Metonic 19 year cycle of the Moon’s orbit of the Earth; the Lagrange Point (L1) between the Earth and the Moon; the Speed of Light; the Orbital Velocity of the Solar System relative to the Center of the Milkyway Galaxy; the Velocity of the Local Group of Galaxies which includes the Milky Way Galaxy relative to the Universe, to mention only the most significant?

Tesla discovered that the scale of the pyramids is not random. Our planet wobbles by 1 degree every 72 years, moving from one zodiacal constellation to the next. There are twelve zodiacs, each occupying 30 degrees, so that once in every 2160 years (30 * 72) we move from one zodiac to another. Right now we are moving from Pisces into Aquarius. If you take the whole cycle of 12 zodiacs times 2160 years each, we get what the ancients called the Great Year, when everything cycles back to the beginning and the whole process begins again. That's 25,920 years.

The number 72 is a number that shows up again and again across all cultures across all time. The number 43,200, for instance, is a multiple of 72 (72 * 600). The fact that the ancient builders of the pyramids gave us not only the dimensions of the Earth, but they did so on a scale defined by the Earth itself. Incredibly clever piece of work! Could these ancient builders have given us a monument to decode our human existence? Interestingly enough, the numbers Tesla was so interested in show up time and again in the Great Pyramid:

Earth Moves 1 Degree Every 72 Years 7 + 2 = 9
Base Circumference 43,200 4 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 9
Divides into Base 600 6 + 0 + 0 = 6
Latitude of Pyramid at 30 Degrees North 3 + 0 = 3
Full Cycle 25,920 Years 2 + 5 + 9 + 2 + 0 = 9
Zodiacal Age of 2160 Years 2 + 1 + 6 + 0 = 9

Is it possible that Nikola Tesla tapped into the Pyramid's Code? Was Tesla trying to tell us that our future lies in our ability to read the language and geometry of the universe – mathematics? Perhaps Tesla picked up on the purpose of the pyramids to educate the people of the Earth of their true place in time and space. Perhaps, too, after thinking about the opening quote in the headline of this blog, I wonder if Tesla figured out that the pyramids were pointing to a new way to think in ways outside of classical science and perhaps even to help move human consciousness further along its evolutionary path.

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