Friday, December 20, 2019

Angel Numbers

I continue to encounter sequential numbers serendipitously, usually more than once every day – seeing lots of 1111, 222, 444, and 555. Here is a snapshot of how one might interpret each repeating sequence.


You are on a spiritual odyssey recognizing your own potential in taking your first courageous step into the unknown. Your energy in every moment has an impact on what you are creating. Stay positive, think about and focus upon what you want to see and experience, and know that when you open your heart, elevate your vibration, and link with the Divine and with your angels, anything is possible!


The angels want you to relax and take a more lighthearted approach to life. You do not have to figure everything out all at once, but let it unfold over time. Pay attention to your thoughts. In every moment your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are playing a huge role in what will manifest in your experience. Stay positive and focus on what you want while releasing doubts, worries, and fear over to your angels and into the light.


You may have to make a choice between two ideas, places, or people that you love intensely. Many choices are not obvious or easy, but they are what help you grow spiritually as a person. You're on the right track, in the right place at the right time. Trust and stay focused on what you want rather than on what you don't. Everything is working out according to Divine will for the highest and greatest good.


You may be having more spiritual experiences. Could this be a sign that you are ready to start living out your life purpose? This is a reminder that the Divine, the angels, and the ascended masters are working with you on a number of levels to make your dreams a reality. Get clear about what you want, ask for help, and take action to co-create a beautiful life experience.


Take a look at the structures in your life. What are your cornerstones and what defines you? Shift these themes into your focus. 444 is a sign that your angels are with you, supporting you, guiding you, and assisting you with unconditional love and frequency. All is well. Remember to listen to your intuition and to ask your angels for help.


Huge changes are unfolding throughout all areas of your life according to Divine will. The message however isn't to sit back and be a passive recipient. It is a call from the universe and the angels to choose to co-create positive change and blessings in your life now. The angels want you to be ready to embrace change in your search for truth and authenticity. This is a number of opportunity. You are being guided to follow your intuition more closely.


Are you out of balance or paying too much attention to a certain area of your life over another? You may have developed an over-attachment to something unhealthy through a relationship, substance, or negative thought pattern. Don't be afraid if you see 666, but know this is a sign from the angels that it's time to wake up to your higher spiritual truth. Return to balance, refocus on being present in the moment and take your next step on your spiritual path to heal your mind, body, spirit, and emotions.


Major spiritual shifts are about to take place in your life. You're in the flow of Divine magic on the right track towards manifesting your dreams and goals into reality. 777 brings the confirmation that you've been hearing and listening to Divine guidance, and taking steps to heal and improve your life, and it's working!


Be ready for changes to unfold, knowing that ultimately they are aligning you with increased prosperity and abundance. 888 is a reminder from your angels that when you embrace the changes, opportunities, and ideas you have now, they will positively improve your life.


Embrace the changes happening within and around you so you can get to work on your life purpose. This is also a sign that you are a lightworker and that it is time to take steps to live in alignment with your authentic soul purpose.


Seeing 11:11 is an invitation to wake to experiencing the bigger picture and to start tuning into the realms of spirit. Take a breath, quiet your mind, and focus within to tune into the messages your guides and angels have for you now.

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