Friday, December 13, 2019


"Mistakes are perfectly okay, nothing is wrong in mistakes. Everybody makes them and everybody has to make them. Don’t ask for perfection. Mistakes are good. They keep you human. Otherwise you will either become inhuman or superhuman and both are not good. To be human is very beautiful but to remain human one has to err…

"If you have made a mistake there are two ways to treat it: one is to feel guilty. If you feel guilty, you will commit the same mistake again. Guilt is a way to help the mistake come back… You forget the mistake and you start focusing on the guilt. The mistake will be repeated again.

"The second alternative is the right alternative. When you commit a mistake, see why you committed it, how you committed it, how it goes on happening; go into the mechanism of it. Repeat it deliberately, see why it happens, go into the very process of it. And there is no need for any guilt. Be scientific about it, go into it: ‘Why do I commit this again and again?’ And I am not saying that you should not commit it; just find out why, how it happens, what is the mechanism, how it takes hold of you, how it rises from the unconscious. Just go and watch the whole process and joyously. There is no need to feel guilty at all, then you will never commit it again, because you have looked into it and you are finished with it.”

Osho: The Sun Behind the Sun, Behind the Sun

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