Sunday, December 15, 2019


Whenever there is conflict in life with someone else, the solution ALWAYS lies in taking responsibility. From ancient times in Hawaii the indigenous islanders would resolve conflict through the practice of a system called ho'oponopono by reciting the four simple phrases above in a mantra.

The Hawaiian word “pono” is understood to be the absolute model of good behavior and societal values; The prefix “ho'o” is a causative – to do something or to make something happen. So together they mean to make right.

The mantra is powerful. Whether you are at fault or not, you can disentangle any situation of personal conflict by removing blame or attempting to provide some sort of justification. You just bring the other person to mind, repeat the words “I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. The forces of Repentance, Forgiveness, Love, and Gratitude magically go to work for you – with amazing peace-restoring results. You can do it yourself, you don’t need anyone else to be there, and you don’t need anyone to hear you. Just say the words in your head. The power is in the feeling and in the willingness of the Universe to forgive and love.

Repentance - You are responsible for everything in your mind, even if it seems to be far removed. Once you realize this, it’s very natural to feel sorry. Choose something that you already know you’ve caused for yourself. Over-weight? Addicted to nicotine, alcohol or some other substance? Do you have anger issues? Health problems? Start there and say you’re sorry. Then say something like: “I realize that I am responsible for the (issue) in my life and I feel terrible remorse that something in my consciousness has caused this.”

Ask Forgiveness - Don’t worry about who you’re asking. Just ask! PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Say it over and over. Mean it. Remember why you are remorseful as you ask to be forgiven.

Love - Say I LOVE YOU. Say it to your body, say it to God. Say I LOVE YOU to someone you've hurt or someone who has hurt you. Say I LOVE YOU to the air you breathe, to the house that shelters you. Say I LOVE YOU to your challenges. Say it over and over. Mean it. Feel it. There is nothing as powerful as Love.

Gratitude - Say “THANK YOU” – again it doesn’t really matter who or what you’re thanking. Thank your body for all it does for you. Thank yourself for being the best you can be. Thank others in your life. Thank God. Thank the Universe. Thank whatever it is that just forgave you. Just keep saying THANK YOU.

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