Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Resolved to See the One

The end of one year and transition to the next is generally looked upon as a time of reflection and resolve. Today I am doing an experiment of sorts, an exercise to realign my self-image with what I know to be true – that we are all one – one with each other, one with all things, one with our Creator and all of Creation. For one hour today, for everything and everyone I see and encounter I will silently say to myself “I am that, I am”. It is one thing to say we are one with all things; it is quite another to BE one with all things.

The mind is a very pliable tool that enables us to change the world. Each one of us has this tool at his or her disposal at every waking moment. Today, I will use mine to shift my perception, at least for an hour, to a true realization that there is no separation between me and the world around me. I bear no grandiose expectations, but indulge in this exercise to perhaps begin an important spriitual transformation of personal growth. I will begin with one hour where when I look at any and every thing or person around me, I will say “I am that, I am”.

In the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament, God called upon Moses to help lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses asked God for His name and what he should say to the Israelites. God said “I am that, I am” (in Hebrew, ehyeh asher ehyeh from Exodus 3:14) and provided a promise to Israel that He would become whatever they needed Him to become – in this case, their deliverer. Many believe this promise found in the name of God - “I am that, I am” - can be extended to all of humankind, still today. God can become what each of us needs Him to be to restore us each to Universal Harmony.

Moses never made it to the Promised Land, but we can still use the Code that God gave Moses to return to who we each truly are in the universal scope of things. The Code itself lies within the words and deeper meaning of the name of God as given to Moses at the burning bush: “I am that, I am”.

What God was essentially telling us is that everywhere you look you see God. One can say that God is in everything, One can also say everything is in God! God isn't just saying He created that. He is telling us His presence is everywhere in its fullness. He's directly saying I AM THAT. I am that person, I am that experience. I am every thing that there is.

Many of us are still stuck in a sort of fifth-grade idea of God as an old guy with long white beard and flowing robes. It is we who have made God into our own image. Because of these simplistic notions, the great name of God, “I am that, I am”, continues to be misunderstood. These words are God's very simple way, God's very human way of giving us an enormous truth. We and all that is around us are the embodiment of God. I AM THAT, I AM. I mean REALLY, I AM THAT, I REALLY AM.

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