Thursday, April 23, 2020

Choose Wisely

We are all multidimensional beings. Being human at this moment is just one aspect of a greater totality of our being. As that human aspect, the vibrational frequency that we choose in the physical world determines how our lives will go. The events that we perceive in the world depend upon what belief systems we are tuned into. What is going on in the world is not perceived the same way by everyone. Like using the dial of a radio, some of us are tuned to different stations; our programming may be entirely different, so we experience the world differently. You and I may not live in the same world.

Despite our conditioning to believe that life operates according to a linear time sequence with causes and effects, our quantum understanding dictates that all things are actually occurring simultaneously, co-existing in a large pool of potentiality with an infinite number of timelines. That is a lot to imagine! Every possible idea that you could have and every decision that you could make already exists. There is already a 'probable you' thinking it and moving in that direction.

Every thought or idea that you have ever had was spun off into its own reality and continues on in a parallel timeline. Have you ever wondered what life would have been like had you married so-and-so? That reality is playing itself out in a separate real timeline, apart from the real timeline you now follow. You have created an infinite number of timelines throughout your life. All of these timelines are moving together as one. It's all happening in the eternal now. Considering the totality of consciousness, in all its aspects, each of us experiences many potentials simultaneously. The total experience is the sum of all timelines.

If you recognize that all the ideas about yourself are occurring simultaneously, then, as a human being, you can choose the timeline you prefer over other timelines that exist simultaneously. There is an infinite number of patterns to choose from since they overlap and exist in the same moment. It is your vibrational resonance that determines what timeline and what dimension you will experience.

By adjusting your thinking to the idea of a simultaneous reality, you can begin to match the vibrational frequency of whichever reality you choose to experience at any given moment. The experience of life that is magnetized toward you is based entirely upon the vibrational frequency of the perceptions that you radiate.

We shift into different realities all the time. Every moment is a new reality. Are we awake to this moment? Are we awake to the ever-present potential to shift the way we perceive and experience the world? All we need to do is change our thought patterns. We can think this way, or we can think that way. Choose Wisely!

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