Friday, April 10, 2020

Schumann Resonance and Human Consciousness

Ample anthropological evidence shows that humans have intuitively synchronized with the planetary resonance throughout human history and back into the mists of time.
Psychobiologist Richard Allen Miller

What is the Schumann Resonance and how is it connected to human consciousness?

The Schumann resonance, called the heartbeat of Mother Earth by some and Earth’s vibration by others, is actually 7.83 Hz - the electromagnetic frequency of our planet. This energy fluctuates all the time. Scientists are now questioning how these fluctuations and increase in average frequency is affecting changes in human consciousness.

A good place to observe variability in the SR is with electrical storms. It was discovered by German physicist W.O. Schumann in 1952 that an electrical storm generates lightning consisting of energy moving between the ionosphere and the Earth's surface, amplifying frequencies and turning them into resonant waves.

We don’t live on the earth; we live inside it – in a cavity of sorts. This cavity is the space between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere that surrounds our planet. We are learning that all energy within that area may have a profound influence on Earth’s inhabitants.

Although its frequency can spike up or down, the Schumann resonance primarily levels off at around 7.83 Hz, at least until recently. Lately, average frequencies have been hanging around 8.5 Hz, and often go as high as 16 Hz. The Earth's vibration is increasing and along with it, so is our human frequency.

There are many factors which cause fluctuation of the Schumann resonance. Influencers such as seasonal changes, solar flares, and electronic interference can alter the frequency; the recent increase in the average frequency could also be the result of an increase in human activity on the planet's surface, maybe even due to an increase in human brain wave activity. Large groups of people who focus prayer or meditation on one specific positive outcome have shown that humans can and do cause spikes in the SR frequency pattern.

Studies show that this phenomenon may indeed affect overall human consciousness. Solar flares also contribute to spikes in frequencies, so the recent increase in measurements may not only be a result of an increase in human brain activity or disruption but may also be the result of variable solar activity.

We already know that increases in electromagnetic frequencies affect satellites and power grids, so it is likely that we are being influenced as well. It’s a connection we’ve yet to fully understand, however, evidence suggests the influence may be far greater than we had imagined.

Viacheslav Krylov of the Russian Academy of Sciences suggested that the Schumann resonance may not only affect telecommunications services but can also affect melatonin levels that influence biological functions such as the circadian rhythm, especially the regulation of sleeping patterns, but also blood pressure and reproduction.

Negative influences might include the increased incidence of certain cancers or neurological diseases. Krylov believes that human consciousness may be affected simply because SR frequencies occur in the same range as human brain wave frequencies, precisely where theta and alpha brain waves intersect.

The Schumann resonance may be better understood when examining matching vibrations. When a system of oscillators is tuned, one oscillator will affect the other. When one starts to vibrate, the other will eventually vibrate at the same frequency. The fact that our brain waves and SR frequencies are in the same range may help explain the interconnectivity and harmonic alignment.

A certain entrainment may be going on whereby neurons across our brains create synchronicity with SR frequencies, much the same effect that meditation has on our brains. We become more coherent in our awareness at certain frequencies, vibrating in sympathetic harmony. Essentially, meditation may keep us in sync with the Schumann resonance or the fluctuating frequency of the earth.

Many cultures implement vibrational techniques in hopes of synchronizing with the frequencies of the Schumann resonance, whether they are aware of the science or not. They believe that certain frequencies can heal the body and mind as energies connect. Utilizing the ebb and flow of these energies, high blood pressure may be reduced and depression alleviated.

Some think synchronizing with these energies can lead us to enlightenment or awakening. With the ever-increasing frequencies of the Schumann resonance, we may be evolving into a higher level consciousness and awareness.

What we know about our conscious connection with the Schumann resonance is complex. While we know we are influenced by the Earth's electromagnetic field, we still have much to learn.

Considering what we do know, however, it is becoming increasingly clear that our evolution may soon be greatly affected by the increasing frequencies of the Schumann resonance, activating areas of our brains and possibly healing aspects of our consciousness previously damaged by negative energies. The future may find us understanding more about our deep relationship with our planet, and the frequencies we share.
Adapted from the writings of Sherrie Hurd in Learning

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