Monday, April 20, 2020

Red Pill or Blue Pill?

In these troubled times, it is often overwhelming to discern the truth, especially with so much purposeful disinformation, propaganda, and fake news targeting our thinking. Most all of us have a choice in what we choose to believe and think. Which pill will you take? Will you swallow the generously offered tasty blue pill that guarantees your continued blissful ignorance of the illusion... or will you take the red one and embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality? The world we live in has many parallels to the Matrix movie series. Some of us are waking up and asking what is really going on, and some of us continue to be asleep at the wheel and do only what we are told to do. When one is asleep it is very easy to be manipulated by the news and blogs with lost sheep thinking. When one awakens to higher levels of awareness it becomes easier to discern what is true. 
The few who seek to control the many have always sought ways to keep the masses in order, unquestioning, asleep and unaware. It has been fairly easy to misinform and distract the public at large with television up until recently, using the clever propa-tainment media model to direct thinking Control is no longer so easy with the internet, however. People today have far more access to a broad array of information than ever before, and the truth.

More people are asking questions. They are becoming informed by sources outside formal media. They talk to one another. Hiding the plan for control by the elite few has become far more difficult to manage. Disinformation articles and blogs on the internet have been used to continue brainwashing, but with less and less success. An awakening spiritual community is accessing inner knowing and sharing what is being felt and lived by experience with more and more people waking up and asking questions.

Once the controlling few began to lose their power and authority, they attempted to confuse truth seekers with false stories and misleading partial truths. This is the current psi-op used to salvage what control remains. Many dark programs to pacify the awakening masses had to be created. One of the first was a prosperity program that would give people money - money to change their lives, to empower people to be free to pursue the American Dream, and to fund passion projects or for important humanitarian projects. Such programs were a deceitful distracting manipulation that targeted the “New Age” community in the 80’s and 90’s. The uprising of hippies in the 60's and 70's was stalled and redirected, distracting people from taking right action for change and waking up their inner powers to understand that every person creates reality with their own minds.

A dark side of the Government evolved with its alphabet agencies, such as the CIA. The government elite understood the power of the mind. Inheriting advances in mind control from Nazi Germany, the CIA's MK Ultra program expanded and flourished, enabling the government to better control the public and generate false flags. The Russians had their own version of psychic warfare and were especially skilled at remote viewing. Public awareness of the use of powers of the mind was rising and the Cabal needed to suppress it at all costs to keep their timelines for total and complete domination of the world, implementing their ONE WORLD ORDER agenda.

These types of programs worked so well that the Cabal created another one called the RV (Currency Revaluations) and the GCR (Global Currency Reset), which were supported by the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund). These programs were massive Ponzi schemes to maintain the debt-slavery paradigm and dis-empower our awakening to the fact that it is we the people who create our own reality.
There is an Alliance that is working behind the scenes, going all the way back to the 1950's with Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy, to bring about a new system that will span all areas of life - the internet, banking, cell phones, WI-fi, blockchain, new Facebook for good, new search engines for good, education, agriculture, energy, government, and healing. The Alliance consists of well-intentioned high level military, corporate, and government personnel that are service-to-others oriented. Many of those at the top are from outside the earth – both extraterrestrial and angelic. Donald Trump was chosen by the Alliance to lead a worldwide effort with Putin, Xi, and Modi, working in cooperation with the broader Alliance to wrest control back from the elite powers that have been in charge of earth;s affairs for millennia. A Quantum Financial System has been created by the Alliance that will encompass all commerce and human interaction on earth, and beyond earth. As the Cabal is brought down and removed from their control, the QFS will be gradually implemented to replace the current debt-slavery paradigm with one of freedom and prosperity for every citizen of the earth.

Despite huge Alliance progress, the Cabal has leaked information to craft stories that allow them to continue to manipulate the minds of many of the people. They know if they can make a person believe something, then it becomes real. Fear has been a very damaging weapon they have used against us. The Cabal has had a plan to do a cashless society that required a chipped frequency with DNA-activated devices and virtual wallets on cell phones for some time. But this was not their original idea; they have always made a habit of stealing the ingenuity of those they control and twist the ideas of others into something that prioritizes their interests over our own.

They have been selling us a story of future technology that will change our lives for the better, all the while holding back advanced tech out of view so as to maintain control and optimize their benefit for as long as possible. Progress is the natural path of human evolution, especially given our remarkable creativity imagine what we can accomplish if not held back. The awakened masses are learning they do not need to be controlled to advance; we don't need someone else in self-proclaimed authority to choose what will happen to us. We can decide for ourselves, for we create our own reality. What would we create if all of a sudden we are in charge of our own destiny, instead of the Cabal? Would we take the good of all future tech and craft it into a master global solution for human benefit and positive change?

The broad strokes of the future are already known by the Alliance and the Cabal. Technology enabling us to see future timelines has been around since antiquity – something called the Looking Glass. The Cabal knows the Light side will win and that all their control and power is going to be decentralized back into the hands of the people – soon. The COVID 19 false flag “plandemic” and the fear raised around it in an attempt to kill many and collapse the world economy is one of their final stands to slow their inevitable demise. It has been a double edge sword, however. The Earth Alliance and Space Alliance are using the Cabal's false flag to initiate the final take down of the Cabal, the round up of indictments and the take over of underground bases, as well as the freeing of child slaves, and bringing to an end sex trafficking and other satanic practices and deranged sexual predilections.

If you are still complacently swallowing the blue pill, it is time to awaken to the real truth and the ensuing movement on behalf of the people to manifest the reality we know in our hearts to be true. It is time to embrace the truth. Each of us is offered two doors. We each have a choice. Which will you walk through? Will you fight to preserve a dying debt-slave paradigm or choose prosperity and freedom?

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