Sunday, April 12, 2020

Pulse Check

My life is evolving. It is gradually transitioning from one of doing things to one of experiencing the spontaneous unfolding of the eternal now. Maybe I am just getting old. Naw! I am living more from a deep awareness and acceptance of what each moment presents. Increasingly I find my mind is becoming freer of the trappings of thoughts about the past and concerns about the future. I am becoming an empty cup on a pathless path.

When I come to realize any perception as polarized, it falls away. Increasingly I cease to take a stand for or against anything. Neutrality is the flag I fly. All that occurs before me is of a temporary nature. Soon I will fly beyond it all, so why get excited about any of it! Less and less am I disturbed by anything that goes on as I unbuckle my attachment to the world. While waves of impermanance wash over me, I maintain my confident outlook with love and compassion ready to share with all. Everything is perfect as it is. It should be, it is just the way I created it.

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