Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Journey is the Destination

The holy books say we are created in the likeness of a perfect Creator. Quantum physicists say that there is no space or time, only the infinite here and eternal now. Therefore, as conscious beings, we must be eternal and have no boundaries. If we can be liberated from the boundary of time, then there should be no worry and no stress in life. Loosening our attachment to anything that will pass should better allow us to focus on the immediate moment. There is nothing to fear when there is nothing to lose.

I am a vast, infinite being with no limits except for those I impose upon myself. Everything that is occurring in my world happens within my consciousness, outside of time and space in the eternal creative moment. Now is all there is, all there ever has been, and all there ever will be. If everything is within my own consciousness, then I am the creator of everything I perceive. If there is something I am not satisfied with, it is entirely within my creative ability to immediately remake my reality to reflect all that I wish to experience. All I need to do is redirect my perception of the world and my thinking to construct the life I desire.

Through the power of our intention and attention, we can direct our thoughts to re-script the reality that is bound by the construct of time into the infinite multi-dimensional landscape where it truly resides. Let us all focus on what in-spires us most. By choosing our highest preference at every moment, we come into greater alignment with our Higher Self and approach a life of bliss. We create our own reality. Why not create a masterpiece?

Physical reality is all an illusion, a holographic projection of consciousness. It is a reflection of our consciousness. All is reflection. Everything in life is
mirroring back to us our beliefs and our thought vibration; reality reflects our state of mind. When we begin to look at everything as an experience unto itself, we can begin to break away from the continuity of life and the linearity of a reality that links things together, living in a new paradigm of timelessness.

It is important to slow down. Breathe in and really BE in the experience of the moment. Stop hurrying through something so that you get to something else sooner. Absorb the reflection of the experience at hand, without forcing it or hurrying. The journey is the destination. It is not about the goal, but our engagement along the way. Forget about life taking you somewhere. Stay present, stay in the moment, keep expanding, and enjoy the ride!

"The art of living…
is neither careless drifting on the one hand
nor fearful clinging to the past on the other.
It consists in being sensitive to each moment,
in regarding it as utterly new and unique,
in having the mind open and wholly receptive.”
 Alan W. Watts 

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