Monday, April 20, 2020

Turn On Your Light Codes

There are many reasons why things are occurring on the earth as they are right now; some are not apparent to most people - multidimensional reasons. For many of us across the globe it is time to get to work and remember why we were born into this time, what we are really doing here in human form. I am not in this form as a living, breathing human being just to have a wonderful or challenging human experience. Never have I been. For a long time I have known I am in this human form, along with millions like me, in order to help shift consciousness for all of humanity on the earth plane. Massive purges have begun, with many to follow. Some of us will be ready to navigate the changes upon us and show the way for the rest of humanity that isn't quite ready yet to follow.

One of the things this quarantine that is upon us is allowing some of us to do is to pause, and to upgrade light codes and activate them. If this resonates with you – the reader - then take the time right now to connect. If not, then don't worry about it. Let it be. Stop reading here if you like. Maybe your suspicions of my being full of crap are true. But if it does turn a light on somewhere within, and you seem to remember, then this is the time you may have been waiting for. Those of us who are lightworkers have done a huge amount of work and now we need upgrades to prepare for the next round of massive purgings that are happening.

When each of us came here to this planet as beings of light we were given light codes, held within our DNA, which naturally turn on as we hold more light. Their purpose is to enable us to better navigate multidimensionality and explore more of our greater light being consciousness that has dropped into this body. Eventually, in another now moment, we will completely integrate and fully embody the being of light from which we originated in another now moment that is with us now in this physicality.

Each of us has a larger family of light which is an integral part of us, surrounding us right now trying to get our attention to let us know it is time. It is time for a massive upgrade and integration into that higher light being that we are. It is not complicated or difficult. It is only a matter of readiness – readiness to surrender to what we each will become. The human aspect of us, the ego, likes to control, but we must now be willing to give in and let go of that.

Wherever we are in our evolution of consciousness as sovereign beings on our human journey, the time is ripe for a quantum upgrade of light codes, with the aid and support of the network of beings from our light family. It is time to co-create and turn on this next level of light codes to shift into more of who we are that dropped into this human form. When it happens, we are going to know it.

The aspect of you who is reading this right now is the human aspect of ego and personality, and the mind. Behind that human aspect is the light being and consciousness that is in the background watching it all. This next level of upgrade is allowing this aspect of ourselves that is behind us to merge further into our human aspect in this here and now. As you are walking around, if you are in tune with your higher being, you will be able to feel that higher version of yourself navigating. The ego is going to become more quiet as this light being consciousness steps in more to help you navigate. In the process each of us will begin to listen more and more to the beings surrounding us – our team – to assist us. Before we dropped into human form we agreed along with our team to work together to help lift us higher at this point in our now.

Everything that is occurring in the world right now is for the purpose of slowing us down, getting us more focused, and upgrading us. The frequencies that our bodies are now holding will determine how much of a jump we will make at this time, and how much of our light codes are actually activated. But we have to be able to surrender to the unseen results of these upgrades. We have to be willing to accept everything that is going to be shifting in our lives. We have to allow ourselves to be exhausted. We have to allow ourselves to eat differently. We have to allow ourselves to perhaps not have conversations with people the way we used to.

We can continue doing everything we have been doing – we just have to take it up a notch. We can either say, “yes, I'm ready, let's go - I'm ready to become whatever it is that I need to become”; or we can hedge and say “let me think about this a little bit”. You have to be honest about it.

There is nothing special about this. You don't have to be vibrating at some super high frequency. You don't have to be eating vegan food. This is the now moment for many of us, however. You no longer have to wonder how to step into your higher frequencies. This is it – it's just a matter of surrender. The time is now. Just trust the way you feel.

Take all the time you need, lay down and call in your family of light. Call in your guides. Call in your angels. It doesn't matter what you call them. You don't even need to know who they are. Tell them you are ready to receive the next dose of activation. You are ready for your upgrades. You are ready to become the next highest level of yourself. Then ask that they turn on the next level of light codes. You are not in charge of deciding which light codes are turned on. Those around you in the angelic ream take care of everything. Just say “I'm ready. Let's go.” Then lay back and let them do all the work.

Your body may twitch. You may conk out and fall asleep. You may see things floating like a movie through your visual field. Maybe you will think of things long ago or have a conversation in your head. Or you may just feel a huge amount of light and feel numb and tingly. There is no set way for this to be experienced. Withhold all expectation and just be quiet and receptive.

It is so important as we move more and more into the being of light that we are that we let go of attachments, that we let go of trying to figure anything out. Forget about wondering: “Did I do it right? Did it work or did it not work?” Let all of that go. This is simple. Our ego makes it complicated. It is we who make it difficult.

The more you are able to align with the higher aspect of yourself, the more you will remember and the easier this will become. The more you hold that higher frequency, the more you vibrate in resonance with your family of light that surrounds and supports you at every moment. There is no doubt anymore. Remain firm and solid, aligned, and sovereign. You are no longer swayed by the minutia of day-to-day happenings or the fear broadcast by the media.

No one is going to do this for you. We have to do it for ourselves through intention, and then trust the process. Once you surrender, your connection to your family of light becomes much more transparent. The ways of your lower aspect gradually dissolve as you get aligned with a higher frequency, closer and closer to that being of light that you really are. As your world becomes more and more focused on the now, this moment, it will become much less complicated and flow more harmoniously around you as you rise up in consciousness.  Just let it happen.  Let it be.

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