Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What if Death was Optional?

What would you do differently if you suddenly learned that you could live to two hundred years of age and beyond? Innovative scientists may be on the threshold of extending human life and the quality of that life so that we may have more time to continue investigating and learning and enjoying the great mysteries of this life on earth. Even if you are in your 50's or 60's or 70's or 80's, if you live just a little longer, what will you do if given the opportunity to extend your life, with renewed vigor, by at least another one hundred years? Consider it, because you may yet be given the option to extend your living experience sooner than you think.

Medical science and our knowledge of who and what we are as a sentient species is once again being challenged at its very core. According to Dr. Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD., and his research partner Dr. Stefania Pacini, we are less than one percent human, if you figure that more than 99% of the DNA contained within us belongs not to us, but to the microbes which we effectively host.

Dr. Ruggiero has innovated a microbial formula which can not only arrest human bio-deterioration and degeneration, but will systemically reverse the effects of human aging and extend human life to spans which we have heretofore never imagined possible. The innovation consists of a natural, specially formulated microbial complex, taken twice daily as a capsule, enema or sub-lingual spray, whereupon an interaction occurs within the microbiome to significantly augment gut-manufacture of the Klotho long-chain protein, the recently discovered ‘gene of immortality’. Coupled with a unique and proprietary method of delivery and thereby assimilation of the Klotho enzyme throughout the entire cellular system, the human bio-form is now poised to reverse and eradicate cancer, neuro-degenerative disease, and the effects of aging itself. The formula will reverse those entropic effects, rebuilding and rebooting every aspect of our physiology - all in a single protocol.

Are we at the onset of a re-genesis of humankind from mortality to immortality? The leading minds on the forefront of discovery are assuredly in agreement with this conversation and the latest medical and scientific journals are becoming increasingly testament to. Notions engrained in the Atlantean and Lumurian mythos emerge once again, as well as countless Biblical passages referencing men of old living to almost a thousand years, invite us ito remember that we are still a young and naive species every bit as much as we prefer to imagine ourselves as brilliant and capable.

Despite a mounting fervor of interest in the subject of life-extension, the capacity to naturally engineer human life into its immanent perfection will likely be met with much derision and confoundedness in the coming days. In a world so entrained with fear and decadence, how is a status quo propped up by the continuance of war, disease and poverty, likely to respond to a medical scientific breakthrough which promises the resurrection of humankind from death, disease and entropy?

Certainly, as scientists and the brightest medical minds scrutinize the revelations of Dr. Ruggiero and begin to think about the ramifications of what he has pioneered, we will see a rekindling of hope and wonderment in longevity. Dr. Ruggiero's Immortalis Klotho Protocol, as it is now coined, will be dispensed for the next two to three years within a measured and strictly limited client-base trial in various nations. Scientists will be studying its effects upon divergent genomes, among people enjoying different lifestyles and dietary configurations, set within differing environmental conditions. Based on the findings, which so far have exceeded expectations, Ruggiero's Protocol may become available before the middle of the decade – time enough for each of us to give thought to how we would answer the opening questions.
Adapted from the Epilogue by Sacha Stone in the book Your Third Brain

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