Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Choosing Gratitude

Quantum mechanics tells us that many realities exist side-by-side and that it is as easy to switch between them as it is to step six inches to the right or left. The reality you choose at any point in your life is just as solid and real as the one that someone else chooses, so much so that you may not recognize that they are different, in fact.

There are many levels of experience within the same event, and we choose the level at which we will have our experience. Is it a pleasant, fearful, painful, joyous, fun or monotonous experience? That depends on our focus at that moment. It is a choice. We are sovereign creatures of free will. The life we experience is ALWAYS of our own choosing.

If you see life as a painful struggle, you get pulled into that reality. It is very real to you and everyone around you will agree, “Yep, life is tough.” As a test, take your attention off whatever stresses you right now in life – maybe it's the coronavirus - and place your attention on happy thoughts, which will raise your frequency. The world may look the same, but the energy of it will be different. If you stay in that uplifted space, it won’t be long before you vibrate yourself into a situation that better suits your new vibration.

If there is anything in your life that is causing you stress or unhappiness, remove all negative attention or worry from it and know that you are okay no matter what happens because everything you encounter is carrying you to greater wisdom. Nothing can happen that does not serve your greatest good.

Focus on something that vibrates at a higher frequency. It doesn’t matter what that is, but gratitude is an excellent choice. Think of something that you feel blessed to have in your life and allow that feeling to grow. Let go of whatever crisis you are facing, but continue to feel gratitude. Gratitude brings joy. Your frequency is greater in this vibration so you make better choices that bring desirable changes. So, find your happy thought and see what shifts in your life!

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