Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Leave it to Donald Trump to keep Twitter guessing. Just after midnight EST on May 31, 2017, the president did what the president often does at odd hours - he sent out a tweet. But this one, rather than attacking a political opponent or offering up a 140-character policy position, just plain made no sense: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe."

"Covfefe"? No one knew what it meant. Surely it was a mistake that the president would soon delete. But after five minutes, he didn’t. Then more time passed. Before long, social media was in a mad dash to try to define Trump’s typo. News reports followed, and soon a five-alarm internet fire was burning.

According to Diane Marshall in the Urban Dictionary, Covfefe is an Antediluvian term for "In the end we win." It was commonly used by the sons of Adam to rail against the evil actions of the fallen who had led man astray. Interesting choice of a word for the president to use in any context.

Those on the Left had a heyday with his ‘ignorance,’ of spelling and vocabulary, saying there was no such word, but Patriots, understanding that the president does everything for a reason, knew something important was being revealed…. but what …and when would we know? What was this new word… CoVFeFe?

The world watched as 5G slowly came into view. Would our internet capabilities soon become like nothing we have ever seen? 5G is rapidly being welcomed with open arms to give us remarkably faster internet capabilities. This technology, which boasts of considerable increased data speed, leaving 3G and 4G in the dust, consists of high frequency radio waves that will immediately impact all of our smart devices with faster downloads. On the horizon with 5G, are efficient self-driving cars, more drones, robotic surgeries, and a dramatic change in how each one of will forever after do everyday business.

Many studies have taken place on how electromagnetic radiation may affect the environment. Initial conclusions indicate that this radiation would indeed pose a potential risk to bird and insect orientation and the healthy cellular growth of plants. Implications in regard to human complications with 5G include the incidence of additional cancers, reproductive infertility, suppressed immune function, major neurological problems, migraines, organ damage, DNA strand breaks, oxidative damage, protein stress, disruption of glucose metabolism in the brain, reduction of melatonin, bleeding in the brain, and disruption of metabolism at the cellular level. Studies are far from concluded in these areas, but present a cautionary warning to us all about the potentially deleterious effects of 5G.

Are we proceeding too quickly to implement 5G before we know more about its effects?

So what is CoVFeFe and what is its connection to 5G? Cobalt (Co-49%) – Iron (Fe-49%) – Vanadium (V-2%) together makes a soft magnetic alloy with the highest flux density of any strip core alloy, making it ideal for use in tape and magnetic cores in many innovative technologies. The magnets clean up the impurities from 5G working at an ionic level, keeping oxygen from being depleted, making harmless, the high radio frequency radio waves.

If 5G in and of itself is harmful to our environment and all who live in it, perhaps CoVFeFe is the technology being implemented to protect us from dangerous electromagnetic radiation effects. President Trump, certainly not in ignorance, once again seems to be one step ahead of the game with his CoVFeFe reference. Let us hope this will enable the implementation of 5G to proceed to quickly advance the way we do things, while protecting the health of all of us and the environment.

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