Thursday, April 2, 2020

Opening the Third Eye

The pineal gland or sixth chakra is located deep within the center of the brain and was considered by French philosopher Rene Descartes to be the “seat of the soul.” Mainstream society has long overlooked the pineal gland, but evidence of its multifaceted function is coming to light as the consciousness of the planet rises. The pineal gland has served as a symbol of spirituality, intuition, and clairvoyance in many religious traditions across time. It is often referred to as the “third eye” because it possesses a lens, cornea, and retina, and has light sensitive internal structures that are similar to the rods and cones of the eyes. Once activated, it allows an individual to perceive into the spiritual realms.

Unfortunately, toxicity in our environment - of our own making - has caused the third eye to calcify and become dormant in most people in the West. An awakening is occurring, however, in which more and more people are rediscovering their third eye abilities as alternative science uncovers what were once well-known mysteries of the sixth chakra.

The primary function of the pineal gland as understood by mainstream science is to produce melatonin during sleep, as well as regulate body temperature and skin coloration, all of which depend upon the presence of light from the sun. Melatonin, a hormone produced from serotonin, is secreted by the pineal gland only in the absence of light, and is responsible for repairing cells, governing circadian rhythms, and eliminating free radicals. Any deficiency in melatonin production is a direct result of atrophy of the pineal gland, which in turn leads to difficulty sleeping and accelerated aging. Many neurological diseases, including autism, Alzheimer's Disease, depression, dementia, anxiety disorder and Parkinson’s disease, have connections to abnormal sleep patterns and are directly linked to pineal gland dysfunction.

The cells of the pineal gland become damaged and calcified due to exposure to electromagnetic radiation, especially while sleeping, like from a digital clock or cell phone left next to the bed at night; or the presence of any light during sleep for that matter. All these interfere with the signals that tell the pineal gland to start producing melatonin. When we have our cellular devices in our bedrooms they are emitting radiation and EMFs which the pineal gland recognizes as light, therefore reducing the production of melatonin, directly impacting our brains, sleep, happiness and spiritual connection.

It doesn’t stop with cell phones. Wifi does the same thing. There have been studies about the stress levels of people with and without WiFi and the data is hands down that WiFi in any form is not good for human health. In a study done in a school environment, children planted seeds near WiFi and other seeds in a non-WiFi area. Guess which seeds never opened? Nonetheless, in this day and age of widespread use of WiFi and cell phones, it doesn’t mean we can’t turn them off at night or leave the phone in the kitchen.

Supplemental melatonin can drastically reduce the rate of pineal atrophy, slow down the aging process, and treat a wide array of diseases by boosting the immune system, allowing the pineal gland to maintain a balanced ratio between melatonin and serotonin levels in the body. Cancer patients have been successfully treated with supplemental melatonin, many seeing a significant improvement in their condition. Even though melatonin is a vastly important part of pineal health, it is not the compound responsible for inducing mystical experiences. That would be DMT, also produced by the pineal gland, the subject of my post of March 8, 2020.

There are many toxins in our food and environment responsible for pineal calcification. Two pervasive substances in modern industrialized nations are aluminum and glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup. These two toxicants work together to induce severe neurological damage. Calcification prevents the pineal gland from functioning correctly and leads to decreased melatonin and DMT production.

Add to that fluoride, mercury, and a plethora of processed foods and you have some idea what our pineal glands are up against. Fluoride is found in toothpaste and most of America’s water supply, and is one of the chief causes of pineal calcification. A calcified pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride and mercury have been shown to effect brain function as well, and to even lower IQ. Mercury can be found in vaccines and tooth fillings, and has been linked to the onset of autism in young children. Fluoride can be removed from tap water with filters specifically designed for that, or we can drink spring water. Mercury and other heavy metals can be removed from the body, as well, with supplementation.

Processed foods contain a plethora of additives, chemicals, and artificial compounds that indirectly cause pineal calcification, as well as a host of other health problems. Over half of the standard American diet consists of processed foods. Since their inception in the early 1920's, processed foods have become a staple in many American diets, with Americans consuming 31% more processed food than fresh food.

There are numerous ways to activate and open the third eye; each method can be individualized to suit a person's needs. One of the most widely practiced pineal activation techniques is through meditation. Through the science of neuroplasticity, a person can intentionally rewire their brain. A variety of patients with terminal illnesses have been able to successfully rewire their brains merely through positive intention and deliberate thought.

When a person is awake and alert they are generally in a beta state. When one begins to enter a meditative trance the brain enters alpha, theta, and gamma states, with the latter being the slowest and most conducive for healing. These slower frequencies allow the brain to readily access the field of quantum possibility when an intention is set because the brain is not preoccupied with tasks of daily survival and is able to expand its focus beyond everyday needs. Therefore if a person sets an intention to open their third eye, it can be activated with regular meditation practice.

The use of supplements coupled with a more plant based diet is an excellent way to decalcify the pineal gland. Nascent iodine is an electrified form of iodine that is readily absorbed by the body, helping eliminate fluoride, bromine, chlorine, and other toxins. Not only does nascent iodine remove pineal toxins, but it also stimulates the thyroid, improves mental clarity, and aids in boosting the immune system.

Chaga fungi (see previous post) is one of the best supplements for pineal decalcification because of its high melanin content. Melanin is produced by the pituitary gland in the presence of melatonin and is a primary pineal food source. Chaga is one of the highest natural sources of antioxidants, and helps balance the immune system and prevent cancer, as well as a host of other diseases. Chaga fungi can be made into powder, tea, and single or dual extracts. Dual extracts are the most potent because they contain both the water and alcohol soluble compounds of the mushroom and are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.

Adding magnesium bicarbonate to drinking water not only decalcifies the pineal gland, but alkalizes the body and eliminates calcium deposits that have formed in other tissues and organs. Magnesium in water is absorbed 30% faster than magnesium in food and the bicarbonate amplifies the amount of magnesium absorbed by cells.

Since the pineal gland is a light sensitive, sun-gazing is also a simple way to decalcify it. Sun-gazing is the practice of looking at the sun during the hour of sunset or sunrise in order to absorb its light energy. See my previous blog posted yesterday about sun gazing for improved health.

Science once believed the pineal gland was a vestigial organ with no function, but its mysteries are slowly unraveling as science and spirituality merge their understandings. As people begin to connect to their spiritual nature through pineal decalcification, meditation, and other holistic practices, the power of intention, belief, and thought will increasingly become a means of healing and spiritual attunement. We have only just begun to tap into the importance of the pineal gland to our overall physical and spiritual wellbeing. As scientific evidence continues to confirm its importance, we may find mystical experiences becoming used more and more as tangible tools for physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Adapted in part from the writing of Kevan Ryon at the Awake and Empowered Expo

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