Sunday, April 19, 2020

Creating the World We Want

Physical reality is experienced by our definition of it. If we see something as bad or negative, then this will be our experience of it. The way we respond to life comes primarily from the definitions that we place upon things. If the world around us appears negative, we must take a look at how our definitions are clothed in negativity and how our emotions are polarized.

Everything in life is a reflection of our thoughts. The way we define life and the meaning that we give it is exactly how we experience it. Each one of us creates our own reality. Each one of us creates our own misery. Each one of us creates our own joy. Whatever we are thinking, feeling, or projecting, whether consciously or unconsciously, we send to the mirror of physical reality. The mirror can only respond by reflecting back what is before it. It is these reflections that form our life experience.

Reality is the product of our strongest beliefs. Wish to change something in life? Consider changing definitions and assigning new meanings to things that you view as negative. By doing so, a new reality may just manifest right before your eyes.

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